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Similarity between meditation and productivity

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It's not about being perfect in your meditation the entire time

But rather, refocusing when your mind wanders off

Accepting that all days will NOT have a complete state of meditation or even close to that  

But that you can adjust and make it a little better the next day 

Perfection isn't possible, but adjustment is


It's not about being perfect to my daily routine

But rather, refocusing when you fall off 

Accepting that all days will NOT be to your standards or perfect

But that you can adjust and make it a little better the next day

Perfection isn't possible, but adjustment is 


maybe you can think of more applications. hope that helps. You can apply this to life in general too. All days won't be good, in fact you will have many bad days. But it's not about being happy all the time, that kind of standard is impossible. but rather about picking yourself up when you fall down and readjusting 

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