
Leo has no clothes

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damn it I just realised this probably another of snicks troll accounts

I've been bamboozled

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@Arman Is he some legendary troll? 



Edited by molosku

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32 minutes ago, Damir Elezi said:

Where I can agree with you, is that I also think some people might follow him in a cult-like manner, believing anything he says. Blind following is dangerous with every kind of philosophy. But that's why he encourages people to read and investigate stuff for themselves. 

I get that he can come off a bit arrogant sometimes, like he KNOWS that all the things everybody else KNOWS are wrong. But hey, we don't have to believe anything, right? To be honest all this enlightenment stuff has been going over my head lately. I can't quite wrap my head around it (as you would expect with an a-logical thing right?) and I don't quite "believe" in it, but I'm open to the possibility. At the moment I have other, more materialistic concerns though. I liked his series about spiral dynamics, made me see the world in a different way and made me a more understanding and empathic person for sure. 

What I can say though, is that this man, maybe more than anybody else on this planet, has given me insights, stuff to think about and motivation when I needed it most. Some of his videos have been so helpful that they pulled me out of a minor depressive episode and pushed me towards acting and following whatever I thought was right at that time. I don't agree with all of his videos, but I like the character he shows on youtube and some of his stuff is really eye-opening. I don't know where I would get such topics on a regular basis. 

I don't know what kind of person he is in real life, but the person he is on youtube definitely changed my life for the better. Calling him a schizophrenic narcicisstic psychopath is a little far-fetched I think, but what do I know? 

It's a youtube channel after all guys. Don't make a cult out of it, don't demonize, don't make him a kind of political person, if you can get some value out of his videos and if you find them helpful then watch them and go on with your life independently. Just keep an open mind and think critically. Nuff said. 

There’s a reason why Enlightened Masters aren’t arrogant.  They aren’t insecure about their own conceptual systems anymore, and they also see that ‘beliefs’ about ‘reality’ don’t got squat to do with Enlightenment.  You’re only arrogant when you’re trying to stave off something that you perceive as a threat.  Arrogance is an Ego Defense Mechanism against anticipated criticism.   If you could care less about chess and you overhear someone yell ‘checkmate’, it’s no more significant to you than hearing a bird chirp.  Alternatively, imagine the difference someone emotionally and intellectually invested in playing a game of chess feels when the person across the table yells ‘checkmate’.  You’ll probably feel like shit because you feel like you ‘lost’ something.  An Enlightened person isn’t playing that kind of game.  That’s why Enlightened people appear so chill and compassionate.  They no longer have a personal dog in the dumb fight, yet they see everybody else doing this.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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8 hours ago, Arman said:

What a pile of utter balogna. A good example of content that might sound impressive in a vacuum or to anyone who loves to get off on being highly polarized.  

I said this in a recent post, but you can shift context to make literally any statement true and then argue it, so I'm not going to argue any of your points except one as an example.

See that's a great way to bastardize truth to fit your emotional agenda. Sure, it's technically true with the way that you put it - which is stripped of its meaning, nuance and context. Did you happen to mention that this idea extends to say that everyone is God, not JUST Leo? No because that doesn't fit the narrative that he's an insane cult leader.

Here's my own 100% accurate statements

Hey, this is kinda fun! 

Positioning yourself as an authority and hooking people into your narrative is what teachers do. It's what any good marketer does. The difference between a dangerous cult and this community is that 99% of it just watch youtube videos and at most will buy some $97 course while the other percent post on a message board and argue non duality and occasionally talk about opening their third eye and how long it's been since they've jerked off. What the hell kind of weak ass cult is that? If you're going to claim to be a cult leader and you're not even having sex with multiple followers (mindfucking doens't count) then take your ass back to cult school because you have about as much authority and influence as a bald school principal who gets 'kick me' notes stuck to his back. 

If you think that people being highly invested in someone and becoming attached in a borderline unhealthy way makes that a dangerous cult, then so is literally every half popular youtube personality. 






Great post :)

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13 hours ago, Pluck said:

the viewers to keep them coming back

This is true, anyone who watches Leo should be able to see through this already, he always plugs at the end of the videos with statements such as looking down on you saying "how much you lack and how much you need to learn still", and "to keep up with the videos" or that "you will get left behind", etc, etc.

The plugs at the end are very obvious and anyone who can't see it is simply blind.

But I still like Leo's videos they are good entertainment and educational, he's bullshit is better than most bullshit.

And he's better than most people out there, content wise, so your rant against him isn’t' really justified.

I just don't like his approach of how everyone needs to live the exact same life as him and learn everything he has learned and read all the books he has and replicate everything, for example an artist (or other time consuming careers) just isn’t going to have enough time to follow Leo fully.

13 hours ago, Pluck said:

 but only if you know how to tease them away from the rest of his false malicious nonsense, for example, the flappery about witches and deities and “enlightenment” and “becoming infinite” and "just becoming reality". To me, it seems he has either gone off the deep-end with psychedelic drugs and is suffering from a schizoaffective episode, or else he is simply manipulating people with a show to gain power and influence over their minds.

haha yeah I noticed that too, he's kind of saying everything is real and true lately/now, lots of bizarre stuff.

Best way to follow Leo is not to fall into some of the traps, you should cherry pick what teachings will benefit you the most. I do NOT recommend to do EVERYTHING that Leo tells his audience.

