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Seriously tho Ive always done things really intensely for a while and then often give up when approaching completion. In these last few months I've realized that these things truly were my fualt, it's completly fuct because I then make excuses. I'm not going to do that now it's a reaccuring habit. I'm basically a newborn baby boy to this hoping that I don't have the same experience with this now I really feel like it's helping but there is that omnipresent dark cloud of a bad habit that is akin to holding back an orgasm, or I maybe completely offbase and actually be some narcissistic dickhead that fails to see his own inferiority... really hoping the potential I see in myself isn't some delusion of granduer. Sorry for the stream of "conscience" thought I'm NOOOO writer ? with my laymen ass, on my way to adding a new hobby to be a part of my routine. 

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lol this sounds interesting, keep it up. Also your potential is not delusion, it is real and you should really believe in yourself. You can achieve so big and awesome stuff that you can't even comprehend right now. Just get a grip and get started One step at a time you will discover your true, infinite potential.

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