
Sadhguru says Psychedelics Dull the System and Yoga shouldn’t be learned from a book

37 posts in this topic

1 hour ago, Nahm said:

I don’t think you’re aware you’re perpetuating your own misery in your perspective &  attitude. An almost constant state of discrediting, dequalifying, lashing out. You seem to have all the energy in the world to tell everyone how they’re wrong. No energy to pursue what you actually want to. 

What if you learned to focus, and what if you focused your energy on what you want? 

What if you forgave and moved on?

I bet you’d be happy.

Can you read this, and just be aware of the ego’s backlash....and sit with it...inquire into it? Can you stop yourself from replying with a personal attack ? - from projecting your pain?

That would almost force you to confront the things which hold you back. Which will suck. But then you’ll begin to be free. 





Nice Gaslighting Nahm.

Still "piss and vinegar" as the old days you are, just with a new complex of thinking you're "enligthened/infinite/loving". Still you have no life outside of the forums 24/7 here, 24/7 posting, do you even meditate for an hour brah? At least i disappear from the forums for a few days, weeks at a times.

Maybe contemplate what you are doing to receive negative feedback from me. It takes two to tango.

I was sharing my opinion and ideas here, it might be useful to someone.

See_on_See responded with an asolute useless trolling commenting just saying "your post is nonsense". This is not productive or a critique or helpful in any manner and yet you say I'm the one "discrediting, dequalifying, lashing out" (you're a silly and blind mod ain't you nahm)

Jog along nahm, I don't want your input stop replying to me, stop making snide remarks at me behind nearly every thread and we're good.

I don't want your help or wisdom your not fit for it, and you know what's good about wise people? They don't give advice to people who don't seek it from them.

Edited by blazed

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13 hours ago, KrackJack said:


It would appear that your point is:

@blazedon psychedelics is almost same as @Shanmugamon Sadhguru :D


Both aren't ready to agree they are against them.. but mostly they talk about the risk there is with them :P


Isn't it.. Yes or no...?




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3 hours ago, Nahm said:

@blazed Miserable. 

your remarks as usual. Always gotta get em in dont ya ???. Try silence next time.

15 hours ago, KrackJack said:


It would appear that your point is:

@blazedon psychedelics is almost same as @Shanmugamon Sadhguru :D


Both aren't ready to agree they are against them.. but mostly they talk about the risk there is with them :P


Isn't it.. Yes or no...?

I'm not for or agaisnt psychedelics, if I was I would just say I am, its not a big deal to be agaisnt illegal drugs and call you all addicted drug users as per usual normal society. I have no problem admitting that if that was the case.

Leo is high psychedelics user and I still follow him and his videos.

I'm just in the "not recommended" club, but you can see people being over dramatic and getting pissy because simply I hurt their weak identities, because their ego's is identified with taking psychedelics.

If Leo's latest 30 day medition with 5 meo and his blog videos actually had more positive things to say I would have been more interested in their ability, but he kind of reconfirm what all these gurus have been saying this whole time.

Edited by blazed

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@blazed You seem to be one of the people that talk about psychedelics the most around here, why is that?

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8 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

@blazed nobody cares whether you like psychedelics or not. The paradigm-locked view from someone who hasn't even bothered to try them and still has no shame in engaging in a debate based on second-hand information, obviously cherry-picked based on their own biases, and who is totally blind to all the research and reports of overwhelmingly positive experiences from actual psychedelic users and researchers, is worth nothing for anyone with a functioning brain. 

All we were asking is, please don't spread your nonsense and fantasies around. We already have enough ignorance, stigma and misinformation about psychedelics as it is. No one should ever be misled into missing out on what could be the most important experience in their lives, just because of someone else's blind ignorance. 

Even if I tried and talked negatively about it, you'd still get butthurt.

I told you I tried shroom once, but you're dismissive of that too. So whatever.

@Feel Good

Nice edit and sarcasm, i wonder what your entire post serves besides aggravating and trolling?
I'm here im enjoyin the debate, you know that right?

You dont seem to the know the difference between talking negatively about a product/activity (which butthurts people who are attached and identified with external things) vs attacking someone on personal level, specifically addressing them.

At least practice some detachment where someone insulting your past time hobbies doesn't feel an attack on yourself.

I was talking in general sense my original post was not directed at anyone or personally at anyone, but here are the people addressing me specficially, the people who got butthurt.


Edited by blazed

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Anyone im done the thread is getting derailed.

Thread topic is "Sadhguru says Psychedelics Dull the System and Yoga shouldn’t be learned from a book"

In an attempt to stop replying I'll be muting certain people.

Have a nice day ???????????

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@blazed If you base your entire idea on 1 dude (Leo), then it appears that psychedelics can give you revolutionary experiences, but they seem not to be as effective as permanently changing your state of life. That doesn't mean they aren't valuable, you can still retrieve extremely valuable insights about where you need to be heading or what direction you should take in your life.

And your still dogmatically stuck on this idea of consistency. Every person's experience is literally different. If you fly a rocket into the sun, you actually might survive. The idea you will get evaporated is just an idea, and the only way you know if you will die or not isn't to listen to others, but to listen to your intuition and 'feel' for what is going to happen. This whole notion you have of truth being a yes or no for everyone is silly and stupid. What is true for one isn't true for others, and the materialistic paradigm is the place where consistency seems to hold up the most. Go further and further into subtle realms, and consistency between people's experiences stops working. The only reason why the materialistic paradigm is consistent in the first place is because the paradigm is a language, its not real. And just like how everyone agrees that a cat means an animal with 4 legs, everyone agrees that you will get evaporated by the sun. But neither of them are real in existence, some dude just made up the word cat, and some other dude made up the sentence evaporation with the sun.

