
Sadhguru says Psychedelics Dull the System and Yoga shouldn’t be learned from a book

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I watched a video on Sadhguru speaking about marijuana use and he says that marijuana, along with other psychedelics dull the system and over a period of time make one incapable of handling life. He said, it gives a feeling of meditativeness but you’re not actually meditative. It makes me wonder if psychedelics are a trick. 


I watched a seperate video where he spoke about the harm you can do by learning yoga out of a book or in the wrong environment. It made me wonder about going to an ashram and learning directly from a guru. 

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I watched the videos you're talking about.

27 minutes ago, Slade said:

I watched a video on Sadhguru speaking about marijuana use and he says that marijuana, along with other psychedelics dull the system and over a period of time make one incapable of handling life. He said, it gives a feeling of meditativeness but you’re not actually meditative. It makes me wonder if psychedelics are a trick. 

its true that psychedelics dont give you a permanent high, like yoga does, but he neglects the positive effects psychedelics can have, especially in western society. psychedelics can reveal to you a bunch of things you didnt know, which can change your life, even though they dont make you permanently enlightened.

29 minutes ago, Slade said:

I watched a seperate video where he spoke about the harm you can do by learning yoga out of a book or in the wrong environment. It made me wonder about going to an ashram and learning directly from a guru. 

If I would have the chance to learn it directly from isha, go to their events and stuff I would, but its extremely expensive and time consuming. i think ill do it somewhere in the future but now i cant, so should i do nothing then?

Maybe you can harm yourself if you half-ass the practice, but I think its highly unlikely. think of the people who came up with yoga, why didnt they harm themselves? I think its bullshit that you cant learn it from a book, sure maybe its preferable if you have a guide, but you also have your inner guide, which is better than all guides.

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I dunno, that contradicts his other quote:


"Plug more 5-MeO-DMT. Isn't it? Yes or no?"  -- Sadhguru


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I dunno, that contradicts his other quote:


Is it not kind of serious that such a realized teacher is telling us these things? 

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@Slade Anything any teacher says, to you, is just hearsay.

Sadhguru could be full of shit for all you know.

Discover what is true DIRECTLY!

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Slade its no different to learning to fly a plane by yourself. What's your opinion of that? If you learn from a pilot, you will become skilled much quicker. Learn all of the mistakes yourself, take much longer, but the xp you will have wont just be based of the words of a teacher, but actual real life xp.

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13 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

I dunno, that contradicts his other quote:


Lol yes!!

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You guys might be right about Sadhguru's bad view on psychedelics. 
Watch this: 

I can clearly see his disdain for psychedelics just from his face expressions. Sadhguru is kinda promoting India. Just  watch other videos of his and you'll probably feel the same

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when it comes to psychedelics. Gurus dont know anything. They've literally spent no time or experience studying its effects. One guru says it dull the system. LSD apparently has no effect on Maharaji cause he's so enlightened. Another person on this forums told me they act like fire works! so which is it? lol 

I could see his point for marijuana, but marijuana and psychedelics (LSD and psilocybin) are very different. 


I am pretty sure OP supports sev3rige. so c'mon dude, if you'll try raw foods like that, you can try some psychedelics yourself. There's no need to wonder if its trick. Try it for yourself and see if that assumption still holds. 

Spoiler Alert: Everyone I know who has tried psychedelics has ALWAYS been wrong about their assumptions regarding their potential and effects before they tried it. 

Edited by SgtPepper

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2 hours ago, SgtPepper said:

when it comes to psychedelics. Gurus dont know anything. They've literally spent no time or experience studying its effects. One guru says it dull the system. LSD apparently has no effect on Maharaji cause he's so enlightened. Another person on this forums told me they act like fire works! so which is it? lol

Stop listening to forum people. (the irony)

Spirituality is absolutely the most easiest thing to bullshit your way through, you see with other subjects a long test can verify how much you really know about rocket science or maths, an art test can prove how good an artist can produce on the spot etc. etc.

With Spirituality only observing someone's behavior over a long exteneded peroid would somewhat tell your how much self mastery they have.

If you can't meditate 24/7 for example you're probably not enlightened, because you haven't even mastered a basic principle like boredom or discipline, if your ego didnt rule over your behavior meditating 24/7 would be like a robot saying he's going on standby for 24/7 (if thats what he wants to do or prove).

Gurus on the other hand have a following, a public eye, years of proven experience, and you can see who they interact with, for Example I've seen deepak chopra hanging out with rupert spira, and sadhguru on a few occasions. I've seen eckhart hanging out with the dalai lama etc.

Most of these gurus advise agaisn't psychedelics, psychedelics is a different crowd usually.

