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Are we LIGHT? Leo can you confirm?

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@Leo Gura I address you in this post as well due to your background in math/physics as you have mentioned in your videos.

This post is for anyone with knowledge about physics or just some basis properties of Light.

Light is the one thing which we know has a Mass of ZERO.
It has no MASS (weight). That is what allows it to travel at the speed of light... and this is a werid way to put it - because that is its nature by default i.e. travel at the speed of light. Just like it is the nature of awareness to be knowing.

Now why do I say we are "light" or photons...

Because all of the properties of awareness can be applied to it.

First of all, light is not-a-thing or matter. it has no mass/weight - just like awareness

for light, when it travels between two distances/objects, it experiences no time - just like awarness

light is everywhere, all at once - in the structure of the reality, it can go from 'past' to NOW to 'future' and experience no passing of time - just like awareness

so we as light while we are in the state of individual mind are 'travelling' within the structure of reality and experieincing the 'change' which occurs around us as we move thru various 'frames' of reality

these frames of reality give the illusion of movement and speed

and we know nothing can travel faster than the speed of light... why? because we are IT. we are travelling at the speed of light observing the objects/reality as we do so. 


now here's the crazier part

as we as objects approach the speed of light, your vision starts to black out (see video below)

and at the speed of light is where the true nature of our reality is - there is no space or time at the speed of light. 

physics is pushing us towards the understanding of the structure of reality... and light is the key. again remeber, it is NOT - A - Thing . it is massless... 

behaves as a wave or a particle to create this reality around us. it is what 'shines' from the awareness to show us this reality


Love Is The Answer

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20 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

First of all, light is not-a-thing or matter. it has no mass/weight - just like awareness

It is collapsed. It is illusion / appearance.  

20 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

and we know nothing can travel faster than the speed of light... why? because we are IT. we are travelling at the speed of light observing the objects/reality as we do so. 


This apples to the entire illusion. There’s no such actual thing as ‘travelling’. There is no such thing as ‘the speed of light’. Leave it in the appearance, don’t try to port it into nonduality. (I realize this appears to imply a duality, only direct experience will do here.)

20 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

and at the speed of light is where the true nature of our reality is - there is no space or time at the speed of light. 

Your true nature is infinitely beyond anything you could reference.

Yet, there is a “light”, and you could say it’s one of these:


But this light is not the light referred to. It absolutely does not collapse. 

You are just about to the ‘edge’ of logic & reason though. Consider psychedelics and inward investigation to the same magnitude. Very excited for you. 

Also, consider a reveal in this that absolute is “””limiting”””” to itself in the appearance of reality. So light is collapsible because light (not the same “light”) the absolute, hence the law of one, nonduality, same for love, same for intelligence, (and I’m pretty damn sure humor) though these facets of absolute are not facets and are not what is referred to in the (collapsed) illusion with the use of these words. 

Maybe more clearly summed, absolute can’t be experienced, one can only experience it is what they are. Such is the light, the love, etc. 



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yes, that is indeed true from the "absolute truth" prespective

i feel in the current world of illusion we live in, the understanding of this along with qunatam mechanics is what will drive the global consciousness level to the next step and higher. 


i was mostly referring to the understanding of this and applying it into the "materialist" paradigm understanding to shift it to a non-materialist paradigm which is "closer" to the truth than the current global understanding model 

Love Is The Answer

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physics student here.

in physics light is separate from matter. light is a particle in the category "bosons", which is separate from the other category "fermions", therefore light is not everything.

look up quantum field theory. that theory says that everything is oscillation of fields.

i wouldnt try to describe awareness with concepts, because it will never catch it.

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8 minutes ago, Viking said:

therefore light is not everything.

yes. not light itself... was just generalizing... there are other particles, also massless which have these properties.. x-rays, gamma rays etc they all travel at these speeds too.. 

yes, i am sure in the large scale of things, it isnt much


but it certainly bridges an understanding for me with the light and awareness and structure of reality and how time/space behaves 


also. the way times passes quicker/slower for those in meditative states.. could be their channel of view assends to where the forms/objects are now ahead.. so they are in the 'future' relative to when they were before the meditative state and those 'others' around them are now in a past version/reality so to speak


anyhow - here's to the hoping some new major breakthrough is made in the illusiory world to raise the global consiouness higher and bring closer to the Truth.

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21 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

yes. not light itself... was just generalizing... there are other particles, also massless which have these properties.. x-rays, gamma rays etc they all travel at these speeds too.. 

not sure what you meant here, but x rays and gamma rays are the same photons with different frequencies (energies)

23 minutes ago, SoonHei said:

also. the way times passes quicker/slower for those in meditative states.. could be their channel of view assends to where the forms/objects are now ahead.. so they are in the 'future' relative to when they were before the meditative state and those 'others' around them are now in a past version/reality so to speak

human perception of time has nothing to so with "physical" time.

time in terms of physics depends on how fast youre traveling compared to another object. youre misunderstanding.

time in the human sense is neurology and psychology, not physics.

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