Self Mastery Program Gary Van Warmerdam 10/10

By Nic in Self-Help Product & Book Reviews,
The Self Mastery Program The first 4 courses are free, try it out!!! This got me out of depression… easily! Can’t recommend it enough. I’m so thankful I went through depression, it allowed me to learn so many amazing things and this is a very pragmatic approach to spirituality. in one phrase: This course teaches you to stop giving reasons for not expressing the feeling of love and therefor increases your happiness and awareness level to the max!   So I must give credit to my spiritual master, Gary van Warmerdam and his program that I found to be excellent and helped me to master my emotions… I made it nearly 10 years ago. It is based on the toltecs (ancient Mexican tribe) spirituality, so his spiritual master is Don Miguel Ruiz author of the 4 Agreements best seller book. I found him better than Don Miguel Ruiz, but I only have been reading his books, I didn’t have a course from him. Gary did. Here are the reasons I deeply recommend this mp3, $200, one year course. that you split in two halves. The first 4 courses are free trial, 5 to 14 cost $100, When you are done, if you really like it, you can choose to pay an extra $100 and you will get the courses 14 to 26, which is not a must, but you will want it You should work 2 weeks on each exercice, exemption is made on course one to two, only one week there. If you can’t resist, and you go quicker than this, this is your ego that don’t want you to succeed, setting the bar too high and you will fail at mastering your emotions. Sorry no magic button here, you still have to do the work and the work is a one year wicked mind game you are playing without no-one noticing it or needing to know what your are doing. What? Why paying? Well if you want to master your emotions, it is the way to go, no joke! Paying is not a bad thing, especially if the information is actually worth billions… or how much do you think your happiness is worth? There is also a ton of free stuff from him downloadable as podcast through iTunes  (called “happiness through self awareness”), but it will be the theory, not the practice exercices. I advise you to do the free stuff first, not to believe me blindly! find it here too:  This is what makes the difference, the exercices, the doing, not the knowing!   What you get from this course: A spiritual course from a former nuclear power plant engineer, very structured mind that want to solve problems, crushing the ego in an effective way. Exactly what a so called grounded and rational person would need! It helps you to release the ground too! But no science,..., spirituality, like Leo I would say not Sam Harris style, that I actually find dangerous and very very little religious stuff talk here.   -fact is, you will never get rid of the voice in your head. This course offers you the possibility to be able to watch what happens in your thinking process, watching several ridiculous characters in your head having a dialogue and that you are constantly acting out without noticing it. watching your thoughts becomes a habit and you will then be able to anticipate more and more the reactions of your monkey mind just by doing some given exercise until the next exercice. At the end you are able to do “all” the tasks together, if you do 3 or 4 it is already excellent. It's like learning a new sport or art. I really had like the matrix effect where everything, the unconscious mind process, slows down and you can anticipate what thought is coming next and your automatic reactions… which gives you the opportunity to change the final reaction.    What I miss with that course is what I found in Leo’s video! I find Leo’s enlightenment videos one of the best thing I’ve ever found on the internet, The no-self concept,. You will also find it in this course but not explained like Leo's breaking ball style. It is a progressive process, a journey into getting to know the monkey mind by heart and controlling it at the end. You can then choose in a millisecond if you want to express empathy or gratitude, love or joy, anything but anger and envy, jealousy and so on…   I understood everybody’s reaction a lot better too, which makes you feel a lot cleverer than everybody else, a nice and big trick from the ego, which I fell into… I had a lot of awakening moments, I found my one and only purpose in life too, expressing love, this is for me what it all comes down to, expressing love for no reason at all, for love being the most irrational thing ever and because it just feels amazing doing it!   Does it work? Big time! if you do the work, it will work! It helped me a lot and still do. I can help a lot of friends having a hard time handling their ego too. I made the mistake to think that the work was finished after the one year course… ego came back with a vengeance… I learned out of it that the work is never finished… So enjoy happiness, if you have any questions, go ahead and ask me!
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