You need to look at the psychedelics crowd and the guru crowd, and see what you can learn and what resonates with you more.

I would not put Martin Ball for example taking psychedelics and dancing around in a room with brain scanners and having emotional reactions in the same league as the gurus. One is most definately the work of a magic pill.

Also Leo in his 30 day meditation retreat said he was taking psychadelics and it made it harder for him to meditate regularly without the drugs (if i remember correctly) , I see that as a hindrance not a positive.

The ego doesn't want boredom and regular, it wants magic bunnies and whacky trips, and play around with your senses, etc. it's more entertaining that way.

Who wants to stare at a blank white wall day? Definately not the ego. In fact the only one who has a problem with boredom is the ego, the illusory self.

Edited by blazed

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Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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17 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

@blazed it's a good thing you wrote not to listen to forum people, cos you wrote a bunch of nonsense ;) 

I did point out the irony, so inb4 noob ass comments like yours. Nice response from the ego, here;s a taste of my own. ;) you nonsense.

Edited by blazed

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46 minutes ago, Nahm said:

@see_on_see Careful with that trap. You can’t expect someone who hasn’t had psychedelics to know what they’re talking about. Encouragement is nice.

Nahm why do you keep making snide responses after me in vague ways?

Not my fault you abandoned all reasoning and logic. Gyana Yoga the path of knowledge is also legit.

I guess you are a firm believer that "the child must get burnt from the oven before learning" where as the opposite is equally true too "the child can learn just by being told not to touch the oven".

I guess one must fly the rocket ship directly into the sun for investigation because otherswise who knows right! you might not get evaporated! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS. Don't worry I'm keeping an eye on people, so far not impressed with Leo's 5 Meo and 30 day meditation retreat. In fact judging by the things he said and the videos he uploaded to the blog the use of drugs backfired for his meditaiton practice. And prior to that he was very optimist about enligthened through 5 meo.

Edited by blazed

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29 minutes ago, see_on_see said:

@blazed somebody's gotta point it out. You've been debating against psychedelics and spreading misinformation about them on this forum for years now, and you haven't even tried them once. 

If you go through my post history, you might find a couple of posts about me arguing against it.

lol you make it sound like I been on some agenda or propaganda against it.

I've done weed in the past on/off, tried cocaine, and tried mushrooms once does that count for something?

I have not spread misinformation, go re-read my post above again. I haven't said anything like psychedelics are dangerous and will kill you, or brain damage you or anything like that. (although I would be wary of playing around with my brain and powerful substances, people have died even from aspirin).

There was even a news story about a western who was executed in south america after an ayahuasca trip because apparently the village people concluded the westerner killed the shaman lady whilst tripping.

Also people die from various reasons whilst tripping.

I just said what famous gurus have said and how the ego loves distractions even in the form of mystical experiences.

Edited by blazed

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It's really a sensitive topic and a bit of sense is needed even by those who have experienced certain states using psychedelic.


Human system is a very subtly balanced system.. for enhancing that to a higher level right tools are needed which can work on that level.


Using psychedelics for experiencing higher conscious states is like going to a "Blacksmith" when you should have gone to a "Goldsmith".


Finer work needs finer tools.


Maybe for a few times the work might be accomplished by Blacksmith but the gold loses its lustre and can very well go out of shape etc...


It's just that with human system there might be no coming back when too much Blacksmith technology is used with the system which needs much more fine work than that needed for gold.

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It would appear that your point is:

@blazedon psychedelics is almost same as @Shanmugamon Sadhguru :D


Both aren't ready to agree they are against them.. but mostly they talk about the risk there is with them :P


Isn't it.. Yes or no...?

Edited by KrackJack

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I guess Sadhguru is manipulating you :D      

Take only what suits you, discard the rest. 

Anyway, I don't like people who need 20 minutes to say something that should take 2 minutes. They are wasting my time. 

But that's just me, maybe he's helpful to you, just take it with a grain of salt. An imbalanced opinion is usually false. A balanced opinion presents both pros and cons (and it's still just an opinion). 

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15 hours ago, blazed said:

Nahm why do you keep making snide responses after me in vague ways?

Not my fault you abandoned all reasoning and logic. Gyana Yoga the path of knowledge is also legit.

I guess you are a firm believer that "the child must get burnt from the oven before learning" where as the opposite is equally true too "the child can learn just by being told not to touch the oven".

I guess one must fly the rocket ship directly into the sun for investigation because otherswise who knows right! you might not get evaporated! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

PS. Don't worry I'm keeping an eye on people, so far not impressed with Leo's 5 Meo and 30 day meditation retreat. In fact judging by the things he said and the videos he uploaded to the blog the use of drugs backfired for his meditaiton practice. And prior to that he was very optimist about enligthened through 5 meo.

