
How Do You Raise Your Awareness?

132 posts in this topic

11 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther im just talking with someone today about this. 

Being developed is being normal.

The people looking for something that is not what they already are with all their problems and issues are the ones who need help.

Enlightenment is just being an ordinary fucked up dude like the ones you work with. And yes even Donald Trump. 

Get over yourselves.

Developing a narcissistic ego is not normal, and that is just going by psychological assessment, not having anything to do with enlightenment.

Being a psychopath, that only cares for your own happiness is not normal, and that is just a psychological assessment.

Being a pathological liar is not normal. 

And this is not talking about Trump, per se, but is making a point that there are bad qualities that should not be cultivated because they harm society and/or people.

Feel free to project whatever you think enlightenment means, is, or aught to be, but it will not have a recognizable resemblance to the psychological term "self-actualization". You have essentially created your own goal of what you think you should act like. That does not surpass the ego.

Edited by SkyPanther

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@SkyPanther Youre seriously starting to get on my tits now mate.

You sound like a cardboard cutout bodhi!

I don't do fake people. I find their intellectualism nauseous.



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6 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther Youre seriously starting to get on my tits now mate.

You sound like a cardboard cutout bodhi!

I don't do fake people. I find their intellectualism nauseous.



It is irrelevant to me what or who you think I am.   But you should work on why you have the strong aversion to people that disagree with you, or your version of "enlightenment". 

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@SkyPanther You dont have to be like ttrump. You just have to understand that there is no model. Just be yourself. That's your model. Let others be themselves. That's it. It's not hard mate. Well.it might be for a moron who needs some kind of high authority because they are so.wounded they don't know who they are?? Is that you? 

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1 minute ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther You dont have to be like ttrump. You just have to understand that there is no model. Just be yourself. That's your model. Let others be themselves. That's it. It's not hard mate. Well.it might be for a moron who needs some kind of high authority because they are so.wounded they don't know who they are?? Is that you? 

There is no authority I am appealing to, other than decency to yourself and others.  You seem to have bought into the "if it feels good, do it" paradigm.  Sorry, that is not something I think is "right", nor will it ever lead one away from ego.

Thank you for another ad hominem, but I do not accept it. ;)

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It is interesting watch your guys argument. But I don't see what the point, be careful the language that you are using is a system symbols and that give labels to everything, so we can understand each others. What are you gonna argue about it :D give something different labels huh? 

6+3 = 9 but so does 5+4. The way you do things isn't always the only way to do them. Respect other's way of thinking.

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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3 minutes ago, 7oo13ad said:

It is interesting watch your guys argument. But I don't see what the point, be careful the language that you are using is a system symbols and that give labels to everything, so we can understand each others. What are you gonna argue about it :D give something different labels huh? 

6+3 = 9 but so does 5+4. The way you do things isn't always the only way to do them. Respect other's way of thinking.

I agree, and I have been respectful and spotlighting places where we agree.  But note that the attacks are not coming from me.

And I totally agree that there are multiple ways to "self-actualization" or "enlightenment", but that gets a bit blurry when you change the definition of the words.

If you are in the ballpark, yes, we can agree that "6+3 = 9 but so does 5+4", but when you change enlightenment to mean "do as you will", that is not really what either self-actualization or "enlightenment" is about.

"Do as you will" does fit LeVay Satanism however, which is anathema to egoless "enlightenment", or "self-actualization" as most understand it. 

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@SkyPantherYes I mainly say that to @Nomad because I see attacks coming from him. Next time you just need to say: perspective :) 

Now get back to the 'How do you raise your awareness?', shall we? 

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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12 hours ago, Nomad said:


4 hours ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther Its all going over your head. You simply will not understand what im saying because your mind is not developed enough yet. 

I'll say it again. Enlightenment is a belief. This is why this idea has no credence in our society. Society is more advanced than you give it credit for. Once you buy into an idea like.enlightement and fall for its propaganda of being some sort of highest truth for humanity you are already lost my friend. You internalise that and that's what you see. 

You see a world of whatever you see, so that's what you will get. If there is ever a thing that's close to enlightenment it's this. Being able to see the world how it is rather than how you want it to be.

