
How Do You Raise Your Awareness?

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2 hours ago, theinevitableandi said:


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@theinevitableandi I wouldnt call that super ego. Didnt see a should in there. I did see a hurt reaction to somebody elses judgemental super ego though.

Do you even know what a super ego is?


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@theinevitableandi It's easy to parrot spiritual words that people behind the safety of your PC. I wonder if you have anything going for you in the real world?


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@theinevitableandi Im wondering if your commment here wasnt a reaction to our earlier discussion? No. Cant be. Because youre enlightened virtuous and are.making comments puerly for the benefit of waking me up. It cant be your petty little self concept in there trying to get one over on me surely?

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8 hours ago, Will said:

@SkyPanther @Nomad 

let the other have there way and open yourself to be changed..

Sorry mate. It's a little bit more than logic. You won't understand this because you obviously haven't done body and mind integration work. I don't need actualised.org videos to tell me what reality is. I don't need Buddhist philosophy either. I stick with real life experience and learning from my mistakes with people. 

And let myself be changed? Sorry, but I don't do regression back to the dark ages. 

I'm glad you found the argument amusing. 

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11 hours ago, Will said:

@SkyPanther @Nomad  Hahaha, well done peoples.. found yourself some more practice I see..

Keep up the good work..

Got into a bit of a slinging match there..

let the other have there way and open yourself to be changed.. both of you have valid  views and perspectives..

your logical minds are coming up with some great arguments and justifications . but that is all it is.. :)

was fun watching.. thankyou

The thing is, I was pretty much agreeing with him.

The "difficult" people are in the minds of people that label them that. The actual people are not that, though thier actions may be seen that way by others

That is why I said change yourself.

Not the other person, but your own ego that is having difficulty with other people.

As for moral and cultural relativism, there has to be some discernment, otherwise everything is "good" and the word loses its meaning, even with outright atrocities, all for the sake of being perceived as "enlightened". 

No where has any exemplars of enlightenment said that everything is permissible.  For instance no one would call Hitler, Trump, Stalin, etc anywhere close to enlightened.  That does not mean that you Judged the person, or actively make their lives hard (the law will do that if their actions are unlawful ), but it does mean you recognize their actions as unskillful, unwholesome, "evil", selfish, sinful, or whatever other word that convays "don't do that", to someone trying to stay on the path of enlightenment.

Even as an Agnostic/Atheist, there is secular humanism as an ethics code/code of conduct.


Edited by SkyPanther

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@SkyPanther Of course stalin or were not enlightened. 

The thing your missing is that is not ALL of them. They are not their behaviour. 

You're happy to label everything in your existence with bumb flat concrete labels that impose your own stuff there. 

Relativism does not talk in such ways. Only blues talk this way. 

You can't even think for yourself without seeing it through the filter of your religion..

You have become the religion itself..

It's not your fault. It's just your mind and how it makes sense of experience.

Intellectually sound yes.

Cognitively concrete and absolutist. Nobody is allowed to change or have other aspects. Hitler is Hitler and that's that. 

And even though Hitler's behaviour got out of hand he was a master leader and pulled a country out of economic depression.

Nothing's quite as it seems, nothing is black and white. But if you're a Buddhist there isonly the buddahs virtue and that's it.

Harming and lying actually are not bad in themselves. They can beuseful and necessary. Not the the con op mind thoug. Con op cannot think that far abstractly. So your enlightenment is con op too. 


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@SkyPanther You're so.dumb you couldn't even see that you were engaged in a power struggle and trying to wriggle your way out of it. You blatantly changed your story about 32 times just to keep you from being prooved wrong.

Concrete.bluies need ideology. They need it and they need it to be right because the buddah or some.other higher authority said so.

You got no argument. But here you will be king, because this site is the religion of enlightenment.

Religion without beliefs


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22 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther Of course stalin or were not enlightened. 

The thing your missing is that is not ALL of them. They are not their behaviour. 

You're happy to label everything in your existence with bumb flat concrete labels that impose your own stuff there. 

Relativism does not talk in such ways. Only blues talk this way. 

You can't even think for yourself without seeing it through the filter of your religion..

You have become the religion itself..

It's not your fault. It's just your mind and how it makes sense of experience.

Intellectually sound yes.

Cognitively concrete and absolutist. Nobody is allowed to change or have other aspects. Hitler is Hitler and that's that. 

And even though Hitler's behaviour got out of hand he was a master leader and pulled a country out of economic depression.

Nothing's quite as it seems, nothing is black and white. But if you're a Buddhist there isonly the buddahs virtue and that's it.

Harming and lying actually are not bad in themselves. They can beuseful and necessary. Not the the con op mind thoug. Con op cannot think that far abstractly. So your enlightenment is con op too. 


I did say a few times, the person is not the action. 

As you lable emotions, thoughts, etc as those things when you meditate, you can lable bad action, as bad actions.

The action is not the person.

As for the rest, I won't participate in ad hominem attacks.

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10 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther You're so.dumb you couldn't even see that you were engaged in a power struggle and trying to wriggle your way out of it. You blatantly changed your story about 32 times just to keep you from being prooved wrong.

Concrete.bluies need ideology. They need it and they need it to be right because the buddah or some.other higher authority said so.

You got no argument. But here you will be king, because this site is the religion of enlightenment.

