
What colour am I?

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I think yellow but I don’t fit as neatly as some of the descriptions. Is there an online test I can take? Or can you guys and gals help me figure out where I sit in and what I need to work on move in the correct direction. Thanks :)

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read up on the values and quotes and see which one fit you the most, be aware that you can have more than one color though, some blue, some orange, lotta green, a little yellow. Its not black and white no pun intended ;)

Dont look at me! Look inside!

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Thanks. Yes that makes sense. I align with yellow but I also notice other traits from the other colours. I also had pride when I heard that yellow is tier 2 so my ego is happy which is not the best outcome! ;)

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Almost all yellow humans will get "Architect" (Leo took it 2 years ago and got INTJ as well, he wrote it on forum). 

A yellow person would be able to easily identify himself as yellow (after studying about spiral dynamics) because yellow guys like to analyze their inner self. 

If after watching Leo's vids on stage yellow you are not still sure about your mixture of stages, then you are definitely not yellow.

Edited by MrDmitriiV

"It is the emptiness within the cup that makes it useful."

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Thanks. I think I fall into a the yellow category

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Consider reading the Spiral Dynamics book. Lots of information in there to help you categorise yourself. 

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@Artaemis thanks for analysing. I try to be honest in the presence of others. I have more work to do but I’m glad I am communicating well on a forum. I have a habit of trying to help others by playing devils advocate. Sometimes this is mistaken as ego to some folks! I also use emojis to keep the mood light :) 

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