
Inside the paradox of new information.

1 post in this topic

Several thoughts and questions. Unpack them as you will. Cheers.

Even openminded people are missing information solely for the reason that they haven't come across some idea yet. (Approaching the limits of time? The void? Nothingness as a blank canvas?)

Could you please talk about what is happening in the mind as you approach more efficient stages of open-mindedness. When the mind begins to shed the ideas attached to belief and begins to see everything as updates to the mental algorithms of being. (A sort of continual state of unbelieving or searching for hidden beliefs so as to eliminate them? Is this just a never-ending game that the mind is occupying itself with, or are there really changes happening?)

What is new information? In relation to mystical awareness, every "new" piece of information that comes into awareness begins to be a sort of message or foreshadowing of insights to come. (Is "new" the recognition of a strange loop?)

Is the mind attempting to open into a state of complete newness? What happens as the mind becomes more efficient at finding new information or recontextualizing old information?

What are the systems in the mind that act as a sort of "software engineer", at the forefront of new pattern recognition, that build new technologies and systems for older systems in the mind to use for innovating themselves? (A snowball effect or branching effect.)

Edited by yubbadooba

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