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@electroBeam mic droppin wisdom man. Nice. Can you expect someone who hasn’t partaken in psych’s to relate to ‘no objective reality’ though? I don’t think so. It’s so convincingly real.



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20 minutes ago, electroBeam said:

@blazed If you base your entire idea on 1 dude (Leo), then it appears that psychedelics can give you revolutionary experiences, but they seem not to be as effective as permanently changing your state of life. That doesn't mean they aren't valuable, you can still retrieve extremely valuable insights about where you need to be heading or what direction you should take in your life.

And your still dogmatically stuck on this idea of consistency. Every person's experience is literally different. If you fly a rocket into the sun, you actually might survive. The idea you will get evaporated is just an idea, and the only way you know if you will die or not isn't to listen to others, but to listen to your intuition and 'feel' for what is going to happen. This whole notion you have of truth being a yes or no for everyone is silly and stupid. What is true for one isn't true for others, and the materialistic paradigm is the place where consistency seems to hold up the most. Go further and further into subtle realms, and consistency between people's experiences stops working. The only reason why the materialistic paradigm is consistent in the first place is because the paradigm is a language, its not real. And just like how everyone agrees that a cat means an animal with 4 legs, everyone agrees that you will get evaporated by the sun. But neither of them are real in existence, some dude just made up the word cat, and some other dude made up the sentence evaporation with the sun.

Reality and the dream has consistency and a ruleset.

Just because you know everthing in a video game or movie is illusory and not real doesn't mean you can do anything differently. Nothing changes from knowing that.

Everyone who watches a movie experiences the same thing, they just might intrepret it differently and feel different reactions to it. That's the inner part.

The material body and mind is bound to the materialistic world consistent you cannot, I repeat cannot stop playing the role of a human whilst consciousness is experiencing a human form and the human body is the materialist paradigm.

There no point in debating about how putting gun to your head and pulling a trigger is conceptual *until you actually try* because you're never going to try it are you, go ahead and try if that's your reasoning.

We can take any person or animal in this world and put them in a gas chamber and we all die, you get that right? There's no debating about my perspective your perspective and how im super human and won't die because i'm "god" and I'm creaitng my own reality, you are not, reality is creating reality and you are it, reality is the God, your body however is not, it's material, and you cannot escape experiencing it as long as it's alive.

Anyway this going on tangent and completely in an unrelated discussion, and is still continuing to derail the original thread.

But I'll say this before Leo made videos such as "no brain" and "illusory nature of the mind" and "contemplation" people didn't make these sort of insanity post here. It's like Leo talks about something and you all come out with a new trend, like bandwagon or sheep herd.

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@blazed Just messing with you brother..


My original answer was right before the comment..

Edited by KrackJack

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What's so great about Sadhguru?  That's an amazing name though, right?  It's got the word 'guru' right in it.  What is it about Sadhguru's opinion about things that means squat to you?  Gimme some meat that I can check out like a video or something.  I know people have posted all kinds of videos.  But gimme that one video that I need to see the value in Sadhguru.  Maybe I should re-name myself 'Joeyparalegal' or something haha.  I'd probably be taken a shitload more seriously in the Freelance Paralegal industry.  'Joeyenlightenedone'.  That would go over real well!  It might get me a gig as one of those odd guys who try to sell their 'services' on the street.  I saw a guy holding up a sign today that read 'Astrologer for Hire'.  He wasn't a street bum, but he was an odd looking guy with the pointy beard, weird hat, and odd clothes.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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12 hours ago, blazed said:

Everyone who watches a movie experiences the same thing, they just might intrepret it differently and feel different reactions to it. That's the inner part.

@blazed Just might interpret it differently? What the actual fuck?
What exactly are facts, if you just ignore interpretation?

Facts are exactly what you make of them!

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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Yes you can still have permenent positive changes with psychedelics. You can rewire your brain and behaviours. And it can be tool. For someone who is depressed and has hard time to be motivated i find microdosing periodicly give that push, and days when u dont microdose the changes sustain. And meditation practice do get deeper aswelll. It my observation with mushrooms- I been microdosing these with very good results. 

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if he were enlightened he wouldn't say that drug exist in the first place.

because to my view, if you're thirsty and you drink water to "relieve the pain" it means you didn't liked your state of "being dry",

tada, you altered your state of consciousness.

you better live all your life dry then, and don't drink water in case that change your state of mind.

of course in the relative there is substances that are playing on the mind/body

that change what every pov call a "normal consciousness" but I would say, this is totaly relative.

what is the structure of "normal".

and where begin the "psychedelic states". where does it ends ?

call me a druggy if you want, but I m even so conscious that I avoid coffee and thea for their propriety in alteration of my consciousness.

I use them with the same awareness that If I were putting LSD inside me.

for me sadghuru is a redflag, only good to makes people more lost in fluffy spirituals stories ..

Edited by GodDesireOnlyLove

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can someone lock this thread, too repetitive?  who cares about what sadhguru says about psychedelics 

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