Edited by blazed

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Interesting observations. I’ll stick around for the dik pics and free advice!

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43 minutes ago, Outer said:

No, Snick's only other account is probably only MarkusSweden, his English isn't as good as OP. Let's not speculate that people are trolling, please.

Pretty sure someone is creating lots of alt accounts though, the same agenda with the same personality is constantly popping up in the forums.

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Hahaha ! Perfect orange perspective to add to the orange mega thread .

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There is a different between spiritual ideology and spirituality , and you are talking about spiritual ideology here which some of followers may attached to but don't generalize and don't project this into leo ,because leo himself warns people not to be spiritual ideologists all the time in many different ways .

The  anti-rational and narcissist that you are talking about is a guy who is spiritual closed minded ideologist not a true enlightened spiritual , huge different ! 

Edited by Capital

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Leo is God, so are you, the difference is that your not aware of it.

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@Pluck Thank you for your warning.

You are an interesting individual. I hope that the rest of your posts will be equally well thought-out and entertaining.
I'm tempted to say one more thing, but please read it in the context of the whole post, not in separation:

Aren't you a brave one, coming here to the devil's den and protecting us, little defenseless sheeps.
Is that your ego, or is it egolessnses? Is there a difference?

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Well, there is a saying...


...and maybe it's a bit of a thing on

Edited by Edvard

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Pluck, it's simple. It has to do with Tier


You just don't get it. 

Towards the end of his video about stage turquoise he said to the viewers: 

Evolve, expand, grow, otherwise soon you won't be able to follow this channel anymore. is becoming more and more a Tier 2 playground. 



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4 hours ago, blazed said:

This is true, anyone who watches Leo should be able to see through this already, he always plugs at the end of the videos with statements such as looking down on you saying "how much you lack and how much you need to learn still", and "to keep up with the videos" or that "you will get left behind", etc, etc.

The plugs at the end are very obvious and anyone who can't see it is simply blind.

But I still like Leo's videos they are good entertainment and educational, he's bullshit is better than most bullshit.

And he's better than most people out there, content wise, so your rant against him isn’t' really justified.

I just don't like his approach of how everyone needs to live the exact same life as him and learn everything he has learned and read all the books he has and replicate everything, for example an artist (or other time consuming careers) just isn’t going to have enough time to follow Leo fully.

haha yeah I noticed that too, he's kind of saying everything is real and true lately/now, lots of bizarre stuff.

Best way to follow Leo is not to fall into some of the traps, you should cherry pick what teachings will benefit you the most. I do NOT recommend to do EVERYTHING that Leo tells his audience.

Exactly. You get it. It's not the things he talks about. I'm all for enlightenment, and I've had profound experiences beyond articulation myself. It's the way he lays out these things that makes me worry for some of those who are prone to manipulation. 

The main message of this post is, to put it in Leo's words: might just be a red herring. After all, when you don't think you're distracted, that's when you're truly distracted. When you don't think you're addicted to his videos, hence comments like "Yesss 2,5 hours videos" (as if it's a drug, which I think it is to many - to whom I am writing this very post), that's when you're truly addicted.

This red herring is kept interesting by laying out the content in a manner that promises a better future, but the case is, really, that all you can do is keep hoping that you might become 'enlightened' by meditating, which I'm sure most of his viewers don't do daily at all, by "researching" "deeper", and that, as you said, you have "so much more to learn", which, I think, there is some truth to, but they are words, and it's an abstract tone - meaning you don't reeeally know what he means when he talks... you just think it'll do you any good. My proposition is that it will not! Or, at least, it might not. 


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29 minutes ago, Kensho said:

Pluck, it's simple. It has to do with Tier


You just don't get it. 

Towards the end of his video about stage turquoise he said to the viewers: 

Evolve, expand, grow, otherwise soon you won't be able to follow this channel anymore. is becoming more and more a Tier 2 playground. 



Oohhh I see, so I'm just stupid, that's all. 

Did you read my post though?


And would you listen to yourself?! 

You don't even think for yourself! You're just parroting as far as I'm concerned!

Your intuition has deteriorated, and you can't - or, at least, didn't - argue with your own words. Those are just Leo's words regurgitated. 100%. 

If you have something constructive to say, point out precisely where you agree and/or disagree in my post and why. Don't just come here and tell me that I "just don't get it".. and that I should "Evolve, expand, grow" in order to understand. That's useless. That's absolutely preposterous. I've watched his videos on spiral dynamics, and frankly, I don't see how they're any different from all his other videos - except that he's now labeling stuff to distract you. These stages are just ego inflation, but the point of reaching enlightenment is to let go of and detach from such labels! You think you're making progress, but you're just completely distracted.  

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47 minutes ago, tsuki said:

@Pluck Thank you for your warning.

You are an interesting individual. I hope that the rest of your posts will be equally well thought-out and entertaining.
I'm tempted to say one more thing, but please read it in the context of the whole post, not in separation:

Aren't you a brave one, coming here to the devil's den and protecting us, little defenseless sheeps.
Is that your ego, or is it egolessnses? Is there a difference?

I'm not calling you little defenseless sheep.

I am not trying to belittle you like Leo. 

Is it ego(lessness) (if that's even a word) to disagree with something and then express that disagreement with passion? 

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