
Cacao nibs - greatest superfood of them all? + Flouride question!

14 posts in this topic

I heard great things about cacao as superfood. 

I like to consume it in the form of nibs, cacao nibs. 

Is this the best superfood by far, or is any other superfood close to it? 

A complete other question also. What about flouride? Do our teeth really need extra sources other Then whats in food and water? 

Is it a good Idea to change toothpaste into a flouride-free toothpaste alternative?


Edited by MarkusSweden

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Cacao is definitely one of the best yes but also highly addictive. No we don't need "extra" sources of fluoride. The type of fluoride found in food and naturally occurring springs in nature (untouched by man) is very minimal 0.05ppm or less. In tap water or other sources like toothpastes ect.. its up-to 100x more and its not the same type of fluoride, this fluoride they add to things will render you brainless.

Yes fluoride is not needed in toothpaste whatsoever.

Edited by pluto


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46 minutes ago, pluto said:

Cacao is definitely one of the best yes but also highly addictive. No we don't need "extra" sources of fluoride. The type of fluoride found in food and naturally occurring springs in nature (untouched by man) is very minimal 0.05ppm or less. In tap water or other sources like toothpastes ect.. its up-to 100x more and its not the same type of fluoride, this fluoride they add to things will render you brainless.

Yes fluoride is not needed in toothpaste whatsoever.

Thank you! 

What else superfood is good, if you put together a top 3 lets say, cacao and two other superfoods, what would it be?

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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2 minutes ago, pluto said:

Hemp Seed, Spirulina :)

Ok, i'll check it up? :) 

How long have you been interested in diet? I know that you really know what you talking about. 

Isn't it so, yes or no? 

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Love cacao, it may be my favorite superfood.  Potent mood enhancer.  Jeanne Calment (longest living human on record) ate pounds of chocolate each week (I'm assuming high quality), so that proves definitively that it's great for you.  She also smoked cigarettes every day (probably just paper and tobacco, not marlboro lights or anything like that).

So yeah, raw cacao is amazing.  My top 3 would probably be Cacao, Cordyceps, and Mucuna Pruriens... honorable mention for ashwagandha.  Raw egg yolk is great too. 

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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@MarkusSweden My interest in health in general came about a decade ago with my awakenings and what not, i became interested in everything life had to offer and had to unlearn everything i was taught and learn again the correct way, the way of truth.

@Feel Good That is old rumor my friend, its a myth. If cacao is a neurotoxin, coffee would be 100x more neurotoxic. Sugar is far more neurotoxic and dangerous than either, that's what you should worry about. Cacao actually detoxes the brain like no other substance which more or less is the reason why this rumor was created because it has potential to wake the minds up. A free mind is dangerous to the system that profits from keeping you dumb and sick.

It can get addictive like all stimulants but i have used it almost every day(with random breaks from time to time) for almost a decade and i am still sharp as ever.

Quality and source is important and you can always use Mucuna to balance out stimulating substances but unlike coffee, cacao has its own anti-stimulative chemicals 'theobromine" which is the so called neurotoxin, to dogs and cats.

Edited by pluto


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1 minute ago, Feel Good said:

Conspiracy theorist too?

Conspiracy Realist ;)


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16 hours ago, MarkusSweden said:

I heard great things about cacao as superfood. 

I like to consume it in the form of nibs, cacao nibs. 

Is this the best superfood by far, or is any other superfood close to it? 

A complete other question also. What about flouride? Do our teeth really need extra sources other Then whats in food and water? 

Is it a good Idea to change toothpaste into a flouride-free toothpaste alternative?


Be careful with Cacao, and only eat it in moderation. On the packaging for it you'll see that it's not recommended for pregnant women because it can cause birth defects, because of the presence of Mycotoxins. I'll paste a little information below that I found about Cacao a while back.

"Whilst it may seem that raw cacao is the sure ‘go to’ choice, there is a grey area that shouldn’t be ignored.
According to the National Confectioners Association (US based), the raw and un-roasted form of cacao, which lacks the heating process, makes the beans more susceptible to bacteria and toxic contamination. This happens because any heating and roasting process will destroy bacteria.

Over half the microbes that contribute to fermentation naturally create mycotoxins. Mycotoxins are fungi that contaminate food and are unseen to the naked eye. When the roasting stage is removed, like it is with raw cacao, the mycotoxins remain present. Alfatoxin and ochratoxin are examples of mycotoxins and according to renowned nutritionist Georgia Dind have the following effects:

• Neurotoxic (destroys nervous tissue)
• Immunosuppressive (suppresses immune function)
• Genotoxic (causes genetic mutations)
• Carcinogenic (cancer causing)
• Teratogenic (causes birth defects)"

Edited by Emerald

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

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@Feel Good check out Leo's vids on this topic: 

Deep problem of marketing

His latest video and blog video

And 30 ways society fucks you in the ass

edit: im just talking about the problems of capitalism in relation to the quote "A free mind is dangerous to the system that profits from keeping you dumb and sick."

don't know much about cacao 




Edited by d0ornokey

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It's not what you put in, it's what you take out that matters. 

