
Leo has no clothes

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Somebody just needs to shut this thread down, seriously...xD:S

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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3 hours ago, Capital said:

Hahaha ! Perfect orange perspective to add to the orange mega thread .

Hahaha ! It's so funny when people disagree with me!


At least that's the easiest way to deal with it. Thank you for your useful comment. 

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5 minutes ago, DocHoliday said:

Somebody just needs to shut this thread down, seriously...xD:S

Why do you think that's necessary?


3 hours ago, Hsinav said:

Leo is God, so are you, the difference is that your not aware of it.

Could you please clarify 1) how this is constructive and relevant to the post and 2) what you mean by "God"?

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4 minutes ago, Pluck said:

Why do you think that's necessary?

Because replying to you is just as meaningful and valuable as this entire thread... 

Hey, what's up! This is Jack R. Hayes, I'm an author, currently living in Germany. Thus far, I've written two books, both in English and German; one's called "User's Manual for Human Beings", and the other one's called "The Wisdom Espresso". If you'd like to check out my work, visit me at  or go to Amazon and search for my name. I'd be happy to see you there!

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3 hours ago, Pluck said:

Exactly. You get it. It's not the things he talks about. I'm all for enlightenment, and I've had profound experiences beyond articulation myself. It's the way he lays out these things that makes me worry for some of those who are prone to manipulation. 

The main message of this post is, to put it in Leo's words: might just be a red herring. After all, when you don't think you're distracted, that's when you're truly distracted. When you don't think you're addicted to his videos, hence comments like "Yesss 2,5 hours videos" (as if it's a drug, which I think it is to many - to whom I am writing this very post), that's when you're truly addicted.

This red herring is kept interesting by laying out the content in a manner that promises a better future, but the case is, really, that all you can do is keep hoping that you might become 'enlightened' by meditating, which I'm sure most of his viewers don't do daily at all, by "researching" "deeper", and that, as you said, you have "so much more to learn", which, I think, there is some truth to, but they are words, and it's an abstract tone - meaning you don't reeeally know what he means when he talks... you just think it'll do you any good. My proposition is that it will not! Or, at least, it might not. 


Yeah, but you’re seeing ‘red herring’ from your own perspective.  You’re Perspective-Locked in your own perspective.  You assume that Leo’s perspective is wrong.  What if I turn that around on you and assume prima facie that your perspective is wrong.  You write this horribly organized intro to this discussion.  I could have judged you based off that alone and assumed you were in la la land yourself — but I didn’t.  I’m not saying you’re wrong in everything you say — but I think you’re too bought into your own perspective.  You’re on a mission to invalidate someone else’s perspective.  Leo does the work, he’s not some schlock.  Before I criticize Leo — and I do — and I like to believe I do it with love as a motive — I like to make sure I realize too that I’m coming from a unique perspective, and that my perspective is only one amongst billions of human perspectives.  

This idea that there’s ‘one right’ perspective on Enlightenment is false.  Every Enlightened being has their own unique conceptual system of Enlightenment.  So that humbles me before I criticize Leo.  I realize that someone could do exactly the same thing to me.  And how would that be constructive to me?  It could be.  But this I’m right about Enlightenment and you’re wrong as if you’re stating an empirical fact about reality is totally unsustainable.  

If you were Enlightened, the only reason you would criticize Leo is to try to see if you can help him with a sticking point that you see from your perspective.  And then he could do the same for you, if he were so inclined.  And on and on she goes — that’s what this Forum is about.  

The one macro-level thing that I think is screwing Leo up (and has been for some time now) is taking his psychedelic trips way too literally.  But that’s from my perspective, and I realize that.  From Leo’s perspective, I haven’t done enough psychedelics.  He thinks psychedelics have helped him — I think they’ve screwed up his conceptual understanding of Enlightenment, and have also set him on an unfortunate course of massive distraction and confusion in Personal Development (in my opinion).  Leo was much better off pre-5-MeO-DMT in my opinion insofar as the content of his videos is concerned.  So, there you have it — round and round the argument goes from each individual perspective — and there’s mine to add to the gigantic pile for what it’s worth.  Opinions are like bellybuttons, everybody has one.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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19 hours ago, Pluck said:

English is not a language to be used for investigating matters of truth

didnt leo say repeatedly throughout his videos and on this forum that truth can never be verbalised, and hes just showing us bumps in the road that some people get stuck on and how to overcome them?

