Hardik jain

Whey protein

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In one of his videos Leo said that whey protein is toxic and it should be avoided. Why what’s the reason? @Leo Gura.

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Because It's made from dairy which is full of unneccesary crap like antibiotics, sterods, growth hormones etc. and It's literary not for human consumption. There are so many alternatives : soy, pea, brown rice, hemp, even pumpkin and superfood powders are full of protein.

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Not sure if you only want Leo's answer but the thing with whey is that is is a waste product of dairy industry that used to be dumped before they started to feed it to bodybuilders. 

Whey has a high content of amino acid Leucine which drives an activation of substance called mTORC1 which causes development of acne.  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3408989/ 

Whey is extremely high concentrated source of animal protein (same as most protein powders) which is toxic to your kidneys and at the same time drives the activation of body's buffering systems to balance the acidity of Whey. 

Most whey powders are not well regulated and so are highly contaminated by heavy metals ( again, same for many vegan protein powders.) 


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I started using whey and I'm not sure I noticed anything that bad about it but obviously it could've been doing some negative stuff to my body I wasn't aware of. But anyway I wanted to recommend hemp powder which I've used for a couple of years, all natural, although doesn't taste great but in a smoothie it's kind of masked 

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@Feel Good 

The whole fitness supplement market is just so unregulated and driven by profit / cost reduction that I don't know if I truly trust any products anymore. I used to be all for Vega until that heavy metal report came in and they along with Garden of Life ended at the tail... The one that still has good reputation (coming from my biased vegan agenda) is Vivo Life. These have (not yet) been proven to be contaminated and the brand is represented by a lot of very conscious promoters of plant based lifestyle. The downside of Vivo is that it is quite expensive as it gets very popular.  

Ideally get yourself of all these powders and pills and get all that from your food. Whether you are a lifter striving for maximal gains or long duration athlete, you can get all you need from wholefoods. You can thrive on 0.8g - 1g of protein per kg of bodyweight which is super easy to get on a plate :)


Personalised Holistic Health Support 
I help others overcome health challenges that impact their energy, motivation, and well-being. Feel free to reach out for a confidential conversation about anything you're currently struggling with. 

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7 hours ago, Michael569 said:

Most whey powders are not well regulated and so are highly contaminated by heavy metals ( again, same for many vegan protein powders.) 

That sounds to me like the kind of bogeyman storey that gets circulated without any basis. Do you have a source/reference for that? 


7 hours ago, RabbitHole said:

Because It's made from dairy which is full of unneccesary crap like antibiotics, sterods, growth hormones etc. and It's literary not for human consumption. There are so many alternatives : soy, pea, brown rice, hemp, even pumpkin and superfood powders are full of protein.

"Not for human consumption" this isn't a factual statement at all - it's super high quality food and we can digest and readily absorb all of the amino acids found in whey protein. There's no rules about what humans can or cannot eat, just some things that are more healthy or less healthy for us. Whey protein is extremely easily processed by our bodies, and can be an excellent source of protein for many people.

As for the antibiotics, steroids, GH - that all may be true. Different countries have different regulations around how these are used in the dairy industry, so it pays to do your research and figure out where it's coming from. There are organic and grass-fed whey proteins out there.

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You can always get certified organic/grass-fed whey but again you can get similar results with well made plant-based protein especially soy and living more holistically and better for the planet in general. We don't need to consume animals to survive anymore. Its time to move ahead in evolution not struggle to get by.

Although i must mention many athletes and fitness trainers are switching to plant-based because they realize much more over all benefits and less negative side effects. At the end of the day you best find what works best for you but if you know better and doing otherwise, you are not better than the next person that doesn't know better.



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2 hours ago, pluto said:

At the end of the day you best find what works best for you but if you know better and doing otherwise, you are not better than the next person that doesn't know better.

I needed to be reminded of this. I have moved totally away from cooked food; and love above all watery fruit such as kiwi fruit, and mandarins, oranges and lemons :) When I have dinner with family weekly I eat cooked food that I would prefer not to have, I feel heavy and sleepy ? So the next step for me is to honour what I know is best for me.

Its the same with the heart ♥️ I stay in my head sometimes to “stay in reality”, so I can speak to people normally. But I realize that my own growth is so much more blissful than attempting to please others. And counterinutively this helps the collective consciousness more, and the beautiful people who I live with.


Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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@Hardik jain Don't overdo it with protein (whey , aminos or whatever) if you don't need it . An average person doing gym and trying lose wait dont need to much protein. Excessive protein will be dumped in urea and you might damage you kidneys or liver. Also post workout protein shakes wont help to gain muscle , you actually need a lot more time to recover.

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