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Tony Robbins' PERSONAL place in spiral dynamics (turquoise?)

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Hey guy what's up ? new member in the forum even though I've been watching the videos for about a year now


Okay so let me give you a context then ask my question. So i came into the journey of self actualization about 3 years ago by randomly searching on internet "how do i control myself". Now i know that question itself is so naïve lol... But anyway, i was firstly introduced to the world of success oriented self help back then. The stuff i was reading were all about inner work and not really about income and " orange" success, but rather i felt they strengthened my understanding of myself, and slowly took me furthur in the spiral dynamics too. Now the most interesting person among all the people i followed in that realm was tony robbins.

Now this guy is really an interesting case of study to me. Leo categorized him in stage orange, but i believe he goes really furthur than that, but rather, if you know him enough, you'd know he literally talks in every stage of spiral dynamics above blue. He has orange books, green books, yellow books, and he has a cult-like ~turquoise community and seminar style.

Now if you look a little more closely, his approach to EVERY main thing he does is by systems thinking. Even his orange and green books are yellow-made books created for orange and green. He also really learned how to infiltrate blues and help them transcend to orange.

 I heard in his 2nd day in his big seminars "date with destiny" he talks about spiral dynamics itself.


His success itself is orange success.

His motives are pretty green. Trying to help everyone "achieve their highest self" which imo he words this way cuz he doesn't wanna sound abstract like someone like deepak chopra. Chopra's target audience are people with spiritualify understanding not the norm.

His way of approaching all the stuff i saw was super yellow. From the design of the seminars to the books and the way he created his own way in success etc.

He always talks about "invisible force", " universe", and says "i call it god call it whatever u want universe or whatever", so he doesnt provoke blue and specially orange that much by using their own words.

He isn't as individualistic as yellow. He's all in in the field and tries to reach out as many people as he can, changing their lives, which is turquoise level.


If you think about it he's a turquise that really understands the world and is trying to transcend it to next levels of this model using systems thinking. What do you think?


Oh btw, found this too:

Edited by Javad

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