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Damir Elezi

Best books on money and finances?

1 post in this topic

Even though this page has evolved past the need of earning money (:D) I wanted to ask you guys (and girls) what are good, PRACTICAL books about earning money and financial literacy? I already started reading "The 4 hour work-week" by Tim Ferris, but it seems to me like it's first and foremost written for people who already work in well-paying office jobs and who are financially stable, but want to have more time to enjoy life. I am a student of Social Work, living mainly off of welfare money and earning a little money on the side by working at a children's home on minimum wage and delivering food for a Sushi restaurant once a week. 

I'm looking for practical tips and quick methods of earning a little bit of extra money online, through stocks or crypto-currencies etc. and/or passive income, as well as some methods to build a mini-business of buying stuff and selling it again. I don't want to become rich off of that, I just wanna earn like 300-400 dollars more per month. 

Secondly, I also want to understand the financial system better, but it seems like it's pretty hard to find simple-written but informative books on that topic. 

I already consider reading "Think and grow rich", "Rich dad poor dad" and "The richest man of Babylon". Can you recommend a book that's full of practical tips and insights? I'd love to hear your recommendations. 

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