
Arguing habit...

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I have a habit of always Arguing if someone disapproves me, I want to know why!? And also I will argue over things which are against truth... such as my mother will make a comment about my knowledge For medicine... and I will continue arguing with her until she approves my advice... and sometimes I feel frustated and rejected while I’m arguing... why do i argue with everyone.... when i feel someone don’t follow what I say ..... I DONT WANT MYSELF TO LOOSE THE BATTLE.l at any cost

Edited by Ingit

?IngitScooby ?

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@Ingit you do it because you have no idea what you are and what a thought is.

unborn Truth

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I want that GO... :/ Thank you all

?IngitScooby ?

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At least you are aware of it. That's a fantastic start imo.
The mind is fighting for it's life during arguments. It thinks it will die if it loses :) 

I have a challenge for you : Next time you start arguing with someone and you know they are wrong, change your tune and tell them they are right. It will be like a gun shot to the head, but you won't die. 

Edited by martin_malin

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