
Say Yes to the Truth, it will guide you in every stage of your life :)

8 posts in this topic

The minute you genuinely say Yes to Truth
inside your Heart, a subtle vibration is felt.
Don’t overlook it. If you are open,
it will guide you in subtle ways.
Day by day, you become increasingly aware of it.
Sometimes, it may just whisper.
Why whisper?
You bend down to listen.
In the beginning you have to make an effort to listen,
because other voices are also talking inside your head.
You must engage your discerning power
to identify which is the true voice.
The less of ‘you’, the person, there is in your life,
the more Truth shows itself.
You begin to see things in a much lighter way.
However, the more one identifies with the ego self,
the more heavy life becomes.
There is a message in this: Relax. Trust.
Walk like this—observant. Move like this—empty.
Don’t wait for It to come.
Recognise: It is already here.

~ Mooji

Edited by Salvijus

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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@Salvijus This is a really nice quote from Mooji. Discerning between your pathological mental chatter and your true self is very challenging in the beginning, but you develop that discernment over time. It becomes more obvious when what is not you starts to feel more and more foreign in your being. It's all about shedding those foreign layers off of you. Thanks for sharing!

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Thanks for a positive response :)

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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Great indeed! :D

I simply am. You simply are. We are The Same One forever. Let us join in Glory. 

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It is already here. The potential to discover what you and this reality is, and it will surely guide you, it has a nice way of doing it, of cleansing you and raising you. Grace from a master or grace from meditation must come, only then can we enter the other side, only then can we know Truth.

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