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Osho: Work as meditation

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Work As MeditationOsho on Work as Meditation

"Work is a necessary part of your transformation. Groups clean your mind but without work the mind will again gather rubbish. Meditation takes you into beyond-the-mind, but it starts cutting roots from the body-mind, and I want you to be with a wholesome integrated personality. Therapists clean the rubbish that centuries have poured into the mind, then work should make the body rooted in the ground, and then meditation can grow like flowers of a tree in the high sky.

"People need to change the attitude that exists about work, particularly in the Western mind. Meditation should be part of the work, not separate from it.

"Work and relaxation are not contradictory. In fact, the more you put yourself into work the deeper you can go into relaxation. So both are important. The harder you work the deeper you can relax. Work is valuable. It will bring humbleness and silence. People should feel that their work is something very special, and that whatever work they do is respectable."

"The emphasis should be on full-time work. 6 hours a day is perfectly okay. Work is part of the whole program – when you work, work as if it were a group therapy. Call it "work meditation". If you really want to meditate and get into yourself, at least 6 hours work is a necessity – is part of the whole change in your energy. It is scientific. For 6 hours you should forget everything else – forget the whole world, forget your problems – whatever work it is, be total in it. Then something is possible."



What do you think, is it possible to do highly cognitive demanding work while meditating (studying for example) or should the two habits be separated?  

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Do one thing at a time. 

When meditating, just meditate and nothing else. When studying, study and nothing else. 

Working hard when it comes to meditation will transform your life. 

Many people think they can get all the love, peace and happiness in the world with no effort.

You have to put in effort before you realize the effortless. 

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