
Stage Yellow Enlighted People?

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So obviously spiral dynamics isn’t a map that truly deals with nonduality or enlightenment. I think it’s clear that there’s correlation but going back hundreds of years ago, it’s pretty safe to say Stage Orange didn’t even exist but there were still spiritual masters that may have been mostly blue or purple or even red (depending on the person, their shadow, era in history, and culture, and I’m sure many other factors). 

I’m curious though on possible examples of enlightened people at Stage Yellow. I have a hard time wrapping my head around this considering a. I’ve yet to have a real awakening experience, and b. It seems like too much conceptualism for an enlightened person to spend much time in... I say that lightly though. Given that there seems to be degrees on the nondual path I don’t want to make such bold claims like that. So I take that with a grain of salt.

Thoughts on this? Possible examples?

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Don't mistake cultural background with the stages. Read about Buddha, Muhammad (the one who founded Islam) and others. They were doing some pretty nasty stuff which was completely normal back then. Also someone might be half Yellow and half Turquoise, there are various degrees on Enlightenment and most people are mixtures of stages.

Maybe someone might have a strong INTELLECTUAL understanding of spirituality (like me) but lack an EXPERIENTIAL understanding of it.

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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