
False Thoughts & Belief !

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I sometimes get stuck thinking why would I think that wrong which is just nothing and that just builds up anxiety and How to just move forward when my Conscious mind itself knows that the thought is itself false and just my Mind fucking with me...THANKS

?IngitScooby ?

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If you keep judging those false thoughts, it will only keep growing. Try to observe the false thought/belief and let it come and go. Talk to yourself like "Oh it's a thought, anyways, I have to work on this project, or start my own business one day" or any other positive thought. The key it so be aware of those thoughts and don't feed them, instead accept it, and talk yourself out of it. Also those negative thoughts/beliefs probably extend farther deep than you realize. It's like an iceberg, where your current awareness is what you see and all your subconscious thoughts are under water. You may need to sit down alone for a few hours and try to find the root cause of this thinking. Then find ways to get actualized and fix those limiting self doubts.

Edited by sky_dreamer

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@sky_dreamer yes that is the point... I need to fix my Limiting Self doubts... But How?

?IngitScooby ?

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