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Weakness of stage turquoise?

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I've come across this video a few weeks ago and it was the first time, i've recognised, that Sadhguru could talk bullshit as well.

While he is absolutely right on everything he is saying, it must be stated, that he isn't remotely close to the truth, because he isn't integrating everything that could be possible.

In this video he is stating, that basically every elected government is legitimate, because it was the peoples will.

Well, the nazis in Germany were elected as well, and that doesn't work out well, as we all know. Sadhguru is not aware that democratic nations could have a broken system. And he does not recognize that this broken system can never express the will of the people.

So i was thinking about, how is it possible, that someone like Sadhguru could talk so much nonsense:

While watching him, i have noticed, that he completely convinced from what he is saying. It seems like, what he is saying must make a lot of sense in his head. Therefore i have to ask if it's possible, that stage turquoise has an holism-trap?

Is it likely that turquoise people tend to have strong opinions on topics, they don't know anything about, because it sounds so convincing in their head?

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@Sockrattes Ammmm.... Look. Sadhguru says, yes, democracy is broken. But he says there's nothing better then it right now. And if you don't bow down to people's will the consiquences will be disastrous. We would move back to the terrible way of changing power by blood shed. Now, like never before, we can change power without blood shed. That's why we bow down to democratic proccess and that includes respecting and supporting what people have chosen.


I don't see a single mistake in what sadhguru talks about. It just takes same brain to see it. 

If you don't agree with sadhguru then it means you not smart enough to understand him. He has no opinions he only has crystal clear perseption of Life. Whether it's spirituality or politics. He sees things the way they are. With such perseption you can't be wrong ever. 

It would be a very arrogant mistake to think that you know better then sadhguru. 

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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43 minutes ago, Salvijus said:

@Sockrattes Ammmm.... Look. Sadhguru says, yes, democracy is broken. But he says there's nothing better then it right now. And if you don't bow down to people's will the consiquences will be disastrous. We would move back to the terrible way of changing power by blood shed. Now, like never before, we can change power without blood shed. That's why we bow down to democratic proccess and that includes respecting and supporting what people have chosen.


I don't see a single mistake in what sadhguru talks about. It just takes same brain to see it. 

If you don't agree with sadhguru then it means you not smart enough to understand him. He has no opinions he only has crystal clear perseption of Life. Whether it's spirituality or politics. He sees things the way they are. With such perseption you can't be wrong ever. 

It would be a very arrogant mistake to think that you know better then sadhguru. 


The misconception here is that every democracy is the same. Which is ignorant, to put it nicely. Every democratic system has it's flaws. There is no doubt about it.

But the American one is kinda exceptional, which could be rooted in the fact, that the nation is so old.

Basically on every list, which compares democratic systems, the USA ranked bad or at best mediocre.

This means: The US democracy can be better. It is quite easy to get that. All the US-Government has to do, is changing the voting system to proportional representation for the house of representatives, instant-runoff-system for the presidency and the senators and getting rid of gerrymandering.

Can you tell me, if Sadhguru has anticipated that?



I'm not judging Sadhguru. I think he's awesome and i like his videos a lot.

What i want to talk about is, the weaknesses of stage turquoise.

To me it seems like Holism can be used to make a certain worldview permanent, if you are not cautious.

Edited by Sockrattes

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5 hours ago, Sockrattes said:


Can you tell me, if Sadhguru has anticipated that?


Well if you were able to think of it, I'm sure he thought of it million lightyears ago.

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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"every elected government is legitimate, because it was the peoples will"

We create our own reality for better or for worse. Politics and governement systems represent and originate from collective wounds. 



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Focus on this formula, forget the rest.

Weakness is focusing on these stages/colors. They are distractions from true being.

Edited by pluto


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On 16.07.2018 at 11:18 AM, Sockrattes said:

In this video he is stating, that basically every elected government is legitimate, because it was the peoples will.

Well, the nazis in Germany were elected as well, and that doesn't work out well, as we all know. Sadhguru is not aware that democratic nations could have a broken system. And he does not recognize that this broken system can never express the will of the people.

@Sockrattes Sadhguru knows that the democratic system can be broken (he even mentions that in the talk).
What he is stating is simply that the other alternative is bloodshed.

Electing Hitler has led to the second world war with millions of deaths. That is true.
Did people stop him with their protests? No. That is because there are loopholes in the democratic system that allow people like him to win.
The people did not stop him, because once he is elected - he is the one that has the power and will defend his rule, even if it comes to bloodshed.

The question is: why was Hitler elected? Because of larger socio-economical reasons combined with his charisma.
He was able to convince people that he is the right ruler and in doing so - he exposed his own methods so that the public is more resistant to them today.
We haven't had any Hitlers since. We haven't had any world wars since. That is because we have learned our (very expensive) lesson.

When it comes to Trump - he is also a product of larger socio-economical reasons. He is able to manipulate the public to the degree that allowed him to win the election. He is the product of exploitation of the mass-media, but he has exposed his methods and hopefully - we will learn our lessons.

Electing idiots by the public is the strength of the democracy, because electing idiots makes the public wiser the next time.
To deny the idiots' right to learn is idiotic. America will be fine.
It takes more than one 'idiot' to bring it down.

Edited by tsuki

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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@Sockrattes To address your original question (in the topic name): turquoise people are not infallible.
Stages of spiral dynamics have nothing to do with being successful. They are a measurement of the degree of complexity you can deal with.
A turquoise person lets himself see the world as much more complex and nuanced than a blue person sees.
That doesn't make that person any more effective with dealing with it.
It makes that person's solutions more complex, or far-reaching in response.

It can obviously backfire when you cannot gauge the importance of the problem and over-analyze it, via various tools.
A turquoise person can 'solve' any problem by detaching from it, so that can also backfire on you really badly.

Bearing with the conditioned in gentleness, fording the river with resolution, not neglecting what is distant, not regarding one's companions; thus one may manage to walk in the middle. H11L2

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I think it's a turquoise core trait that's either a blessing or a downfall : trust; depending on the circumstance of course.


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