Reply to Post Your Disagreements With Leo Here

By Philip,
Those critiques I'm about to express could also come from my own blind spots. Overall, Leo's one of the most intelligent beings I ever saw, and maybe the person I have the most resemblance with. Just older and more developed. But still, here are my critiques : He seems to belittle the difficulties involved with eliminating addictions, but more precisely drugs. His attitude seems to be "Stop doing drugs already ! That's so obvious, you should already be over this by now !" I'm clearly exaggerating his opinion here, but he does seem to lack a bit of understanding of why so much people around the world are stuck with this problem, Maybe he doesn't really know anyone who takes drugs, because he didn't have so much friends in his life. He never took drugs, so he probably can't imagine how addictive it is either. He seems to have way more vision for his own life than he has vision for society. I know he talks about solving lots of problems in society, about making reforms in different institutions, or about reaching stage yellow, stage turquoise and collective enlightenment. But he doesn't seem to develop a lot on how technology and science could radically change the nature of human life within the next decades. He seems to discard the possibility of avoiding death with the help of medicine. He doesn't talk a lot about transcending the capitalist paradigm of our modern society. Ambitious revolutions like this. I'm not a fan of the whole "becoming a yogi and spending the rest of your life in a cave in the Himalayas". Sure I'd love if he went there for 10 or 20 years. But as long as he comes back to share his unbelievable insights and wisdom someday. The world would really be emptier without his input. He should do more interviews with other Youtubers. He should already start working on his first book.  He should share more details about his life and his personal development. He should run for president.  Just kidding. He should release more videos so advanced that the title looks like they're from a philosophy lecture. For example : "Does Will Exist", "Why Rationality Is Wrong", "Radical Open-Mindedness", "How You Lie" So there's no big disagreements here. Just details. But it seems like the only way to deeply disagree with Leo is to only watch a couple of his videos. Then to complain about the videos being too long. Then to criticize a couple of sentences that Leo said by ignoring all the nuance that comes with most of his claims. Otherwise, it would be weird to argue that Leo is totally wrong about everything. He's always questioning himself so much already...