
How Do You Raise Your Awareness?

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@7oo13ad This means the more DENSE the ego, (like yours) the less you see about the world.

You see fuck all, because you actually think there is a truth out there to be seen.

The more you see the pluralism of life the less dense your ego is, the more it expands and embraces the world.  Pluralism.  Not "Donald Trump is Evil".  Thats just a fucking dense, dumb, concrete operational, moronic type of ego that believes its virtue is the only virtue.

the religion of spirituality

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20 minutes ago, 7oo13ad said:

And you do exactly that. I see you are the one judging people, give labels, concepts and try to explain yourself very much. You know criticize others gonna come back and fuk you in the ass man. 

Thank you for your label 'intellectual laziness', I'm on my own since I was fifteen. 

Yes I do that because I'm talking to bluies who only have their labels, so I'm communicating with you on your level.  If I was talking to sane people I'd be talking in "i" statements about my feelings.  Seeing there is none of that going on here, and just a bunch of beliefs being handed out like lollypops in a school playground, its safe for me to assume (never assume by the way) that this is the site where moronic labelling is the only language being used and understood correctly.

Intellectual laziness is my way of responding to your lose-lose behaviours.  You still havent realised yet that you reap what you sow.  As soon as you change your attitude I will change mine.  Thats how things are.

The way YOU see it, is one person is being a dick and the other person isnt.  Either / or.  You dont understand co-creation yet.  You dont understand you are attracting this into your life and then blaming the one who appears the most obnoxious.

Thats because your ego is so thick and dense and you just cant cope without this dualistic way of making sense of your experience.

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@Nomad Only mentioned Graves because you are calling every one `blue`. So I am talking your language. I prefer using Graves only in practical social and cultural sense. 

The thing one can be sure about is the fact that one is someone or something that experiences. That`s where all the Asian traditions have their starting point; experience. In the West we start with the thinking, so we say I know that I don`t know. That`s quite a difference.

Self- transcendence is indeed something else than self- actualization. When you aim for actualization, it`s your good right.  But attacking the ones who did show a way to enlightenment is, let me carefully say, not developed? 

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@Henri I'm not attacking.  i'm showing you that I dont have shame based feelings about my humanity, like a spiritual seeker has.

What do you imagine development is?

Do you think development is sitting on the internet being nice to spiritual seekers?

You are so stuck in your blue moronic (and thats a developmental level by the way) mind that you really cannot take different perspectives on the same event, can you?


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@Henri Its actually getting boring now.  This tedious monologue you have with your internal object called "nomad" from the actualized.org website.  Dont you understand that Im just an object in your mind?  You can see this object many ways.  Not if you are blue.  If you are blue its only one thing, hes either "good" or hes "bad" nothing else.  Not only are you projecting a story, youre now trying to fight with the story you are projecting.

Youre literally insane.

And you are proving my point beautifully

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@Nomad Off course I can take multiple perspectives, that`s what integral is about. I just prefer not to play the warrior anymore (I did a long time) and believe me (or know by reading my posts) that blue is not my color.

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@Henri I dont read your posts.  They are mainly garbage.  Well, for self development that is.  You seem like a nice guy and i like that about you.  But your knowledge on this is terrible.

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18 minutes ago, Henri said:

@Nomad Only mentioned Graves because you are calling every one `blue`. So I am talking your language. I prefer using Graves only in practical social and cultural sense. 

@Henri And I only mentioned blue because everyone talks graves,  youre right.  blue is a social structure.  500BC.  Buddhism, yoga sutras, christinaity.

Seeing as nobody studies real development, keegan, piaget, cook greuter here, I cannot talk con op.  I cannot talk individualist.  

But i can see youre a con op, you believe in pre-rational enlightenment.  Doesnt exist mate.  The Buddah didnt even teach non dulaism, that was the basis of mahayana buddhism much later on.  

Do your homework.  That's a sign of someone who has genuine passed through the rational stage.  At least when you get to orange you start to see through the illusion of non dualism


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Sorry to disturb yall but..

It would be great if the following comments would be on topic again..


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My suggestion is........ Try to aware of you movements and senses as you are doing something or walking.

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It starts with mediation. I would try NSR meditation (Natural Stress Relief). You can experience samadhi, pure consciousness or pure awareness, in a matter of days if done correctly. I experienced a few moments of it on the second day, it was life changing. But, you have to follow the steps carefully. I used to practice a form a mindfulness meditation I had 500+ sessions and never experienced what I did with NSR.

If you are diligent in your meditation you will have more awareness in the outside automatically, that is what I learned in their forum. I recommend that you take a look and ask them any questions you may have at their site.

Good luck

Edited by akbal

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