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Mooji - Forget about Enlightenment

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Here it is with music. I have it on my mp3 player. I have listened to this hundreds of times (seriously). lol

"Maybe aliens is sitting somewhere up there looking at this at like a video feed and jerking off to it. You don't know!" - Leo Gura, 2018

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in my present consciousness I dont care about knowing what I am or who I am, it doesnt give me anything. in my present state of consciousness why should i care about something if it doesnt give me anything?

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@Viking as I set here in this amazing rain typing this appreciating the unbelievable pouring ran, the wind, and the trees around me as a unique yet connected individual, I think the same thing. Why do I need to see life as a “stupid illusion” and kill my “self”. I’m so thankful to be alive and appreciate all this amazingness around me as a separate appreciating individual as well as all the deep mystical experiences that meditation and high vibrations bring, and he ability to create obviously uninherent meanings in life. if “enlightenment” as it was said on a forum requires giving all that up I no longer have any interest in its pursuit.

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And to clarify someone explicitly said on a recent forum on here enlightenment requires giving up happiness and appreciation of life

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Just be grateful for all that you have, have had and all that you ever will have. Freedom is your inevitable nature so be grateful for it regardless if you are aware of it or not, you know eventually you will be :)

Know it, Accept it and let it go <3



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@11modal11 No, no, no! You're misunderstanding enlightenment.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura I definitely am based on the concepts I have recently come across, but I’m saying the concept of it that I have understood makes me feel very bad, and I think a lot of the posts (not necessarily your and from my recollection not yours) could lead others to similar misunderstandings as in a set of rules to live up to that creep into your mind. It seems like everyone had a different definition in the first place.

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So what I’m saying is not to pursue the concept if your seeing it as I do. In fact it’s probably incorrect if you’re perceiving it that way. I was enjoying nearly every moment become I came across the concept in the way I perceive it now (which is wrong) if that makes sense. Now i just feel confused and of course like I’m secretly trying to live up to something I never was before. So my mind definitely has a misunderstanding even if I’m aware of that misunderstanding.

more specially the concept that ii possess of "enlightenment" is different then that to which you refer, so im ditching the concept. also that i was likely closer to that to which you refer before i developed this concept of "enlightenment." I think there is a good amount of misinformation rolling around the forums through individuals posts conceptually that may lead individuals to develop this same misunderstanding of that to which you refer that I have if that makes sense.

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@Leo Gura I actually get it now I read your main enlightenment page more in depth and you're referring to experientially realizing the awareness that you ultimately are and always have been, as the constant which i got from reading tolles work a few years ago, not about having a specific ideology. I don't remember him using the word "enlightenment" so I had never attached that specific word to the awareness realization. In fact really thought about that concept until recently after hearing it in videos and later on here thinking it was some specific mystical experience with beliefs tied in. I would not appear like a traditionally "enlightened person" would look in preferences, appearance, or way of being (i assume) aka i never developed a "spiritual ego". The confusion stemmed from many posts on here which are more describing "what an enlightened person looks like" or "what an ideology is like for an enlightened entity" (again not your posts), however now it has ultimately strengthened the realization, so thank you lol.

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Enlightenment is an idea. A lovely idea. However, the very idea of enlightenment is held within the mind. We are going on a journey beyond the mind, to the depths of our heart. There unconditional love and pure awareness is experienced. Such a surrender of all your ideas to go beyond the mind is what true courage is made out of because it requires unconditional trust in yourself :) 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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  On 7/22/2018 at 0:40 AM, 11modal11 said:

And to clarify someone explicitly said on a recent forum on here enlightenment requires giving up happiness and appreciation of life

Enlightenment is your natural state. It gives you true happiness which is unconditional contentment and helps you truly appreciate life. A life living of a false self which is not real only gives psychological security, not happiness. Enlightenment is not a choice, those who are ready will eventually get enlightened at some point. From what I ve been reading from your posts, you might not be ready. You are probably thinking enlightenment is anti life and outside of consciousness, but thats not true, its realising you are consciousness itself. I think you underestimate the role of grace in enlightenment. Anyway not everyone needs to be enlightened and its fine. Its only when the self imposed limits on your freedom cannot be held on, one becomes ready for enlightenment.

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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@Saumaya no i'm literally saying i developed a misunderstanding of what enlightenment is from this forum, there is a lot of information against what your saying presented by people here. if you look at leos guide alone, which i never really did it makes complete sense.

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  On 7/22/2018 at 4:44 AM, 11modal11 said:

@Leo Gura I actually get it now I read your main enlightenment page more in depth

where is this main enlightenment page exactly, do you mean his bog posts? To what do you reference to?

And can you elaborate which information here is against what Saumaya is saying?

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@OBEler it is his "practical guide" and for example, the latest post by someone just said "enlightened people do not do purse success." aka  there are limits to enlightenment and these include not engaging with life in a way where circumstances would improve from an outsiders perspective. if your behavior exhbits improving "your life" an enlightened person would not do that. these kinds of posts are making all these claims about "enlightenment"that have nothing to do with it, at least in the way leo describes and tolle describes etc. leo is never claiming that when you have a realization there is a definitive way you "have to live"

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success is a concept, where would you even draw the line, would an "enlightened being" not eat? would they simply die? obviously this does not seem to be the case as for example David Hawkins is a successful author. He seemed to do something that could be construed as success, so he must not be "enlightened" according to the post, because he would never do something as to write a book or become "successful" doing something, hes too enlightened for that of course...

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Leo: "What Enlightenment is Not: A belief, a model, a theory, a concept, an idea, an ideology, a rational knowing, a philosophical position" 90% of the posts completely go against this items. After reading his guide its very clear why it obviously none of those things, its "no-thing" which makes perfect sense

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a lot of it seems to be stage green talk confusing itself as "enlightenment" which is why i understand that leo feels often misunderstood or something along those lines in his turquoise video 

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