
Bad Habit!!!

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I have a bad habbit I think.... Whenever I feel energy low or stressed or my eyes a little irritating or heavy..I start to think inside my mind that there is something wrong with me or my mind... and that make me feel depressed...This happens everytime with me.. I want to correct it... Any Helps

?IngitScooby ?

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i also think theres something wrong with me often. i came to the conclusion that if i cant change it, i shouldnt give a fuck, doesnt benefit me in any way.

you should be able to stop the thought if you dont believe it, if you believe it, see if you can improve or check it somehow, if not, stop thinking about it, if you cant stop thinking about it start meditating.

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@Ingit @Viking There is nothing wrong with you. You are exactly as you are now. Manifest your own creation. When you hear the thought "There must be something wrong with me," instead of believing it, remember the conscious part of you that is in control of your mind, and use it to respond with: "No, there is nothing wrong with me. I am exactly as I am and need to be now." Let that response calm and console the agitated part of your mind. It will take some time, but not too much; and with time, eventually the agitated part with quiet down. The conscious part of you always has more power than the unconscious part, and the unconscious part (unconsciously) (hehe) knows this. Thus, the unconscious part of you will eventually listen and submit to your consciousness. As you begin to cultivate your consciousness, and use it to quiet down other agitations, your body will move away from the "stress" state and will begin to heal itself. Our bodies have a hard time healing themselves because they are often stressed, tense, on edge. It cannot heal in this state, which is why deep sleep is so important, when we let go of everything. However, when you are awake, you can still enter a similar healing state, but you must first use your conscious ability to ease your agitated mind. Goodluck my friend. <3 :)

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I've the same thing

I have chosen to accept it when the thought arises

Or to let the thought and feelings pass 

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