I don’t think you’re aware you’re perpetuating your own misery in your perspective &  attitude. An almost constant state of discrediting, dequalifying, lashing out. You seem to have all the energy in the world to tell everyone how they’re wrong. No energy to pursue what you actually want to. 

What if you learned to focus, and what if you focused your energy on what you want? 

What if you forgave and moved on?

I bet you’d be happy.

Can you read this, and just be aware of the ego’s backlash....and sit with it...inquire into it? Can you stop yourself from replying with a personal attack ? - from projecting your pain?

That would almost force you to confront the things which hold you back. Which will suck. But then you’ll begin to be free. 







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19 hours ago, blazed said:

Stop listening to forum people. (the irony)

Spirituality is absolutely the most easiest thing to bullshit your way through, you see with other subjects a long test can verify how much you really know about rocket science or maths, an art test can prove how good an artist can produce on the spot etc. etc.

With Spirituality only observing someone's behavior over a long exteneded peroid would somewhat tell your how much self mastery they have.

If you can't meditate 24/7 for example you're probably not enlightened, because you haven't even mastered a basic principle like boredom or discipline, if your ego didnt rule over your behavior meditating 24/7 would be like a robot saying he's going on standby for 24/7 (if thats what he wants to do or prove).

Gurus on the other hand have a following, a public eye, years of proven experience, and you can see who they interact with, for Example I've seen deepak chopra hanging out with rupert spira, and sadhguru on a few occasions. I've seen eckhart hanging out with the dalai lama etc.

Most of these gurus advise agaisn't psychedelics, psychedelics is a different crowd usually.

You need to look at the psychedelics crowd and the guru crowd, and see what you can learn and what resonates with you more.

I would not put Martin Ball for example taking psychedelics and dancing around in a room with brain scanners and having emotional reactions in the same league as the gurus. One is most definately the work of a magic pill.

Also Leo in his 30 day meditation retreat said he was taking psychadelics and it made it harder for him to meditate regularly without the drugs (if i remember correctly) , I see that as a hindrance not a positive.

The ego doesn't want boredom and regular, it wants magic bunnies and whacky trips, and play around with your senses, etc. it's more entertaining that way.

Who wants to stare at a blank white wall day? Definately not the ego. In fact the only one who has a problem with boredom is the ego, the illusory self.

I like this

17 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

I wouldn't say psychedelics have no effect post-Enlightenment.  But I will tell you what I think that's pointing to.  When you trip post-Enlightenment, you surrender to the psychedelic as just BE-ing in the moment.  BE-ing is BE-ing, right.  BE-ing or Awareness doesn't change when you're on a psychedelic.  If it did, you wouldn't experience or recall the trip.  It would be like having a dream that you know nothing about because you didn't even know you had dreamed.  If you don't recollect the dream after you wake up, how are you gonna know you were dreaming?  You're not.  So, even when you're doing 5-MeO-DMT awareness or BE-ing is still there, or else you wouldn't recall squat after your trip.  So, Enlightened people are just surrendering to BE-ing no matter what, trip or no trip.  And that makes tripping much different when you're Enlightened because you're just accepting more BE-ing, it's just got a different flavor to it than sober BE-ing.  But BE-ing is BE-ing, see.  That's why psychedelics don't really do squat for helping you to BE right now in the moment.  BE-ing or Awareness is up a level from tripping and sobriety.  A lot of people don't get this for some reason.  They get attached to the 'kind' of BE-ing.  Yeah, don't worry about the 'kind' of BE-ing.  Just worry about accepting BE-ing in the moment without pre-judgments or pre-expectations.  And it's not about clinging to 'need to know BE-ing' either -- it's just about BE-ing in the moment without pre-judgments or pre-expectations.  

And I like this.


Psychedelics will not bring end to suffering.

Psychedelics will not lead to eternal harmony and understanding. 

Psychedelics will not stop you from judging and reacting defensive to circumstances. 

Just look around and see for yourself the psychedelic movement. They talking about onness but in practice they create separation. 

Can it be beneficial? Absolutely yes! But if you can’t be happy, peaceful and in harmony with everything without drugs something is not really understood! Doing it over and over again will not make you enjoy being. It will only make you talk about it. 

Dear friends who use psychedelics: The sooner you can be without them the better it is for you! Be clear on WHY you are taking them. Liberation is what we are looking for. That can only be found now and not in the next trip.

Psychedelics creates communities which can be really toxic and it separates people.

Learn! Not just from psychedelics but from the people doing it. See that they only talk about experience. Go beyond psychedelics and be happy.

I’m not against it but I’m concerned that it makes people continue the search and they may not see it themselves. It’s very subtle. 


Edited by cirkussmile

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