-this all just philosophizing and argueing without doing. Did you actually try meditation/self-inquiry, etc. Rereading the last sentence i can see how a criticizeer would say "look how brainwashed you are!" In the end, everything is brainwashing, no? the only way to truly see what works and what doesnt is to do the practices instead of complaining. pretty much every single person has gotten great benefit from these methods. 

Edited by moon777light

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It would be nice if you could actually paraphrase Leo about what he said that you disagree with and show us exactly what and why it is wrong. You seem to be very vague with your explanations, I don't really see anything but empty critique.

I don't really see how you present any evidence for you being right, you are more of creating a web of paranoid conspiracies, that of course might be true, but why do you actually believe so firmly that it is?

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18 hours ago, Pluck said:

What's your point? I'm not taking anything personal, by the way. I'm enlightened, you know.

Thank you for that. Laughed for 10 minutes. Thank you. 

You won’t get any further without humility. You don’t really know what enlightened means yet. Nor, obviously, nonduality. 




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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

Thank you for that. Laughed for 10 minutes. Thank you. 

You won’t get any further without humility. You don’t really know what enlightened means yet. Nor, obviously, nonduality. 


Hehe.  I’m Enlightened and on an ideological warpath.  Something dudn't compute.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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1 hour ago, Pluck said:

Could you please clarify 1) how this is constructive and relevant to the post and 2) what you mean by "God"?

You want evidence of the truth, right?. That is not possible. Because everything is object for validation just except the absolute truth. To verify something as true there must be at least one parameter to work with. The Absolute truth doesn't´ have any parameters at all, because the parameters themeself are made out of it. The only way you can know this is from within yourself, so you will and can never get evidence from the outside.

To penetrate all the layers of emotions, thoughts and psychology to find THAT place inside you wich is far beyond all parameters is the most radical thing you can experience. From that place, Rocket-science looks very much like childrens play in a sandbox although there is nothing wrong with it and whatever so called "evidence of truth" that will come your way from science or logic,  won't perturb your understanding of the Absolute truth at all.

It´s a little bit like how just one look or one smile from a human being can penetrate the most advanced logic. You can´t prove it but you sure can sense it.

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Wow the title for this is very misleading lmao I thought @Leo Gura did something crazy in his newest video and was preparing to be very shocked lol Thought I seriously missed something :) 

@Pluck I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think Leo thinks he is literally God (please clarify @Leo Gura)

I think it's more of a motivational thing to get us to realize we have the power to do and be anything because we are in control of our lives more than we think. I could be wrong, but I can see how you could see a cult mentality forming. There are a few people on here that I have seen take it a little more seriously than they should and talk/defend Leo like he is the second coming of Christ, but I have seen Leo respond to them almost every time to correct and ground them. 

Again, I could be wrong, just stating what I have observed in my short time here. :)

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2 hours ago, zoey101 said:

Wow the title for this is very misleading lmao I thought @Leo Gura did something crazy in his newest video and was preparing to be very shocked lol Thought I seriously missed something :) 

@Pluck I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think Leo thinks he is literally God (please clarify @Leo Gura)

I think it's more of a motivational thing to get us to realize we have the power to do and be anything because we are in control of our lives more than we think. I could be wrong, but I can see how you could see a cult mentality forming. There are a few people on here that I have seen take it a little more seriously than they should and talk/defend Leo like he is the second coming of Christ, but I have seen Leo respond to them almost every time to correct and ground them. 

Again, I could be wrong, just stating what I have observed in my short time here. :)

No ! When leo says that he is a god , that's letteraly speaking , but he doesn't mean that he is the only god , no no no that would be a misunderstanding of the word god , You are a god as much as Leo as much as me ! There is only one god and nothing else which is everything .

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This is all a death cult, knew that already.  

P.S ego death to be more precise.

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@Pluck I recommend questioning why it is that you feel the desire to post what you posted.

Do you want to be the one who is the savior to all of us 'gullibles' who saves us from Leo and our own stupidity, thus asserting yourself as the best one among us because of your superior intellect and ability to see through the bullshit while we sheeple have the wool pulled over their eyes? Would that make you feel significant where perhaps you don't currently?

