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Help me get a slimmer face!

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I have some excess fat on my face and a bit of a double chin despite being just about in the healthy weight range, when I have exercised before via cardio (no weights or muscle building) it has only taken off weight from my body area/torso etc..., my fact always seems to mantain the same amount of weight, anybody have any advice on how to tone up the face so it has little to no uneeded fat and also to completely remove the double chin. Can't find advice online about it.

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there are some exercises you can do that involve jaw stretching, neck stretching and focus on muscles of upper neck. Look them up on google. Not sure if that will do anything  though haven't tried myself. 

Generally, fat areas cannot be targeted, it always comes down to body's preference where the stores are depleted first. Depending on your current bodyfat %, you may need to go lower to shed that...or make peace with it. 

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Unfortunately, there is no way to lose weight from one particular area of the body. Fat cells are different than most other types of cells, because they shrink and grow. So, when you lose weight, you don't actually lose any fat cells. They just shrink. So, the only way to lose weight from a particular area is plastic surgery.

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This is a bit of a bro science , but this has worked for me.

1. What is it that you are eating daily? Dairy, carbohydrates, sugar (this includes too much fructose)? Cut them out dramatically.

2. Fasting daily. My last meal is at 7pm, my first meal is at 11 am. I start by green tea. Non gluten, non dairy breakfast. Nothing but water in between 7 _ 11( no coffee, no tea... ) 

3. Cardio that makes you sweat. 

4. Feel good about yourself the way you are :) it's okay to want to improve, but do it in a loving way.



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The best and fastest cure for all over-weight problems and excess fat is fasting. Simply stop eating for up-to a week and drink lots of water. You can go months without food, just get a good water fasting book/guide. Its not that hard to just stop eating, if you really want something you will do it.

If you can't do it, it means you don't want it enough.


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14 hours ago, pluto said:

 Simply stop eating for up-to a week and drink lots of water.

Careful with such advices. 

Edited by George Fil

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8 hours ago, George Fil said:

Careful with such advices. 

Its really that simple though, if you want to lose weight the fastest possible way. Humans like to complicate things and buy into fear-based propaganda way too much. The universe is simple, nature is simple. Its man who complicates things and gets himself stuck in trouble and loops of suffering.

Although i do understand where you are coming from and understand there is toxins in the body that can arise when fasting but this is why its common sense to be healthy in general(which the OP already addresses that being so) and eat lots of (high water content) fruits and vegetables daily to assist in flushing out toxins from the body.

Its not rocket science, we don't consume what nature specifically designed for us to consume and we complain about weight problems and dis-eases, its a never ending pattern people keep asking about yet always the same solution most seem to ignore then come back with other problems.

In this case the OP can drink the (freshly squeezed juice) of fruits and vegetables and nothing else for up to 1 - 3 months. Drink 2 - 4 liters a day and this will flush you out at the same time provide an abundance of vitamins/minerals to fight of toxins that arise to the surface when in the detoxification state. Assistance of  1 TBps of hemp seed or flaxseed oil for essential fatty acids can be added to this too but IMO not absolutely necessary.

The third best is 100% RAW fruit and vegetable diet and possible some nuts and seeds for healthy fats, this is a more appropriate transition but will take significantly longer than the others especially when trying to remove excess fat from places the OP is talking about. He said he is in "healthy weight" range so i suggested water fasting initially to get to those deeper levels because nothing else will as fast as he wants it.



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Wow!! Got some really really helpful advice from people here, like really helpful! Thankyou so much. @Michael569 I will try them will be interesting to see what results they bring. @Emerald interesting, didn't know that if it's true. @Samra @TheSomeBody I will try this out yes, advice I haven't heard anywhere else! @pluto also very interesting and helpful advice, I will see what it does. Yeah as I said just so everyone knows I am not overweight or anything, I just have a bit of excess fat around the breast, body, chin and face area that I would like to iron out as I would most certainly look better without it. The double chin is interesting because it comes and goes, some days it basically isn't there at all and other days it is more prominent, but still not the extent where if I lowered my head there would be a huge roll of double chin fat there lol!

I eat quite healthily atm as well which is what I don't get about it, I don't really eat any meat except fish and chicken occasionally, have organic fruit and veg every day, but I don't have nuts and some of the other stuff you guys are saying on here which I fear I probs have to have now, as I fucking hate the taste of nuts and alot of the vegetables that you all have mentioned. Some vegetables foe example I have daily are brocolli, spinnach, cucumber, carrot etc and an apple and banna. All organic as I said and I only drink water really, no energy drinks or coke or horrible shit like that. I walk alot, although haven't been doing cardio atm...and I don't sweat that much to be fair, which is probably what I need reguarly in some form or another as well I would imagine to burn some of it away lol.

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@Feel Good yeah I was seriously considering something to do with sweating/ a sauna and was surprised no one else mentioned it, I would imagine that if I used it in correctly, correct timings/in co-operation with exercise then it would truly transform my body! Thankyou

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Echoing what some of the other people have said, you can't designate a certain part of your body to lose weight. Just keep up with working out and dieting correctly and you will eventually lose it. Diet is the biggest factor when it comes to weight loss, so make sure that you are monitoring that. I'd recommend counting your calories until you have a firm grasp on how much you can and cannot eat. Make sure you are getting enough vitamins and protein though, especially if you want to keep on working out. 

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On 7/17/2018 at 5:27 PM, pluto said:

The best and fastest cure for all over-weight problems and excess fat is fasting. Simply stop eating for up-to a week and drink lots of water. You can go months without food, just get a good water fasting book/guide. Its not that hard to just stop eating, if you really want something you will do it.

If you can't do it, it means you don't want it enough.

Dude, how can you say that when you don't even know this person's health situation? How do you know that they, personally, can go months without food?

While MOST people can probably fast for a few weeks and be just fine, it really depends on how much fat the person has stored in their body and also how fast their body burns calories (their metabolism). Someone who is very overweight probably could go for months without food and survive, but not everyone can fast for months without starving to death. If someone simply doesn't have enough stored fat, they could die (probably not in a week, but certainly over the course of months).

It's ridiculous to give someone that advice and make sweeping statements like "you don't want it enough" if they have trouble suppressing a basic biological process for self-preservation. And I'm saying this as someone who fasts intermittently and does see some benefits. Everybody's body is different, and when someone's body wants to fast, the body will say so, but forcing it is just silly and potentially dangerous.

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@eleveneleven Because i understand how the universe works.

The universe is mental and all based on your personalized belief systems. You can live 1000+ years if you wanted and there are some who have and still are today. Its all MIND.

Yes they could die if they believed so, that's why i always advise a good book/guide on fasting and self-education, self-actualizing in fasting and what not beforehand that i have mentioned many times in other posts. Fasting itself is not just a physical detox but also a spiritual experience which teaches you about limiting belief systems and that food is just another belief system you have bought into.

I have seen and been with thin people who don't eat for months including myself which have restructured and discarded limiting belief systems allowing them to thrive either way. There are some people who don't even eat or drink anymore. If i wanted to mention something extreme i would of said that first but that would not be wise would it?

Sometimes i am direct and seem harsh about things and i am always sorry for causing any discomfort but nevertheless the truth of the matter remains the same. I wouldn't present if it wasn't authentic and genuine to my true nature.

Most people may not me ready yet for some information we sometimes provide, but if you weren't on any level, you simply wouldn't see what i comment or see it completely differently than presented which is similar to what is happening here.  The fact that you do notice it, triggers something within that there could be more to life that i may not know.

All the best :)



Edited by pluto


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