
How Do You Raise Your Awareness?

132 posts in this topic


i get out of my head & share with others as well as, those with different opinions than mine, its very humbling & therapeutic.

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@theinevitableandi Waking up is waking up from the nightmare of concrete thinking.  He over there is either good or bad.  That behaviour is either good or bad.  I'm either good or bad.

I don't like it, I like it.

Simple thinking.  There are Enlightened people and there are unenlightened people.

look how basic this thinking is.  It's the thinking of a child.  You people want to regress back to the childhood state, the pre verbal stage before the self formed.  Why, to get away from having to cope with life and feel anything.

That's the mark of a very immature individual

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13 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@theinevitableandi You don't know what you are talking about.  If you don't develop your ego, then you are just another dysfunctional tool like Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Ramana Maharshi... the list is endless.

Those guys never got rid of their self concept anyway.  They repressed it because they didn't have the courage to develop into proper human beings capable of 4th person perspective thinking.

Listen to their bizarre teachings.  They project their repressed blue con op mind onto the world and think thats how its structured.  And then morons like you swallow those notions fully and wholesale, then try to get away from the nasty world you project as "out there" and try to become enlightened.

Its a game

It's upto you.  Be a tool or be a human being.  

@Nomadgood point, there's possibility that those guys (Eckhart Tolle, Mooji, Ramana Maharshi...) go wrong. So can you tell me if you feed, ups sorry 'develop' your ego to the highest level what will you become? Another Hitler think 'yes I am god' I can go and rape anyone I like right?

It's a life, gameover means you are disappear, you dont have another chance my friend. 

And there is chances that' I'm a fool so I still trying to learn and grow day by day.

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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@7oo13ad Ive already told you there is higher developed stages of ego development.

Youre con op.  Quite clearly.  A) Because youre on here.  B) You dont have a friggin clue where im coming from.

I'll say it again.  I dont need to lose my ego.  I dont see the world in the same way as the people on this site do.  

I have the ability to shape my experience and the people in it and understand that the world out their is either a heaven or a hell depending on what mood im in today and my attitude.  Thats called self actualization.

What youre after is self transcendance - a kind of mental illness where you loose the ability for discernment and complex thinking so you can escape the suffering of psychological growth and gradual enlightenment into a fuller and more expanded ego.

You want to escape the world.  This is called spiritual bypassing.  and its a Disease.

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13 minutes ago, 7oo13ad said:

@Nomad So can you tell me if you feed, ups sorry 'develop' your ego to the highest level what will you become? Another Hitler think 'yes I am god' I can go and rape anyone I like right?

This is just another indication of your intellectual laziness and attitude to the world.  "Give me the answer so I dont have to think for myself"

You are on your own.

You dont hear me regurgitating spiritual garbage on here do you?  No, because I can think for myself, my words are my own.  I dont use words like virtue, aversion, ego, or any of the other stuff people use on here because these are concepts.  My self concepts are my own gained from my own experience.  Thats what you can expect if you bother to develop yourself.  You start to take the "thorn" of spirituality out of your mind and start to construct your own reality based on experience, your own logic, your own emotions working holistically as a whole person.

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@Nomad Nothing is your own mate...

Not your words, not your ideas, not your concepts, not your logic, not your body, not your existence.

You are a big illusion in an even bigger illusion. A nomad in an abandoned desert of a blown up ego...

The intellect is not going to save you, it`s gonna destroy you. 

Start serving people, it might save you...

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@7oo13ad Hitler wasnt developed.  He was also stage blue.  The diametrical opposite of your mind.  His was "bad" yours is "good"

Hitler had well developed intellectual mind.  But his emotional and cognitive self was very low.

He also bought into an ideology, much like you.  His ideology was eugenics.  Your ideology is enlightenment.


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@Henri Blimey.

Yes yes I agree that there is no "i" in here.  So?

There is still a bundle working together to create a "personality".

You have a penis (I assume)

So do I.

They are both penises.  I didnt invent mine, you didnt invent yours.  But they are still both different penises.  They both have their own characteristics

(I cant believe the absurdidty of using penis analogy to try to explain how dumb you arexD)

The point is, it doesnt matter whether I invent my own language, what matters is if i use language in my own way as authentically as possible.  I do my own thing, you do your thing.  

Serve people?  What, is that you speaking or your ego?

It can get quit a twisted game, cant it?

All the while youre getting older, your hair is falling out (if it hasnt already) and your dick is shrinking while you sit on here looking for enlightenment.

live your life.

Come on here for entertainment.

But dont become just another dysfunctional tool.

And you should know this anyway, you seem to follow the rational integral model.  Why you being such a hippy?

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20 minutes ago, Henri said:

@Nomad Nothing is your own mate...

Not your words, not your ideas, not your concepts, not your logic, not your body, not your existence.

You are a big illusion in an even bigger illusion. A nomad in an abandoned desert of a blown up ego...

The intellect is not going to save you, it`s gonna destroy you. 

Start serving people, it might save you...

Whats going to destroy you?

Is this more catsatrophic spiritual the world was gonna end in 2012 thinking again?

Ever been to a therapist long term?

You should.  It helps you grow past enlightenment and get into the real world.  

The world that blue cannot comprehend.  While youre sitting on your med cushion wishing your life away nomal people are out there working to do real things with the world.  In real ways.  With real people.  Using real skills.  Not just sending metta to people I select as having "personality disorders".

Maybe you need to wake up and smell the coffee, and get real.  You cant change anything by believing the people in the world are egoic monsters.  Because it's just not true.

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20 hours ago, SkyPanther said:

Developing a narcissistic ego is not normal, and that is just going by psychological assessment, not having anything to do with enlightenment.

Being a psychopath, that only cares for your own happiness is not normal, and that is just a psychological assessment.

