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Spontaneity and Tony Parsons

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Tony Parsons makes some interesting points that I've not heard elsewhere (or maybe have heard but not with this much emphasis): 

  • Thought is completely spontaneous - reason about this a bit and you come to understand his other points:
  • Seeking is futile. If thought (and everything else that appears to happen) is spontaneous, there is no cause and effect and therefore no progress to be made. You can't decide what appears to you next, and so the activity of seeking may happen, but it's unrelated/unconnected to liberation. Liberation, like everything else in life, simply happens. Me writing this post and you responding is simply happening for no reason.
  • The ego-mind swoops in at the last second to take credit for it and thereby generates the (unshakeable) feeling of I-ness, but basically, there's nothing happening to no one.

I'd like to hear what everyone thinks about this. Have I misinterpreted him? Have you heard the "thought is spontaneous" thing elsewhere? Does it seem that any teaching beyond this is inherently dualistic (I was a huge fan of Robert Spira, but this...)? It seems like his approach to non-duality can't get much more...non-dual.



Edited by rirdsaam

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Of course, that's nonduality 101.

No ego = no control

The whole point of meditation is to realize you are not in control of your thoughts. You (ego) ARE a thought!

My video: Free Will vs Determinism, is all about this.

God is in control of everything, so to speak. But then again, you are God! So it goes full-circle in a way that you will not be able to appreciate until after awakening.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura So would you go through your day and just think to yourself "That's spontaneous. Nope, didn't do that either" until something clicks?  The thought "thought is spontaneous" is spontaneous! I'm confused as to how to proceed.

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@rirdsaam Self-inquiry is necessary. Sit down and start questioning what you are.

Try to point to yourself. Where exactly are you? What exactly are you?

See Leo's Practical Guide To Enlightenment (pinned thread).

Psychedelics speed up the process x1000.

Kriya yoga also great.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura Ok thanks!


Edit: Wow. How did I miss your free will video?!

Edited by rirdsaam

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