
Motivation disappears when i enter my home

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Whenever im away from home, i get these bursts of motivation to do things like making an idea-map on my weaknesses on poker play and things i need to improve in my play, or to meditate, or to finally start a mindfulness practice etc. Like today when i was at work i couldn't wait to get home to write down my plans for poker and i imagined myself making the mind-map, i imagined myself watching the poker videos and writing down facts that could improve my play

Then i get home and i start to actually do the plan, and BAM! All motivation disappears for no reason and i get cravings to play video games or go to 4chan and waste my time in that fashion.

Has anyone else had this kind of problem and if so, how have you got ridden of it?

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Yes i had this... Well it is the association that you have subconsciously with the place of home. 

For me worked to change the design and furnitures. The other one was to do the work outside of home in a cafe,library or something

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@Hansu Would you say your negatively motivated? Are you trying to escape negative feelings?


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10 hours ago, Rinne said:

@Hansu Would you say your negatively motivated? Are you trying to escape negative feelings?


TL;DR Yes and no

I can't say im escaping negative feelings, but i had long and hard look into what motivates me. I noticed that those chores i have no problem doing brought a vague smile on my face, and when i looked into that emotion i noticed that, for example meditation which i recently picked up is linked with strong positive understanding and picture of what happens when i build enough awareness (I felt an absolute bliss and happiness when i was walking in forest and i just crave to tap into that feeling)

When i thought what motivates me to learn poker first thing that came to my mind were the positive and happy feelings that i had when i was brainstorming poker play with my best friend and actually found out that i have excellent poker face and good sense of reading body signs. But then i thought what motivates me to learn poker at web-casino, and it was "i want to stop losing money" and when i started to look into my motivation to use the material i have been listening and watching to stop losing money, i noticed that its dull and boring as fuck. So, in a sense i don't have positive motivation to learn internet casino, but i do have positive motivation to learn poker with my friend, which i think is more about my passion to psychology and healthy competition than making money

Dude, you saved a lot of my time and frustration! Can you recommend a book that can help teach me to build positive motivation around things that i feel are necessary for me?

EDIT: Along with the motivation mega-thread, i'll be looking into that too

Edited by Hansu

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There's a lot of things that could be causing this, but a simple solution might be a change in environment.

You think you're "you", but in reality you're mostly just a product of your environment. So if you can switch up either where you're living or what's in your immediate environment that could really help.

For instance, I like to have things in my room that remind me of my goals. Books, pictures, clothing, jewelry, etc. Anything that gets my mind thinking along the right track.



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@Hansu Beyond what people already said here, try to perceive your place more of your own sanctuary, regardless of the negative feelings. I know it's hard at first, been there myself :$ 

One time I demolished literally everything just to ultimately find peace. 

My advice ? Start loving and caring it.

The way you start seeing it more with compassion the more you will have a positive impact upon it thus creating a cool and cozy habitat. It is actually your extension just like you are for it.

After the process of rebuilding you will begin to notice that when you feel "down", the environment you carefully created will reflect back at you, remembering yourself of the feelings you invested when you created it.

"There is no place like home"

Namaste xD

Edited by Xenomorf
More feeling ^^


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It's one or two of these possible problems:

1.)  You get home, it's probably late afternoon or early evening.  You're tired & your will power is broken due to low energy.  It was used up during the morning & afternoon.  Every vice & craving will have free reign & can go unchecked.

2.)  You're in the "In Between" time, that point of inflection where you have to convert thought into action.  It can be a real bitch to get through that resistance.  I'm told the way to get through it is to stop thinking about it & just do whatever it is you set out to do.  Once you get started, it should build its own momentum.

But with low will power, it's easy to halt in your tracks.  For instance, I was going to go to the gym for a basic 20-30 minutes of cardio today.  I found or remembered that all my gym clothes were dirty.  So I washed my clothes, but once they were dry nearly 2 hours later, all of my energy to get to the gym was totally gone & put off for tomorrow and I didn't make a backup plan of what to do if I didn't go to the gym!  So vegged out on YouTube instead..

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@Hansu You could shoot me a PM if you would like some more advice/help.

Right now i dont really have any books to recommend you on building positive motivation. Leos life purpose course might help. Positive motivation is more of like having a grand lofty vision of what you think is possible for you.

Positive motivation (carrots) vs Negative motivation (sticks). 

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@Hansu Try working at your local University. There's a good vibe for getting things done there.

God and I worked things out

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On 20.7.2018 at 5:42 AM, Xenomorf said:


After the process of rebuilding you will begin to notice that when you feel "down", the environment you carefully created will reflect back at you, remembering yourself of the feelings you invested when you created it.

"There is no place like home"

Namaste xD

Do you mean i can build an environment that makes me motivated AND helps me to clean up my home?

Thats AWESOME ? all my life i have thought about getting a big room with a specific room for building my study, when i had the possibility to turn my 1 room apartment into a temple


I resonate with the thought to action part. My problem has been to start and to keep going, but the latter one has been only with things i didnt find positive motivation with.

Thanks all for great answers ?


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