
what are the arguments against the materialist paradigm?

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To me direct experience is contradictory. 


The absence of experience is no-thingness, or what some might call being-ness, although I don’t use the word bEing, but instead might attempt to describe it as a happening in and of itself. 

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23 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Kinda sounds like a doing. 

What qualities as a doing? 


Viking is confused, he needs a doing. It is a doing until the find part. You seek the changeless, you realise it is you experientially, the search is over.

You cannot find the changeless on the object side, but it is there with every object. The knowing element without which no object of perception would be knowable. 

Being it is the only way to know it, it cannot be seen as an object, it cannot be smelled, it cannot be anything objective. It is quite magical to be that. 

Edited by Dodo

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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Start nearer to home Viking. Seeking what is not known to you already has no meaning whatsoever. 

Start with understanding your own fear and how that fear is always looking to escape itself in daily life. See if there can be an observation of that in all its subtle forms. Be aware of all its tricks to disguise itself as other than fear. 

Start there. Don’t go beyond where one has not yet began. Leave all the books, practices, methods, and substances alone, and instead, face what is actully happening in and as the ego. 

Or don’t :)




Edited by Faceless

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2 minutes ago, Faceless said:

face what is actully happening in and as the ego

what specifically do you mean by that?

if you mean emotional stuff, life purpose, relationships and all that, substances, practices and books help a shitton with that.

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@Viking I'm going to define materialism as the belief that reality is composed of matter and energy configurations distributed across space, and these configurations change through time (although matter is scientifically proven to be a form of energy, and idk if "space-time" will be proven to be "energy"). My definition is probably sloppy but you get the essence of what I mean. 

I have two main reasons for not accepting the materialist paradigm: one is intellectual, the other is experiential but these two reasons are linked. In order to state anything about reality, you have to operate on unprovable axioms. Axioms about logic, axioms about how to interpret the contents of your consciousness (the contents of your consciousness include everything about your current experience: sights, sounds, thoughts you have and etc). You can paradoxically use logic to defeat the validity of logic. Logically speaking, all statements are based on logically baseless assumptions. 

To give you an example, someone takes it as an axiom that the memories and thoughts they have about past are real and true, they take it as an axiom that there exist other consciousnesses and that solipsism isn't true, they take it as an axiom that logic can be used to assert anything true about reality. 

I believe that the closest thing you can get to truth is to do consciousness work and synchronize your awareness with the present moment. Pay attention to the present moment. Whatever is in your consciousness, don't put a label on it. See it for what it really is. It is a mistake to confuse our symbols for the world for the world itself, and this is a why concepts fail to grasp reality. I'll end with an Alan Watts quote. 

Skip to 1:56 in the video, you will only get the point if you hear the audio [I'm telling to skip forward Cuz this video is a somewhat disjoint compilation of things Alan watts has said. Can't find the full lecture. I hate the music ? on these videos as well lol] 


Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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Why do you want those arguments? So you can argue with your friends about it?


I recommend reading Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life, and may that be your final self help book ever.

I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized. It only promotes overthinking and nihilism which WON'T help you at all. Trust me, I was brainwashed for two years, too, but I'm free now, and I've never done better in life since I got out of Leo's grasp and read this book.  

This'll either shock you, or you'll dismiss me and tell me to "keep meditating deeper" and "stop critizising" (which is what Leo - the self proclaimed enlightened guy - teaches you to scare off people who genuinely threatens his business).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

Read the first response to this question carefully, and reconsider whether Actualized is either helping you a lot, or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut (the latter is the case, I can assure you...) - not trying to provoke. 

Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult.

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7 hours ago, Pluck said:

Why do you want those arguments? So you can argue with your friends about it?


I recommend reading Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life, and may that be your final self help book ever.

I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized. It only promotes overthinking and nihilism which WON'T help you at all. Trust me, I was brainwashed for two years, too, but I'm free now, and I've never done better in life since I got out of Leo's grasp and read this book.  

This'll either shock you, or you'll dismiss me and tell me to "keep meditating deeper" and "stop critizising" (which is what Leo - the self proclaimed enlightened guy - teaches you to scare off people who genuinely threatens his business).’s-Actualized-org-a-scam

Read the first response to this question carefully, and reconsider whether Actualized is either helping you a lot, or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut (the latter is the case, I can assure you...) - not trying to provoke. 

Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult.

Some people are not ready for the no-bullshit approach.


Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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8 hours ago, Pluck said:

To try and save at least one life

 Death can knock on your door any day, any moment, how can you save a life? Nothing is more certain than death.