Get a decent water filter - not a plastic one and detoxify your house (Switch to natural cleaning products, glass containers, ditch your microwave, shower filter, natural deodorant/toothpaste,  get your veggies from the market, try free-range meats, eggs etc ) That's not even a complete list of the basics.   Research heavy metals etc.  Any talk of "superfoods" is like adding in $100 to an account that's overdrawn $2000.   I heard it takes like 2-3 years for your body to rid yourself of all the gunk the modern world has been putting into you.   

Edited by wpw

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@Emerald Who do you think funds and pushes those studies? If that were the case in which how exactly the communication/exchange occurs within our bodies we would all be brainless by now and chemically wrecked. I know many people who like myself consume raw cacao quite often for years and are among the sharpest individuals i know.

If that were the case, Nature would of provided them to us already roasted and or cooked. Nature does not make mistakes, humans who are disconnected from nature do. Don't buy into fear-based things much, let your body be your guide.

There is nothing more intelligent than a body that its connected to its mother. One Body = One Mind.



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40 minutes ago, pluto said:

@Emerald Who do you think funds and pushes those studies? If that were the case in which how exactly the communication/exchange occurs within our bodies we would all be brainless by now and chemically wrecked. I know many people who like myself consume raw cacao quite often for years and are among the sharpest individuals i know.

If that were the case, Nature would of provided them to us already roasted and or cooked. Nature does not make mistakes, humans who are disconnected from nature do. Don't buy into fear-based things much, let your body be your guide.

There is nothing more intelligent than a body that its connected to its mother. One Body = One Mind.

Who exactly would benefit by pushing that narrative? If it were some processed Cocoa company, then the raw Cacao companies that they're trying to 'beat out' by conducting such a study would be able to avoid it by beginning to process their Cacao. 

But I looked it up and it appears that the study was funded by the Brazilian government. And they found that 98% of Raw Cacao sourced in Brazil contained a significant amount of Mycotoxins and the fungi that create those Mycotoxins. So, if anything, they stand to lose something by conducting that study as I'm sure they make a lot of money in taxes off of Cacao export.

But even ancient peoples in South America soaked and roasted their Cacao. They didn't consume it raw. So, it's not a new thing. I trust that they knew a bit more about these things than modern raw foodists. 

Also, human beings are part of nature and cannot actually go against it even if we tried.

So, given the fact that all human societies have cooked their food, it means that cooking is natural for us. Choosing to eat a raw diet is also natural for us. Eating meat is natural for us. Going Vegan is natural for us. Basically, every diet that will sustain human life is natural to us. 

Human beings are what I call "adaptovores". They eat whatever they can eat. And once food is abundant enough and a variety of food is possible through export, they can choose to eat more ethically. 

So, I choose to err on the side of caution, and only eat Cacao here and there in small amounts. It's not like Cacao is some miracle food that must be consumed to stay healthy. There are plenty of other raw foods with similar or better benefits and none of the drawbacks. 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Emerald I believe Ancient people sun-dried and fermented it like the top quality cacao and ceremonial brands today found around Peru, Guatemala, Ecuador and other similar pristine regions. They understood about Life-Force/Chi/Prana within foods anything in high temps neutralized the life-force within and the chemical communication within the body was not of the same "energy frequency" thus diminished the overall effects.

Cooking came from times of ignorance, drought, stress and similar situations when meat and other food were introduced that "needed to be cooked" or "fermented" like dairy for the human body to tolerate and digest it properly. Raw food is far more essential and optimal for our bodies than cooked but yes you must find what works best for you but the truth of the matter remains the same.

I agree with you on humans being "adaptovores" but that does not mean optimum, that does not mean thriving. Cacao(IMO) is both beneficial daily and here and there. If you are sensible with it, there shouldn't be any drawbacks as you say especially if you source your cacao from quality, virgin sources and not the big companies that you won't ever know exactly how its made.The information you presented in BOLD is highly unlikely to occur if you know your source and use top quality cacao only.

We can respectfully agree to disagree, although in my honest opinion(unless your cacao is very poor quality and highly contaminated), You will be more than likely getting traits of those "negatives/drawbacks" from regular processed food and tap water than anything else.



Edited by pluto


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