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Is this an enlightenment experience?

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4 years ago, I was 16y, at that time I didn't know what is meditation let alone enlightenment, I also didn't have any interest in anything spiritual nor cared. On night I was chilling at home and suddenly out of nowhere .. I wasn't there but everything else was, I can't explain it any better.. I was absent but the world was there, I don't know for how long, there was no time, it was instant and eternal at the same time, and suddenly my sense of self is back, but my constant flow of thoughts was gone, my internal voice was gone. Needless to say I freaked out, but surprisingly I wasn't afraid, I felt absolutely no fear, anxiety was gone, self criticism was gone, my body moved like it moved itself, and when I talked my words spoke themselves, I felt absolutely liberated from everything. But I felt strange, so I tried to generate some mental noise, but no matter how hard I tried my head was blank,  I immediately rushed out the apartment, and I was so mindful, so here and now, and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't get lost in thoughts or daydreams, for some reason this was an issue at that time, a frustrating one. But I didn't feel any frustration at all, I didn't feel anything at all really, I was just "blank", a stable unmovable blank. I could hear my self whispering to me every couple minutes but the voice was so quiet I could barely hear it, I was screaming to myself like if I was going to die, but the voice sound was so low, almost fading. This continued until suddenly I hear the thought "hit your head" and immediately I started hitting my head like crazy, and in about 5-10 minutes of me hitting my head the mental noise I am used to gradually rose, "I" or "the voice" was very satisfied, and so I went to bed and woke up the next day to my internal voice which was very happy I jumped Out of bed in joy. 

Okay there's something fishy here no doubt, it's almost like I possess this living organizem, like a demon or something.. oh fuck. 

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