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Real Spiritual Value of Marijuana

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3 minutes ago, DesertRat said:

This is what I’m referencing, but only a recent phenomena.  Four years of heavy “medical” use post retirement, and NOW, it’s becoming a slight deterrent to my enjoyment of super simple consciousness.

Damn crossbreeders.

Also, I've tried Canadian weed, and It's just so strong. It's an overkill - no way you can really get something out of that. 

I am Brazilian and just consume marijuana with regular levels of THC and CBD. Most times I even have to get really low quality weed, because of the laws in my country.

Go for the natural, not crossbred stuff. Nature is the supreme intelligence and gave all we really need to transcend our illusions. 


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4 minutes ago, Viking said:

haha, if I could manage that during normal consciousness. during a high forget about it

Try walking meditation while high. It's like a muscle, you just have to practice (:


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Whatever juicy insights you think you get on weed will be 100x deeper on LSD. So that's really LSD's selling point.

LSD is the second most beautiful substance (after 5-MeO).

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1 hour ago, Leo Gura said:

Whatever juicy insights you think you get on weed will be 100x deeper on LSD. So that's really LSD's selling point.

LSD is the second most beautiful substance (after 5-MeO).

I sure love LSD, the only problem with it is that I can't trip very frequently. Last time I took 150 ug and had a 26h trip, which gets really exhausting after the first 12 hours. Marijuana is a more gentle teacher, that has potential for more frequent use. The teachings I got from marijuana I did not get from LSD, DMT and Psilocybin. It just feels like each one has a different thing to say. 

As for the potential for addiction, you know very well an ego can get addicted to pretty much anything. Marijuana is not as nearly chemically addictive as nicotine,  cocaine, opioids, or even sugar.

I agree that heavy psychedelic weaponry is necessary to get things started, but once the engine is running, pretty much any altered state has the potential for mind-blowing insights - at least in my experience.


Edited by Cudin

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@Leo Gura Leo, you talk so much about the importance of the psychedelics that I was even dreaming about it last night. LOL

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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1 hour ago, John Lula said:

@Leo Gura But Leo. Have you even tried smoking thyself completely stoned, and then contemplated?

No, I do not consume addictive substances.

If psychedelics were addictive, I would not use them.

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23 minutes ago, John Lula said:

@Leo Gura Wise. It's too good. Glad I stopped. Funny how many says it's non-addictive, when it is really addictive!

Anyone who's had a real hard addiction like nicotine knows the abyss that exists between trying to quit cigarettes and trying to quit weed.

Again: people get addicted to pretty much anything. Porn, games, movies, comic books , working (I'll never get that one), talking, cracking knuckles, picking nose.

The vast majority of stoners are in it for escapism and that's obvious - but let's not throw the baby with the bath water - when used for real spiritual work (that is - contemplation, concentration, vipassana, self-enquiry, walking meditation, having high level conversations, watching the nature), it is as powerful as any other psychedelics. 

Keep the mind wide open, brothers. 

This forum has so much potential! 

Edited by Cudin

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Btw, marijuana seems to be a great bootstrapper from SD orange to green - which is a major blockage for the majority of people. 

I don't really have any evidence for that, just my own observations.

Most of my friends that have never tried marijuana are really stuck on orange forever. The ones that had an open mind (or just the right amount of dumbness), have successfully shifted to green, and are now stuck in the revolutionary justice warrior paradigm (maybe that's right time to introduce psilocybin / LSD).

I'd love to know if any of you have also noticed that.

(If I'm correct, the recent weed legalization process that is occurring in the US, will be of enormous help to transition the nation from orange to green. It will take time, but it will happen)  

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@Cudin @Cudin I think it also depends of the quality of the weed, you said you live in Brazil(me too) and we know that the weed here is usually pretty bad. In places where it is legalized, you can choose a type that's strong, give you less anxiety, or something like this, i also think that it has fewer contaminants. Weed has some side effects like lowering your sleep quality that has so many effects on your life. When i used to smoke, i started to noticed that even days after i smoke, my meditation would suffer, my mind was agitated and a little anxious, it was hard to focus. When i dropped it, i felt a lot of withdrawn symptoms for almost 2 weeks. Have you tried mushrooms? I used to prefer LSD but when i did mushrooms, i loved it and the trip is shorter, which is nice for most people that don't have much spare time. It is also more natural, is hard to find a high grade pure LSD here in Brazil. 

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@Recursoinominado salve irmão!

I agree with you in most of what you said. I did try shrooms and it is my favorite, hands down. Unfortunately, I started having strong gastro-intestinal pain when consuming mushrooms, so I had to quit them. I was thinking about making a tea to extract the psilocybin, but I am really scared of doing them again, since last time I did, I fainted and had a quick seizure (it's REALLY crazy to come back to life while under psilocybin)

The brazilian weed (prensado nosso de cada dia) sucks indeed, but at least it's not a THC bomb, like the ones i've tried in north america. That's just too much.


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@Outer Ye, I bet they did the experiment with a control group of stoner meditators...

Science is great, my friend, but following it blindly is as naive as following a religion blindly. 

Thanks for sharing the information, though !

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marijuana just makes me feel reeeeeally retarded. it's like trying to cure a wound by making it numb.

unborn Truth

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Anything that quiets that damn monkey has tremendous SPIRITUAL value to me!!

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