Religion without beliefs


Feel free to feel this way about me. But know that I harbor no anger or ill will towards you, and hope to be able to communicate with you, someday, without the name calling. 

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@SkyPanther You wont be able to communicate with anybody unless they live by your so called virtues. 

Good luck with that, because reality is pluralisitc. Even your own mind is pluralistic. 

What you consider bad one day you may even consider good another day. 

That's how the mind is. It's a shambles. Not an orderly nice little doctrine of virtue. 

I don't do religious nuts anyway. They do my head in 

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Just now, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther You wont be able to communicate with anybody unless they live by your so called virtues. 

Good luck with that, because reality is pluralisitc. Even your own mind is pluralistic. 

What you consider bad one day you may even consider good another day. 

That's how the mind is. It's a shambles. Not an orderly nice little doctrine of virtue. 

I don't do religious nuts anyway. They do my head in 

I see, so "difficult" is too harsh but, "religious nut", "dumb", and the other labels you have thrown at me are just fine by your estimation. 

This is getting silly, but is also... Enlightening.  Anyway, hope you have a good day.

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By the way; The Buddha was a Hindu-Yogi...

He just found another path to enlightenment opposite to the most common one.

A Hindu talks about bliss, a Buddhist about suffering.

A Hindu talks about fullness, a Buddhist about emptiness. 

That`s all folks...:D

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@SkyPanther I can talk blue too. You dont subscribe to the real world of mutual respect. You subscribe to labels. So thats what you get. Labels.

See, I have no shame with my humanity. So I don't care which mind i express. But I know it's not all of me, and in certain situations it's helpful, useful. 

You just run away from everyone in life because you subscribe to some 2500 year old dogma that isn't even relevant in the world today. If you grab onto that right you're going to have the experience you're experiencing now: evil, politics,games and unconsciousness. 

You put it out there you get it back


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18 minutes ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther I can talk blue too. You dont subscribe to the real world of mutual respect. You subscribe to labels. So thats what you get. Labels.

See, I have no shame with my humanity. So I don't care which mind i express. But I know it's not all of me, and in certain situations it's helpful, useful. 

You just run away from everyone in life because you subscribe to some 2500 year old dogma that isn't even relevant in the world today. If you grab onto that right you're going to have the experience you're experiencing now: evil, politics,games and unconsciousness. 

You put it out there you get it back


I have been respectful towards you.

But here is a quaint idea, treat others as you want to be treated.

I have not called you any name, made any judgment toward you, or had anything bad to say.

There are things we disagree on, great, it's what makes life interesting, if we all thought the same things, life would be boring.

You seem to have aversion to some things about me, maybe try to figure out what that is, without name calling, ad hominem or straw man attacks. 

If you think it is angering, upsetting, or frustrating me, you would be mistaken, but as someone on here noted, it is pretty entertaining, in an enlightening sort of way.

Edited by SkyPanther

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17 minutes ago, Henri said:

By the way; The Buddha was a Hindu-Yogi...

He just found another path to enlightenment opposite to the most common one.

A Hindu talks about bliss, a Buddhist about suffering.

A Hindu talks about fullness, a Buddhist about emptiness. 

That`s all folks...:D

In a way, yes, sort of how Christianity came out of Judaism.

Though Suffering is more accurately "unsatisfactoriness", or "Bummer". And only if you cling to impermanent things.

Once you get past clinging, you get to bliss, or equanimity as well.  I guess some would call that "contentment".

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@SkyPanther Its all going over your head. You simply will not understand what im saying because your mind is not developed enough yet. 

I'll say it again. Enlightenment is a belief. This is why this idea has no credence in our society. Society is more advanced than you give it credit for. Once you buy into an idea like.enlightement and fall for its propaganda of being some sort of highest truth for humanity you are already lost my friend. You internalise that and that's what you see. 

You see a world of whatever you see, so that's what you will get. If there is ever a thing that's close to enlightenment it's this. Being able to see the world how it is rather than how you want it to be.

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1 minute ago, Nomad said:

@SkyPanther Its all going over your head. You simply will not understand what im saying because your mind is not developed enough yet. 

I'll say it again. Enlightenment is a belief. This is why this idea has no credence in our society. Society is more advanced than you give it credit for. Once you buy into an idea like.enlightement and fall for its propaganda of being some sort of highest truth for humanity you are already lost my friend. You internalise that and that's what you see. 

You see a world of whatever you see, so that's what you will get. If there is ever a thing that's close to enlightenment it's this. Being able to see the world how it is rather than how you want it to be.

Enlightenment is a concept, true. 

But reaching for the evolution of the psyche is an ideal, not a belief.

For instance I would class myself as a transhumanist, because I have hope for humanity, that one day we will live in peace and harmony with ourselves and the universe, cosmism would be the actual concept.

But change always starts with one, you. I want to help society by changing myself.

You are assuming things about me, by projection, or outright fabrication from a few posts on a forum.

I would never do something  like that to anyone. Because, in my opinion, it is a snap judgment.

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@SkyPanther im just talking with someone today about this. 

Being developed is being normal.

The people looking for something that is not what they already are with all their problems and issues are the ones who need help.

Enlightenment is just being an ordinary fucked up dude like the ones you work with. And yes even Donald Trump. 

Get over yourselves.

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