
Relationship between Enlightenment and self Development

6 posts in this topic

It seems counterproductive to develop a self that isn't there, yet feels necessary. How do you balance these two things and how much overlap is there?

Edited by Gohabsgo

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The Self can not be developed. 

But you can expand your consciousness to see that. 

Personal development is great.

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Enlightenment is waking up to the fact that all of this is a dream. Development is about fashioning this dream to be the best that it can be.

Even once you awaken, the dream will still continue and you will have to do something. Even doing nothing is doing something.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Look at Ken Wilber and what he calls the 3 forms of development:

  1. waking up (enlightenment)
  2. cleaning up (emotional mastery)
  3. Growing up (personal development)

@Leo Gura also had an AMAZING interview with Peter Ralston, and one of the clips they talk about what Ralston calls “personal transformation” and why it’s important. 


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If you are conditioned to jump every time a dog barks, enlightenment won't stop you from jumping. However; self development will stop you from jumping.

Self development changes the conditioning. Enlightenment changes the story around the conditioning.

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Your comments all gave me material to ponder. Thanks for that

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