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Leo's Higher Self Channeling?

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Someone posted the following video in some thread last week.



I have checked out the guy who's channel this is. He has so many videos all the way from 2008 onwards...

What he does is most of his videos is give a preface to what the video is about and then closes his eyes and allows the higher self / the absolute to communicate about the topic. It is amazing. He, like Leo, has very lengthy videos, full of information. The part where he is channeling the higher self, those words seem golden.


Now I guess there is a difference between this and how Leo does his videos. Leo's video's content and the way he describes is more related to our current phenomenal/form world and it's doings. 


However, I can't help but wonder, the way this guy channels his higher self - is that the same way Leo just talks about a topic... I assume he has some mental quick bullet points and rest is done in the moment. it must take great effort... but knowing Leo's been on the path and has had awakenings, i am sure his ability and the knowledge he spreads is backed up by and comes to him effortlessly just how this guy does the channeling...

Love Is The Answer

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I wouldnt start comparing channeling/no channeling because its pure speculation. as far as you can tell he can fake it, or have a mental disorder or whatever. all that matters is the content.

waste of time to speculate

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Learn to channel then you can comment on its validity. There are many books out there that tell you how to do it.Come back in a year  

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16 hours ago, Viking said:

all that matters is the content.

waste of time to speculate

The notion of 'the message is all that's important, not the messenger' gets thrown around a lot, especially when one personally has faith in a person that others question.

I think to ignore the source of information is naive because it is one of the most effective ways at discerning quality from garbage. Years and even lifetimes can be lost because of dedication to the wrong sources of information. The spiritual community has a large attachment to anything glamorous and it's not uncommon for people to get sucked into detrimental paradigms because something is appealing to the ego.

There are many sources of information that can be easily verified as integrous by examining the source of information through the simple dictum 'by their fruits you shall know them.' It's not perfect, but it helps to weed out a lot of people. 

A common trope is "Your intuition will tell you if it's true, just listen to your heart" - sounds good on paper, but this is mostly just a lack of humility. Thousands of people are drinking the kool-aid every day and being lead into a lot of suffering and disillusionment because of naive innocence and wanting something to be true because it sounds appealing to the ego. They're trusting their 'intuition' We all believe we're above it. 

Channeling is particularly glamorous and attractive because we have projected importance, wisdom and quality to anything non-physical. Not every physical entity (human) has our best intentions in mind, so who is to say that the non-physical doesn't have its own cast of undesirables? Channeling is fascinating because it's outside the realm of what we're used to and so it's easy to fool the masses. Imagine if you managed to smuggle a cell-phone into a tribe of people who haven't been exposed to technology and get them to figure out how to pick up the phone. Literally any internet troll could convince them that they're god and the entire group of people would be putty in the hands of some 16 year old kid. Every word would be gospel. The easiest way to get people hooked is to give them some basic spiritual truthisms that they could verify experientially and now they're blown away at the glamorous source of 'Truth' that you are. The parasitic relationship is now locked in. 

I don't even think that all channeling is inherently bad - but I do think to ignore the source of information is dangerous if you don't want to become another spiritual casualty. 



Edited by Arman

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@Arman I am well aware of the glamorous shit new age people get attracted to like flies, but the key is to be aware of that. 

Maybe it works just for me personally to listen to content without concerning myself with the provider of it. I can weed out the speculation and remain with the golden nuggets as Leo likes to put it. I accept only what makes sense to me and what I can prove for myself, I dont believe in stuff I cant know for myself, like other earths, multiple lifetimes, divine grace or whatever. 

20 minutes ago, Arman said:

I think to ignore the source of information is naive because it is one of the most effective ways at discerning quality from garbage.

I dont fully agree, because you never know. Imagine stumbling upon leo's recent videos while being deeply orange/blue. you would just dispute whatever he says because you'd think he's a bad source of information.

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9 minutes ago, Viking said:

I can weed out the speculation and remain with the golden nuggets as Leo likes to put it. I accept only what makes sense to me and what I can prove for myself, I dont believe in stuff I cant know for myself, like other earths, multiple lifetimes, divine grace or whatever. 

If that's really the case, then I think that's a great way to be. 

9 minutes ago, Viking said:

I dont fully agree, because you never know. Imagine stumbling upon leo's recent videos while being deeply orange/blue. you would just dispute whatever he says because you'd think he's a bad source of information.

I think our opinion of someone is going to be created reflexively for the most part. The willingness to drop those feelings and judgements and look a little deeper is what may be able to come after. 

ps. I didn't mean to aim my original post at you specifically ~

Edited by Arman

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Some people require a idea of an "other" to tap into the higher-self-mind/greater intelligence, others do not. This happens because most people wouldn't believe it thus block out the connection to their greater intelligence so they use channeling "another" as a tool to make it more believable for them or they simply wouldn't believe themselves because they never had direct experience with source to make it more obvious of the true nature of self.

When i was younger I had a friend who would do MDMA with me from time to time and end up getting messages or "higher downloads" if you will, and as this intelligence came through, it felt like i am talking to myself, most of the communication was in perfect synergy and more telempathic than i experience with most people on a day to day basis. Like an Enlightened Being talking to himself, all knowing, all understanding pure in bliss.

Of course the substance would raise my frequency as well but far more minimal compared to my friend as i have already had multiple awakenings and become more whole to my true self/higher mind that it was just a more natural state of being for me as when we are sober i could never talk to my friend about stuff that deep. Nowhere near.

What was happening was, this intelligence was the persons higher-mind/self coming through portraying as another being as the psychedelic allowed the person to let go to such a degree it taps into its higher-mind/self but not appearing to my friend as the higher mind but a higher being from another place, another world.

This for my friends level of consciousness makes it more believable or else it would shut it down and not accept/believe it because lack of direct experience with ALL THAT IS. I knew what was happening but i never said a word because i understand this is what some people not as evolved in consciousness require to make it convincing for the ego to trust the process and let it be or else the connection would be automatically shutdown.

Also if you want to understand what the "channeling state" is to the simplest degree i highly suggest watching this video.


Edited by pluto


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On 7/24/2018 at 1:06 PM, Viking said:

I wouldnt start comparing channeling/no channeling because its pure speculation. as far as you can tell he can fake it, or have a mental disorder or whatever. all that matters is the content.

waste of time to speculate

Is this speculation too?  The Ego likes to exempt itself.

Edited by Joseph Maynor

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30 minutes ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Is this speculation too?  The Ego likes to exempt itself.

maybe, but its a reasonable belief. i have to make some assumptions about life because my time here is limited.

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