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power, its rise into life

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power is not to be sought, it's not be looked for, it's not a goal or an accomplishment

only when we let power come into our life naturally, can we understand its message

yes enjoy power when it comes to you, but don't chase more, don't make it the end of all


what's the meaning of power not in a physical animal kingdom with hierarchy and scarcity, 

what is the meaning in a metaphysical reality, a collective experience and creation, with infinite abundance?


once I gave up on power it came flooding to me

I put love first, harmony first, peace first

love is anything but boring, it is very powerful, power serves love

 love is powerful, supernova powerful

connection to the entire universe, with you now,in this moment, all of creation

I can guarantee you that an enlightened man and woman feels a thousand times more power eating their breakfast then some warlord or dictator will feel their entire life




Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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