
No time/energy to do self actualizing work?

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Currently i'm working for 10 hours a day, and most days i come home dead tired, not having any real energy to do anything but make dinner and relax for a couple of hours and go to sleep. On weekends i mostly am feeling tired too, because of the lack of sleep i had during the week. My job doesn't really give me the possibility to keep a steady sleep schedule, which i think is the main cause for my tiredness. What do i do?

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I'm struggling with pretty much the same problem and my best solution to the problem was that I use the rest of my free time to do self actualizing work instead of entertaining myself. It's still a very flawed solution since I fall asleep a lot because of my tiredness. 

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@Psyche_92 Yes, this is a huge problem.

What plan could you make to restructure your life so that you have significantly more time for self-actualization work?

This will probably involve making some radical structural changes, like re-thinking your entire career. This will involve some tough choices. And that is precisely how growth happens: tough choices, strategy, and emotional labor. You must be strategic and position yourself long-term so that you have more free time. If that means you spend 2 years re-training yourself for a new job, for example, then that's what you must do.

When I was in your shoes, I decided to quit my career and start my own business just so that I had the free time and money to do what I needed to do. It took me a 3-4 year detour to get my first business stabilized before I could really dig into my life purpose.

Working 10 hours per day simply will not work. It's a terrible strategy that you must now figure a way out of. Not only does it preclude self-actualization work, it will destroy your health and well-being in the long-term.

Work smarter, not harder.

After years of strategically laying my groundwork I now have the freedom to not work for 10 years without any financial problems. That's what good strategy will yield. I could retire and go meditate for 1 year straight without any worries, come back, and still be richer than when I left. This situation did not happen by accident! I deliberately designed it this way because I realized a long time ago that freedom was the #1 variable to living the kind of life I envision. It's very hard to self-actualize when you are a wage slave.

See video: How To Be A Strategic Motherfucker. I'm real serious about it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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I know how It feels, was working 10-12 hours a day when started my path in spirituality. I couldn't say It wen't that well for me back then, but what do you mean by "relaxing"? I remember in beggining I just came home, ate dinner and browsed internet until I was too sleepy and went to sleep. Changes I made was, make fixed sleep schedule, go to sleep and wake up at same time every day. Your work is 10 hours, lets say + 1 hour to prepare, get home from/to work, then morning routine, breakfast, in evening dinner and some habits that could be each + 1 hours and then 7 hour sleep, If It's good quality, then It's easily enough. So now you have 20 hours spent, those 4 you can spend productively, which means reading, meditating, exercising, watching lectures, podcasts or working on some project, If you are young and single works for a while until you make change in your career If you do have family then change job as soon as you can. You can't go like this for long time, because all your energy is spent there so you can't really work on anything else, that's why people get stuck in careers they hate, because It drains them and leaves no energy for working on changes.

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@Psyche_92 You know some people look down on me for living with my mom at my age but, it's the best decision I made. Living with her means I don't have to concentrate on survival money BS. I'm happy that I don't have to worry about rent or bills I use that money to buy self-actualization stuff and invest it in my long term growth. That also means that I don't have to worry about being rejected for jobs or beg an employer to please take me in for some crappy minimum wage BS because I can't make next months payments on what have you. I also have the time to take this awesome unpaid internship in a field of work that I enjoy. So I don't let the low consciousness ways of thinking that other people think get in my way. I must admit my mom can get annoying sometimes but, all and all things have exponentially gotten better since she no longer lives in that dumb house in the middle of no where and we see the more obnoxious elements of my extended family less and less.

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Why do you work 10 hours a day? Do you have to sustain a family or does it simply costs so much to survive? If you are working 10 hours a day in order to save some chunk of money that could be needed in the future to start a bussiness, then you are doing good.

If you are not then consider changing a career. You can for example invest in a camera/drone and start recording stuff during the weekends. Or buy a bunch of cleaning chemicals, a professional vaccum cleaner and start cleaning people's carpets in your garage. These kinds of bussinesses are easy to start and can turn out to be very profitable. Just start doing what most people don't want to do, but they have to or really like to have it done. Search craigslist for ideas.

If you are more of a creative type of person/know a foreign language then freelancing might be a path for you. By freelancing you could lower the time you work from 10 hours to 6 and still earn the same. You can use Udemy, Envato or YouTube video courses to learn skills needed and market your services on websites like UpWork or Fiverr, or search for gigs on Craigslist.

Some links on freelancing, if you have a time to read:

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4 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

@Psyche_92 Yes, this is a huge problem.


After years of strategically laying my groundwork I now have the freedom to not work for 10 years without any financial problems. That's what good strategy will yield.

Feels so good to read this. I'm tired of this bullshit like "just follow your flow" or "your inution will (completely) guide the way". Finally someone thinks it all through and is NOT bullshitting.

I don't want to end up as a bum sucking dicks, just not to freeze to death.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all of the barriers within yourself that you have built against it 

- A Course in Miracles

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12 hours ago, Psyche_92 said:

not having any real energy to do anything but make dinner and relax for a couple of hours and go to sleep

What are you doing to relax?

If relaxing to you means watching TV, netflix or that latest movie you torrented, that's not relaxing. That's actually going to get your mind activated a lot because it's a very stimulating experience.

Relaxation to me is meditation. Or going in a sauna and taking a cold shower.

Second thing you have to take a look at is your diet. If you're not eating clean, do that right now. It takes zero extra minutes out of your day to eat healthy vs eating unhealthy, with the exception that you might have to cook a bit more.

Once you're eating healthy, you'll automatically have a lot more energy.

Next, look at the quality of your sleep. Don't drink water right before you go to bed so that you wake up and have to go the bathroom. Buy blackout curtains so that your room is completely dark. Don't sleep with the TV or noise going on.

Final step in all this is you gotta change your job situation. That's a long term plan usually but you have to start planning now.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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I have this same problem!  I even have to work the weekend once a month.  I asked if I could get a day off instead of getting paid for the weekend.  Nothing doing.  They want my ass at work! :( 

I've actually been considering the possibility of applying for disability.  I've got a problem, not a big one, but maybe big enough to go on disability.  That would buy me time to do other things or start a business, etc.

Edited by smd
adding more details

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