Being a pathological liar is not normal.

This is how blue interprets red.  Blue hates red.  Blue in the 5th centruy BC was the answer to the "problems" of red.

This is your mind right now.  The 5th century BC mind.

Normal people don't see this.  We dont pathologise the ego in people. We see people are wounded, who did not ask for these wounds, and this is something that we cannot change.   It is not upto you or your version of Buddhism to decide how other people develop.  It is something that happened to them, and it is their choice whether they want to.

Its a social problem.  Becoming enlightened isnt going to change a thing, it just makes you look insane to those who you would have had influence over to stop this cycle of abuse repeating itself.

You want to sit and pass judgement on people while you reach for enlightenment.  I want to help make sure we do something collectively to wipe out these problems at the root.  That means educating people on why people stop growing at the ego stage. Doing something about child abuse.  So we dont need things like therapy and spirtuality in the future. 

Ego transcendance is a selfish process.  Youre looking out for number 1.  A reflection of your own narcissism and inability to cope with existence and growth through the suffering.

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@Nomad Well, talking about Graves it looks like your stuck in orange mate.

May be its good for you to have a look at the developmental lines by Wilber, its not just about the ego... There is a lot more.

You can find out there why it is that you are so rude in your posts, may be took a wrong turn?

And yes, I`m an integral thinker so I know its not only about the thinking. Do you?

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@Henri How do you REALLY know im being rude?

Lets use your attacks and turn them against your ideology

If you have your non conceptual self, then you better shut up and stop talking, because surely you are projecting your own mind onto the blank canvas before your eyes?

what is rudeness?

Its a concept?

So by your prost rational reasoning I surely must be enlightened, because rudeness doesnt exist.

See, youre just a twisted idiot who buys into belief systems without actually looking to see if any of it is true.

Then use whatever you want to justify it.

You can play this game to infinity.

I expected better from someone who follows ken wilber.  but i dont see the level of depth here as i see over at integral life.  this is the morons site who use integral to justify their pre-rational beliefs 

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@Henri For all you know baldy I could be a zen master trying to wake you up.

Or I could be a nutcase in a mental hospital 

Or i could be a troll

Or I could be....

The interpretations are endless.  You chose 1.  1 that you are conditioned to chose.  Which makes you blue.  and if you are blue you will never ever know what im talking about, because for you my thinking doesnt exist for you.  only exists in your interpreations

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Yeah, going from orange to green one needs to become sensitive again, that can be hard... relativistic also, tough isn`t it?

You play mind-games from an orange point of view. That`s all. Getting lost in words without having a clue about the impact.


Edited by Henri

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@Henri Thats the thing.  you dont really know anything.  Its not about ridding ones self of concepts.  Its about realising that you dont actually know anything for sure.

The only thing you can know for sure is that you dont know anything.  Everything is pluralistic.  The world, your mind, its in constant chaos.

THATS enlightenment.

That is what makes you grow, because now you can be whoever you want to be, and you dont have to be in constant seeking mode trying to find some kind of non conceptual mindless state.


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@Henri I'm not here to demonstrate my sensitivity to you.  Thats for my real life.  So do i give a fuck about making you feel better?  No, my intenet here is to continue to hammer home the very first point i made on this thread.

Is that when you judge somebody according to your beliefs then you enter into a lose-lose dynamic them.

and thats EXACTLY what has been co-created here.

Green is not about living the graves stereotype.  The stages are about how we make sense of experience.

Green sensitivity is exactly what I'm about.  Deosnt mean I cannot pull out my sword or stick to bash in your thick blue skull with it.

After all, its transcend and include in this game



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I prefer Wilber mate; more from the heart so to speak...9_9

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3 minutes ago, Henri said:

I prefer Wilber mate; more from the heart so to speak...9_9

Yes.  It's called skilful means.  It keeps blues and purple "greens" from attacking his institute.  His rationality appeals to orange.

You talk from your heart if you like, its wonderful.  There is also the mind too, and then there is the body and mind working together.  Thats green, green can be fierce you know.  You see stereotypes because youre still a what Fritz Perls called a "phony".  The world isnt actually made up of stereotypes, for a bluie it is, and this is probably why the graves model appeals to you guys so much.  

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19 minutes ago, Nomad said:

...the very first point i made on this thread

Is that when you judge somebody according to your beliefs then you enter into a lose-lose dynamic them.

and thats EXACTLY what has been co-created here.

And you do exactly that. I see you are the one judging people, give labels, concepts and try to explain yourself very much. You know criticize others gonna come back and fuk you in the ass man. 

2 hours ago, Nomad said:

This is just another indication of your intellectual laziness and attitude to the world.  "Give me the answer so I dont have to think for myself"

You are on your own.

Thank you for your label 'intellectual laziness', I'm on my own since I was fifteen. 

I ask you a simple question 'if you develop your ego to the highest level what will you become?' because I see the 'ego' that you claim developing and showing here quite big. And you know there is a quote from Einstein since you prefer fact and scienctist :D


Maybe ego on higher level it's gonna different huh?

Whatever happens..
The Truth will free my soul

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13 hours ago, theinevitableandi said:

Your mind likes to cling to models about reality and how life should be but be sure not to mistaken the MAP for the Territory!... because we are using more concept to remove concept .  Regarding enlightenment..  @Nomad

You misunderstand this map is not the territory theory

This just means that there is no one defined way of looking at the world.  Your map is different to mine. But THERE IS NO TERRITORY to try to uncover.  The "territory" bit is the human mind mistaking their current perspective and thinking that is reality.

There is no reality.  It can never be found.  There are just maps assuming their map is the territory.

No one truth to be found.  Nothing to see here, please move along onto the next map, then the next and the next integrating the map with higher levels of complexity and embrace for all.

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