Or do you just have a lot of anger that you don't know where to place, so you decide to direct it toward whatever happens to bother you and now Leo is on the chopping block? And then you think, I must ruin that person to show that I have power? Would that make you feel less powerless?

Or does what Leo says, contradict the teachings of someone that you have come to idolize? And you attack him because you see him as a threat to your idol? Would that remove the negative feelings of cognitive dissonance when examining your worldview?

Or do you just need something to distract yourself from the emptiness of life because you are afraid. And if you stopped thinking and criticizing a sense of fear and dis-satisfaction may creep up on you? Would that make you feel more okay?

But one reason that I know you didn't write the comment is because you are genuinely concerned about the people on this forum. If you are honest with yourself, you will see that you don't care about us at all. If you really cared about people, you would pick a more effective way to help people and go after targets that pose more of a threat. 


Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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17 hours ago, zoey101 said:

Wow the title for this is very misleading lmao I thought @Leo Gura did something crazy in his newest video and was preparing to be very shocked lol Thought I seriously missed something :) 

@Pluck I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think Leo thinks he is literally God (please clarify @Leo Gura)

I think it's more of a motivational thing to get us to realize we have the power to do and be anything because we are in control of our lives more than we think. I could be wrong, but I can see how you could see a cult mentality forming. There are a few people on here that I have seen take it a little more seriously than they should and talk/defend Leo like he is the second coming of Christ, but I have seen Leo respond to them almost every time to correct and ground them. 

Again, I could be wrong, just stating what I have observed in my short time here. :)

Been seeing this ‘dilemma’ of yours coming for a while. Nobody thinks they’re God. You either know the Truth or you don’t. What you think, what you believe - THAT is what prevents you from knowing the Truth. 

Consider this in the simplest of terms: What’s the difference between belief, and Truth? of them is the Truth.



I think you should keep inquiring directly into this.  ??



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Does Leo have no clothes or do the clothes have no Leo xD:D

In all seriousness though I don't worship @Leo Gura or anyone for that matter but, when someone comes to me with good ideas I give that person a chance and Leo is the only person I've seen on the internet with a good sense of nuance and someone that seems like he takes the time to think about things instead of making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. 

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2 hours ago, Revolutionary Think said:

Leo is the only person I've seen on the internet with a good sense of nuance and someone that seems like he takes the time to think about things instead of making assumptions and jumping to conclusions. 

Really?  This sounds a bit suspicious.  I like Leo, but let’s not warp reality either.  Leo does not need us to warp reality in his favor. 

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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enlightenment, truly the damnedest thing ever.

what is being alive? what is the nature of experiencing?

the eternal hide and seek! existence is so playful!

i am in awe!!! WHAT A RECKLESS MYSTERY!!!!!

unborn Truth

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@zoey101 You’re not crying in a corner somewhere right now, I hope........?

Contemplate (take a few minutes to breath & let go, and direct this inquiry into yourself) why did you pick the name “Zoey101”, why did you pick the picture of the fox?




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@Joseph Maynor Don't get me wrong I don't mean the only one I guess I was exaggerating. The reason I said that was when I was lost in my life and I was looking for some form of truth I kept watching video of atheists debating religious people in this case it was rabbis because I am Jewish and Judaism seemed like the best way to go for a religion because throughout the years so many terrible things happened to Jewish people and they survived. Then I even went to a Jewish Young professionals place that had this non-religious Israeli guy speak about his near death experience and how it made him religious and I thought I finally found the answer that the meaning of my life is to become a religious Jew because that way I know I'm a good person and my afterlife will be secure. It wasn't until I became a bit disillusioned by the process of what being an Orthodox Jew actually meant that I couldn't do anything on Friday night and Saturday morning including driving, turning on lights, any form of work, and not being able to use anything that turned on and off. I was really suffering at that point because I always felt like I was putting my afterlife in danger. Although that was happening all atheist had to offer was nothing like nothing is important it's all meaningless deal with it and religion was if you don't adhere to these super ultra strict rules then you're going to be in trouble after you pass away. It wasn't until I found Leo's channel that it kind of felt like a middle ground atheism has gone nuts and religion has gone nuts but, here is truly finding out some kind of truth with a sense of not shoving it down someones throat and at the same time not telling them that all is just meaningless and nothing exists and it's all pointless. So that's what I got from his channel. Even when I didn't know about Leo I thought that there had to be someone like him out there. 

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