
Access to another Infinite Now

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When I was very young, my dad built a set of wardrobes in the main bedroom. All the doors had tall mirrors installed on them. I soon discovered that if I open doors of the adjacent closets, an infinity mirror effect happens. I was so fascinated by this. I used to just sit inbetween the doors, for hours, staring at infinite me s. At some point my consciousness was triggered and I awoke to something. This moment in my life is almost always present. This is where everything ends up. I feel like I never moved on, that part of me is still in the mirror. 

So recently, I am somehow sensing three moments at the same time. The mirror moment , the current ever-changing now, and moment at my death bed. I feel like the three of me are communicating. 

Have you ever contacted another Now? What is the point of this? What exactly is this illusion? How much further can this go?

Edited by Samra

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Ask yourself are those 3 events happening to 3 'l's?

Ask yourself are those 3 events happening in 3 different times or are they all happening now? 

If you are suspecting all of this as illusion, find out the root of that illusion. I'll give you a hint about illusions.

When your real 'I' aka the pure Consciousness without any objective quality identifies with a particular object, that is the mother of all illusion.

Very interesting mindfuck tho. Thanks for sharing it. Enjoy your contemplations xD

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@Preetom thank you for your feedback. I don't understand your hint yet. When you say particular object what do you mean ? The mirror?

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1 hour ago, Samra said:

So recently, I am somehow sensing three moments at the same time. The mirror moment , the current ever-changing now, and moment at my death bed. I feel like the three of me are communicating

My take on this...The mirror experience was a hint at your true infinite nature, the ever changing now, though that points to outward, it’s relevance is inward - thinking -, the thinking is what “covers” up the illusion or perpetuates it, and the relevance of the death moment ties back to the mirror moment, as a hint of what you’ll return to. So in a way, you saw a nature of what you are, you’re experiencing what you are (but with thinking / illusion) and you’ll only return to what you are. All of those are ‘happening’ in Now. The three are one. 

1 hour ago, Samra said:

Have you ever contacted another Now? What is the point of this? What exactly is this illusion? How much further can this go?

There is no other now, the ego/mind holds that there is for a very specific reason, and it is perfectly beautifully organic, it is as it should be. There are simple exercises you can do to realize this (the only Now factor) if interested, but heads up, the simplicity is jaw droppingly elusive.  

There is no point existentially speaking (fyi if that’s nihilistically sad, you don’t really get it so don’t worry about it), but in ordinary terms, you get to determine what the point is. Like you would use a pen & paper, or a computer to create a story - choosing a time, place, characters... those characters have no free will, they would be captive to what you write in the story, etc,... infinite you is creating finite you as a story. When Infinite “writes a story” there is free will for the character,  this “character” does not exist anymore than the ones written in books - because this character - you - are the same infinite creator, which loops back to this “very specific reason”.

How much further can this go?

This is up to each character.



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An object is anything with objective qualities. For example, thoughts, emotions, feelings, sensations, world etc anything that you can know.

Whereas consciousness or the real 'you' is that which knows all objects but itself cannot be known as an object.

So the question is are you having the experience of 3 consciousness or are you experiencing 3 thoughts/memories/imagination in one consciousness, at this one now. This now.

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