8 hours ago, Pluck said:

or keeping you brainwashed and stuck in a rut

That's what your parents, your teachers, your priests, your politicians are doing. More like a robot you are, the better you function, the better the society feels with you.

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8 hours ago, Pluck said:

I also recommend you unsubscribe from Actualized.

No unsubscribe option is available on Once you are caught, you will be imprisoned till the last breath. 

8 hours ago, Pluck said:

Why am I here on this forum? To try and save at least one life from this corrupted cult.

Jesus the only savior! Nobody else can save a life.


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@Viking watch this video carefully. This one video explains almost everything discussed in this thread in less than 15 minutes. 

This is pure genius at work :)


''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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1 minute ago, Preetom said:

If this doesn't shatter materialist paradigm, I wonder what will xD


I love the vids you are posting :D 

Mind over Matter, Awareness over Mind

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20 minutes ago, Preetom said:

If this doesn't shatter materialist paradigm, I wonder what will xD


watched both vids. In both I couldnt grasp the "I AM", I have no idea what that is or how can I be aware of it or experience being it. Am I aware? yes, definitely, how do I know? because it has to be the case, but I cant get what that experience in the present is like.

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34 minutes ago, Viking said:

watched both vids. In both I couldnt grasp the "I AM", I have no idea what that is or how can I be aware of it or experience being it. Am I aware? yes, definitely, how do I know? because it has to be the case, but I cant get what that experience in the present is like.

I understand you're dilemma. You're still trying to grab Consciousness by it's neck as if it's an object :P

Don't worry I too tried to do this for over 2 years. Here is what worked for me.

1) Read the attached thread very carefully. Make sure you understand the instruction. Read it once every 2 weeks to polish your understanding.

2) Start doing that self-inquiry meditation for 30-60 minutes everyday. Once a month, set out 2-3 days retreat like setting at home where you do nothing else but self-inquiry

3) During all these meditation sessions, search for yourself. Keep on looking. Just remember that whatever you point to as you is not you. Because the perceived object cannot be the perceiver. 

4) Tire yourself out by looking for yourself at every corner of your experience experientially open yourself up to the possibility that what you truly are can't be located as an object. You need to get this insight over and over again in your direct experience. No guru's word will do the trick.

5) It may take months to years. When you really get it, you'll start losing the obsession towards objects. Naturally you'll skew towards resting in I AM. This is where advanced self-inquiry begins which is nothing but Self-resting/Choiceless awareness/Observation whatever you wanna call it. Good luck


Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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@Preetom Damn, where were you four years ago, mate?  ? The journey might have been a bit less rocky.

In 2014, I found an old leather bracelet laying in the dirt....

”None but ourselves can free our minds”  Robert Nesta Marley

May have been a sign, I took it as a challenge, fired my shrink and quit taking a shit ton of brain meds, cold turkey.

Your words have me giggly.


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Well..that rough journey makes it even sweeter, ain't it? Keep your head up my man.

“Only that day dawns to which we are awake'' -Henry David Thoreau 

''Be a light unto yourself'' - Buddha

It's so easy to get lost unless you look after yourself. 

Thanks for sharing your inspiring story :)

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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On 7/26/2018 at 2:47 PM, Pluck said:

I recommend reading Jordan Peterson's book, 12 Rules For Life, and may that be your final self help book ever.

A Jordan Peterson fanboy.

Why am I not surprised?

If you think you are gonna spread his whiney, crypto-conservative, libertarian, sexual communist nonsense here, think again.

I am becoming less and less tolerant of such nonsense. You can go hang out on an Ayn Rand forum.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Outer the other topic that Pluck created, "Leo has no clothes" was another copy and paste, of something "Lance Everett" wrote on Quora. I replied to that original post’s-Actualized-org-a-scam/answer/Lance-Everett-3/comment/57590422

I'm pretty sure Pluck is a troll. I'm just whining right now cuz I'm annoyed I wasted time replying to "her". Plucks supposed Birthday is on 01/01/1990. This is fishy. Whenever I made fake age accounts in the past, I always wrote my age as 01/01/xxxx. Pretty sure Lance Everett is a boy. Lance Everett used to go by the name "Connor" (Frankston?) and had a male profile picture, I'm pretty sure. 

Edited by lmfao

Hark ye yet again — the little lower layer. All visible objects, man, are but as pasteboard masks. But in each event — in the living act, the undoubted deed — there, some unknown but still reasoning thing puts forth the mouldings of its features from behind the unreasoning mask. If man will strike, strike through the mask! How can the prisoner reach outside except by thrusting through the wall? To me, the white whale is that wall, shoved near to me. Sometimes I think there's naught beyond. But 'tis enough.

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