@nomad Yes it is seeing the world how it is , rather than seeing it how the self wants it to be. Yes enlightenment is just a concept but the point is to use one thorn to remove another thorn then throwing both out . 

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1 hour ago, theinevitableandi said:

@nomad Yes it is seeing the world how it is , rather than seeing it how the self wants it to be. Yes enlightenment is just a concept but the point is to use one thorn to remove another thorn then throwing both out . 

This is exactly right.  There is a discourse given by the Buddha exactly about this.  Once you get to the other shore, throw out the raft that got you there. 



“I have taught the Dhamma compared to a raft, for the purpose of crossing over, not for the purpose of holding onto. Understanding the Dhamma as taught compared to a raft, you should let go even of Dhammas, to say nothing of non-Dhammas."

Source: http://www.accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/mn/mn.022.than.html

Because anything that locks one into a way of thinking, ultimately, is a concept that binds.  This does not mean that you let go of the understanding itself, but the concepts that got you to this understanding. 

For me, the raft is (Theravada) Buddhism, for others it's Zen, or Wicca, or Christianity, or Process Philosophy, or Panpsychism, or what Alan Watts, or Leo are teaching...  But a foundation is needed on what "enlightenment" is or is not.  And it is not "egoism" or "Do as you Will" or "If it feels good, do it". 

So, in the goal of keeping on topic, and I apologize that it has swerved into this no-man's land, find an exemplar of an enlightened person, see if their teachings make sense to you, and if you find value in them, follow them.   For me, those people were/are Alan Watts, and Siddhartha Gautama until I get to the other shore.


Edited by SkyPanther

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On 3/20/2016 at 8:22 AM, Daphne said:

Besides meditation, what do you do? 

Tips are very welcome

I take it that you mean how do you develop your awareness?

Well, to develop your awareness you need to develop it's capabilities. This includes it's range of sensitivity, it's ability to differentiate the nuance between one detail and another, including how they inter-relate or interact with each other. It also includes coherency, so that your awareness of experience is translated in a healthy way to your perspective, which will have influence on how your beliefs are updated and changed. Then there are things outside of awareness, that awareness relies upon in order to further develop itself, like self-authority, resiliency, trust, and pacing.

Then of course there is expansion of meta level awareness, like being aware of what's behind your thoughts, behind your feelings, behind your mind, or behind the structures behind your mind, etc.


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@SkyPanther Do you REALLY know what is going on out there.  With me?  How do you know I'm not sitting in a mental institution making this up?  how you do know I'm not doing this on purpose?

What do you really know?

Apart from your intellectual monkey chatter?

And the monkey chatter. Do you even know if the monkey chatter is right?

It seems that it lies to you all the time.

So who exactly is Donald Trump?

Do you know him?

Can you ever know him?

what do you and I know about anything?

You think that there will ever come a time when you, I or Pinocchio over there desperate for a oneness interview with Teal Swan, will ever know the absolute?  

There is no truth.  the truth is, there is no truth.  That's the truth.  So better accept it now than waste your time looking for enlightnment

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22 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther Do you REALLY know what is going on out there.  With me?  How do you know I'm not sitting in a mental institution making this up?  how you do know I'm not doing this on purpose?

What do you really know?

Apart from your intellectual monkey chatter?

And the monkey chatter. Do you even know if the monkey chatter is right?

It seems that it lies to you all the time.

So who exactly is Donald Trump?

Do you know him?

Can you ever know him?

what do you and I know about anything?

You think that there will ever come a time when you, I or Pinocchio over there desperate for a oneness interview with Teal Swan, will ever know the absolute?  

There is no truth.  the truth is, there is no truth.  That's the truth.  So better accept it now than waste your time looking for enlightnment

Did I judge you or Donald Trump?  My knowledge of Trump is solely based on his public statements.  I do not want to quote them here because I think they are harmful. 

I see a duck, I call it a duck.  Knowing too well that "duck" is a concept.  But since we are living in a world of concepts we use concepts to communicate ideas, which are themselves concepts.

I have found peace, thankfully, after many years of study and self-inquiry, what I am doing now is just the last remnants of cleaning up the cruft. 

I honestly do not care what you think truth is, or is not, or enlightenment, or anything else.  Because ultimately this whole thing has been about you, and your aversions.  Had nothing to do with me at all. 

