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Real Spiritual Value of Marijuana

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- In the Vedas mythology, the cannabis plant came to be directly from Shiva's own body.

- Aleister Crowley used weed as a catalyst to his spiritual practices (even though I believe he was a kind of zen devil, it really doesn't matter).

- Several Indian Sadhus use weed.

- The main spiritual practice of the Rastafari is smoking weed in a specific set and setting.

I have a real hard time searching for good sources of information about the real spiritual uses of marijuana. I simply just ignore people that say, out of pure dogma, that no drug will really help in our spiritual path - yeah, right - 5MeO-DMT sends his regards.

I'm pretty sure my psychedelic experiments have been of great use in my path. I got rid of hard addictions (alcohol and cigarettes), Improved my self-esteem, had some great / frightening ego death experiences.

Some of the best mystical experiences I had where actually under the effects of marijuana. My self-inquiry becomes more effective, I am capable of being present for longer periods of time - to the point where it feels like I'm watching a movie and have no real agency. What I see seems to merge with my identity - reality seems to get smashed in my nose. It can be a little awkward to talk to other people in that state - I might just get back to the regular stoned dual state really fast which can be kinda freaky.

Do you guys have any good link about reports of the use of marijuana in spiritual practices?

Have you ever had any valuable mystical experience regarding cannabis? 

Edited by Cudin

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It's definitely valid for many people!

But it's a tool and nothing to attach to. Being and Being sober is the most satisfying thing IMO.

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39 minutes ago, cirkussmile said:

It's definitely valid for many people!

But it's a tool and nothing to attach to. Being and Being sober is the most satisfying thing IMO.

As an ex weed addict, i completely agree. Cannabis has its uses, it gave me a LOT of deep insights, including the one that made me drop it but one has to be careful to not overuse it or use it as an escape. 

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The only problem is that its addictive.

LSD is not.

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3 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only problem is that its addictive.

LSD will not.

I wouldn't agree with that. You can get hooked on LSD and psychedelics in general, and I have been there before chasing these mystical states.

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9 hours ago, okulele said:

I wouldn't agree with that. You can get hooked on LSD and psychedelics in general, and I have been there before chasing these mystical states.

The problem with weed is that it appears to be a harmless habit so you get conditioned to want to smoke in a variety of situations (feeling sad, happy, hungry, horny, sleepy, awake, bored etc). Its way harder to do this with LSD especially considering that its a 10h trip(so you can't do it anytime), it builds up tolerance quickly, it's hard to build a strong habit of it. The worse i did with LSD was once a week (not even strong dosages, mostly 1/4 of a tab) and as for weed i did several times a day, every day. Although i see how you can become lightly addicted to LSD, in my experience, it doesn't even compare with weed addiction. 

Edited by Recursoinominado

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@Cudin Cannabis was invaluable in my spiritual growth. I like a long flowering sativa, which is great for creativity, for both Samatha (concentration) and Vipassana (insight) meditation.

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Currently on a journey to find more THC-V heavy strains......the “sports car of cannabinoids”, as those strains seem to offer me the finest pain AND brain relief.



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12 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Two problems to avoid in life are:

  1. Too much weed
  2. Not enough weed

Everything in moderation, including moderation.

I think weed is a a consciousness tool for sure.  For sure.  In the right hands.  But don't become a weed glutton.  You gotta figure out how to do that.

hahaha totally agree on that!

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15 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The only problem is that its addictive.

LSD is not.

Yes, it is addictive. Not as much as nicotine, but I do feel minor withdraw symptoms when I quit smoking for some time.

It also feels bad to inhale particles from the smoke. Maybe marijuana is meant to be eaten, not smoked.


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I’m recently enjoying (??) a distinct sensation that pure consciousness trumps cannabis consciousness.

As an avid cannabis enthusiast, I’m finding this delightful, in some sort of sadistic way.  Saving money is cool.

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3 minutes ago, Cudin said:

Yes, it is addictive. Not as much as nicotine, but I do feel minor withdraw symptoms when I quit smoking for some time.

It also feels bad to inhale particles from the smoke. Maybe marijuana is meant to be eaten, not smoked.


Or fav.

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2 hours ago, Matt8800 said:

@Cudin Cannabis was invaluable in my spiritual growth. I like a long flowering sativa, which is great for creativity, for both Samatha (concentration) and Vipassana (insight) meditation.

Great! All I hear is how marijuana is a hindrance to meditation, and I certainly understand that it might be the case for a lot of people, specially those who use it for just for recreational purposes. But I do feel like I am able to get to the first Jhana states of concentration a lot faster with the aid of marijuana. Maybe it is blocking me to go further down the rabbit hole, but it surely helped immensely so far.   

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In my experience its not addictive but also not very useful spiritually

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1 minute ago, DesertRat said:

Or fav.

quick and healthy ;) 

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personally when I use cannabis, even a little I become a retard and have very bad short term memory.

Edited by Viking

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@Viking if you contemplate, losing short-term memory for a while is pretty close to an enlightened  fully-present state, if you manage to be present, of course

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1 minute ago, Viking said:

personally when I use cannabis, even a little I become a retard and I have very bad short term memory.

This is what I’m referencing, but only a recent phenomena.  Four years of heavy “medical” use post retirement, and NOW, it’s becoming a slight deterrent to my enjoyment of super simple consciousness.

Damn crossbreeders.

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8 minutes ago, Viking said:

personally when I use cannabis, even a little I become a retard and have very bad short term memory.


“You don’t have problems; you are the problem.”

– Swami Chinmayananda

Namaste ? ?

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3 minutes ago, Cudin said:

if you manage to be present

haha, if I could manage that during normal consciousness. during a high forget about it

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