
The Cult of Sadhguru and Isha Foundation

111 posts in this topic

1 minute ago, ajasatya said:

dude... too much already. why so much effort applied to talk about other people's lives? intellectual pride?

Yeah... I mean : it's okay to not agree with some things/to be skeptic about some things, but trying to "attack" others isn't really fine...

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3 hours ago, Joseph Maynor said:

Nice to see you on the Forum Shanmugam.

Great compassion. You know :)

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11 minutes ago, Cakrasp said:

Yeah... I mean : it's okay to not agree with some things/to be skeptic about some things, but trying to "attack" others isn't really fine...

You clearly didnt watch the video.

There's Only One Truth!

My book on Enlightenment and Non Duality

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4 hours ago, Shanmugam said:



Psychological dependence 

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@Shanmugam I think you make a lot of important and valid points. One thing that was very eye-opening for me on your list was how Sadghuru's followers should have no beliefs, and this is something that they all must conform to. That's mind-blowing to me, because it's recognizing that even the hardcore practice of not having beliefs is a belief itself. Woooow! LOL

In all seriousness, I agree that one should be open to be critique of a spiritual gurus views. When you feel that you're not allowed to do that, that's really a reflection of the followers and the perceived religion that they're creating around the master. Just like followers of any religion, they take what the master, or Lord, says to the literal truth.

Leo does a pretty good job on Actualized to make people aware of devotees and their idolizing ways and it's important to do so, so that people don't fall into those traps themselves.

I wrote an article about the cult-side of Enlightenment and shed a little light on how the appearances have nothing to do with actual Enlightenment. I think you might like it:



Edited by Freethinking Guru

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@Shanmugam Cultist are cultist and whether they worship a living being or an idol it is still from the same paradigm. How can we help them move from that paradigm in the best way?

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Interesting thread. One thing that separates the wheat from the chaff for me is:

guru: "I am a guru"

teacher: "I am you"

Not all teachers say this aloud, but you kinda sense it. But again, Im not into gurus.

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2 hours ago, Freethinking Guru said:

@Shanmugam I think you make a lot of important and valid points. One thing that was very eye-opening for me on your list was how Sadghuru's followers should have no beliefs, and this is something that they all must conform to. That's mind-blowing to me, because it's recognizing that even the hardcore practice of not having beliefs is a belief itself. Woooow! LOL

In all seriousness, I agree that one should be open to be critique of a spiritual gurus views. When you feel that you're not allowed to do that, that's really a reflection of the followers and the perceived religion that they're creating around the master. Just like followers of any religion, they take what the master, or Lord, says to the literal truth.

Leo does a pretty good job on Actualized to make people aware of devotees and their idolizing ways and it's important to do so, so that people don't fall into those traps themselves.

I wrote an article about the cult-side of Enlightenment and shed a little light on how the appearances have nothing to do with actual Enlightenment. I think you might like it:



Thank you..

Yes, from what I have observed these followers of Sadhguru want to conform to certain standards only because they think those standards make them better. So they are often proud to say, 'I am not a follower of sadhguru and I am not a blind believer'.... But this is a very dangerous thing.. Believing in something without knowing that you are believing... It is dangerous when you think erroneously and with emotionally motivated reasoning but believe that your way of thinking is brilliant and superior.. 


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8 hours ago, Prabhaker said:


Is it true that Jaggi Vasudev murdered his wife?




Not sure which version is true, but this link will give more information on this:


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I didnt read the article or watch the video, but do you think his methods are wrong too? his 5 minutes yogas and inner engineering and all that.

Of course if you gather a large following people will worship you whether you want it or not. Of course sadhguru can say ignorant stuff sometimes, like that science backed up water memory and such. but does that matter if his methods work? If you actually take his inner engineering courses and you actually have amazing results, does anything else matter?

I appreciate your alarm though, I appreciate people who remind me not to be a sheep because sometimes i can slide unconsciously ;) 

Edited by Viking

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@VikingEven if he's a cerial killer it doesn't matter. All it matters is how can you make use of him. If he offers you blissfulness, take it, who cares who he is.

Ps. I'm not saying that he's bad just making a point that what he is have zero relevence

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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Where there is fear, the subtle movement of belief (self deception) will inevitably follow. 

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@Viking No... We need to keep his methods and talks different... The methods do help...My talks and posts are only about the blind behaviour and taking everything he says as true...

@Salvijus Whether one makes use of him or doesn't is totally different.. It doesn't mean that everyone should worship him and that his statements should be taken for granted without any scepticism...

First, you didn't watch the video but, you are just making quick conclusions about a person that you never met in your life... This behaviour in itself will turn off any random and sane person who is reading it... Sadhguru's own followers bring him down more than his critics... Unless you are open to what I have to say, you can never get my point...

Edited by Shanmugam


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19 minutes ago, Shanmugam said:

Sadhguru's own followers bring him down more than his critics...

Both belief or disbelief make for self deception. To be able to attend to what is said without either acceptance or denial is a necessity to understand in communication. To accept blindly, or to deny without understanding first, implies a conclusion was made prior to any attempt to attend to what was is said. This all implies fear, and seeking psychological security in ones own preconceived notions.

To be enslaved to desire, seeking to be validated psychologically. This is where thought becoems corrupt, contradictory, and causes conflict in relationship-communication. 

Edited by Faceless

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6 minutes ago, Faceless said:

Both belief or disbelief make for self deception. To be able to attend to what is said without either acceptance or denial is a necessity to understand in communication. To accept blindly, or to deny without understanding first, implies a conclusion was made prior to any attempt to attend to what was is said. This all implies fear, and seeking psychologically security in ones own preconceived notions.

To be enslaved to desire, seeking to be validated psychologically. This is where thought becoems corrupt, contradictory, and causes conflict in relationship-communication. 

Indeed - and how often is disbelief legitimized/rationalized as healthy skepticism or doubt, when there's a quality of fear to it in actuality? Quite often I'd say.

Edited by robdl

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Part 2 - Is Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev Promoting a Cult?


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20 minutes ago, robdl said:

Indeed - and how often is disbelief legitimized/rationalized as healthy skepticism or doubt, when there's a quality of fear to it in actuality? Quite often I'd say.

Fear striving to evade itself, nourishing the very movement of fear itself. 


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It all boils down to whether or not there is an ending of this psychological knowledge. Clinging to knowledge that severs self-interest. 

Until that ends, continuesly every day, minute, every second, fear will continue to call the shots, and influence unholy action (incomplete-contradictory action) 

There is no understanding in the absence of freedom, as the i who seeks security in time. 

Edited by Faceless

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