Edited by SkyPanther

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@SkyPanther Again, with your absolute statements.  "Ultimately".  It's always either / or.  One person has done something and the other person is an innocent bystander.

Black and white thinking. The thinking of a 7 year old.

You create your reality.  You co create it with other people.

Buddhism doesn't talk about this because it requires 4th person perspective.  Where the religion of buddhism you follow was developed during a time where 2nd person perspective was the cutting edge.

You want to use a map that's 2500 years old and has no room for today's complex thinking.  You're a religious nut, whether you aknowledge it or not my friend.  

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2 hours ago, theinevitableandi said:

@nomad Yes it is seeing the world how it is , rather than seeing it how the self wants it to be. Yes enlightenment is just a concept but the point is to use one thorn to remove another thorn then throwing both out . 

No you don't

You sit and watch everything that's going on.  You take notes.  You learn and you live your life.

What you don't do is start contemplating ridiculous notions of no self.  Because no self, then that means you can do whatever the fuck you want to another human being.  And that shit will kill you faster than a bullet.

Self concept is everything.  The question is, can you develop self concept?  develop it so that it has no choice but to embrace everything in existence as itself.  You try to rid yourself of self concept then you're nothing but a psychopath.


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18 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther Again, with your absolute statements.  "Ultimately".  It's always either / or.  One person has done something and the other person is an innocent bystander.

Black and white thinking. The thinking of a 7 year old.

You create your reality.  You co create it with other people.

Buddhism doesn't talk about this because it requires 4th person perspective.  Where the religion of buddhism you follow was developed during a time where 2nd person perspective was the cutting edge.

You want to use a map that's 2500 years old and has no room for today's complex thinking.  You're a religious nut, whether you aknowledge it or not my friend.  

Ultimately meaning at the end of something, i.e, if you get down to the core of something.  Your ego is the reason you are having an adverse reaction to the statements being made here; manifesting as ad hominems, strawmen and name calling.  If that is your version of "enlightenment", no thank you.

We have derailed this thread long enough though, I apologize to the other posters here, and feel free to have the last word on this, because this is a fruitless path on both of our counts.  Be well, and I am sorry for any upset I have caused you.

Edited by SkyPanther

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@SkyPanther I have no idea what you are talking about my sky panther.  And you have no idea what I'm talking about.  Welcome to reality.

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2 hours ago, Nomad said:

No you don't

You sit and watch everything that's going on.  You take notes.  You learn and you live your life.

What you don't do is start contemplating ridiculous notions of no self.  Because no self, then that means you can do whatever the fuck you want to another human being.  And that shit will kill you faster than a bullet.

Self concept is everything.  The question is, can you develop self concept?  develop it so that it has no choice but to embrace everything in existence as itself.  You try to rid yourself of self concept then you're nothing but a psychopath.


You throw concepts away because concepts are not REALITY! WHy would I develop a self concept about me? That is just a SELF - IMAGE. I am not my self image or anyones IMAGE / THOUGHTS of me ! Why are you scared of doing what ever you want? Because we live in a world where we have to act certain ways to please certain people because of certain points of view  There is no right or wrong. Its all BS ! Everything about life is impersonal ! Stop speculating so much that doesnt get u anywhere , just creates more CONCEPTUAL STORIES ... ! Sit down and ask yourself what is real until there is no more questions left.  There is nothing rational about life or about Reality . Your mind likes to cling to models about reality and how life should be but be sure not to mistaken the MAP for the Territory! All concepts are symbols and images pointing at something. Its really hard to point at something that can't be perceived nor experienced because we are using more concept to remove concept .  Regarding enlightenment..  @Nomad

Edited by theinevitableandi

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@theinevitableandi You don't know what you are talking about.  If you don't develop your ego, then you are just another dysfunctional tool like Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Ramana Maharshi... the list is endless.

Those guys never got rid of their self concept anyway.  They repressed it because they didn't have the courage to develop into proper human beings capable of 4th person perspective thinking.

Listen to their bizarre teachings.  They project their repressed blue con op mind onto the world and think thats how its structured.  And then morons like you swallow those notions fully and wholesale, then try to get away from the nasty world you project as "out there" and try to become enlightened.

Its a game

It's upto you.  Be a tool or be a human being.  

Edited by Nomad

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