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How to actually invoke feelings of it? I do the exercises, but it just makes me content, i don't really 'feel' grateful. I'm just like 'yeah its awesome living' or just feel content. but not gratitude. 

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Don't force it too much. It will come to you when it's time. There can be different kinds of gratitude, and the gratitude people often experience is just one way and overly idolized.

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What is the difference between gratitude and contentment?

Edited by Brittany

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I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Watch videos or look at images of the poorest people in the world living in situations far worse than you. That should help you become more appreciative and grateful for what you have and all you have to do is do some deep breathing and imagine yourself in their shoes.

Another good technique is go upto yourself in the mirror and give love, thanks and appreciation for your existence in this life. Genuinely feel it not just say it, do this as often as you can, sooner or later your life will become so much richer.



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