Leo Gura

Spiral Dynamics Stage Turquoise Examples Mega-Thread

653 posts in this topic

@Carl-Richard That's kind of what I'm doing, I'm keeping it at like a chapter or two a day.  
You're limiting what could ultimately be helpful for other people who are 'serious' about the work.

I'm not copy pasting, I'm writing out the words, bit by bit, going through and learning it myself - I put an entire days work into getting examples from my own awakenings that I feel could really help people out - people who are worried about death, who don't believe they have a soul, who don't know how to visualize an inner world, all these good things.

I don't want to link to my journal, it seems like a shallow way to represent this material...

But by all means, supplicate the fast food "quick in and out" era of information.  God forbid people are urged to read something.  

I have plenty more stage turquoise material to share.  Really amazing books - that people are simply going to be too lazy to read unless you make it that easy for them.  That's how people are anymore nowadays. 

But we'll see...

I'll make links, and share them three at a time.

You guys should take the time to read it.  I have many more sources other than this, since Zero made it known about his views on this material - I have dozens of other books that can be cross referenced for someone who is looking for their own personal proof/truth into the validity of their own soul.

So, links it is.  Ugh... I just didn't want to, in the future, have to send people links to my journal, I thought it would in the long run be better to have it here.  It seems more communal, then directing traffic there.  Now when I send a link, it'll just look like a tacky way of redirecting traffic to my stuff.

My goal was to have a few books, with chapters pertaining to certain subject laid out, so that I could use the links in the future to quick reference, and send someone that way if they need the information, and to have a directory of it, so when someone asks about reincarnation, or something, then they can get a very thorough answer that they deserve.  I'd hoped to have enough cross references with enough detail that people could creatively come up with their own answers about how they feel on the topic.

As someone who has had an experience of my soul, and multiple souls - there is a component missing from this forum, that I had an awakening to before ever coming here, spontaneously, and it is like seeing people missing out on a piece of the puzzle.

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Bernardo Kastrup's center of gravity is actually vMEME Yellow. But his field of study comes across vMEME Turquoise principles.

I'm sharing this particular video because it's the one in which he goes at length trying to explain the significance of  vMEME Turquoise, in our perception of reality, from the point of view of vMEME Yellow,  which I find it quite interesting...

Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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Is this a fair space to ask, please recommend futuristic turquoise inclined enterprises of any kind.

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“Eternity is in love with the productions of time.”


“If a thing loves, it is infinite.” 


William Blake 

Edited by Bernardo Carleial

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أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن ليو رسول الله

Translation: I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and Leo [Gura] is the messenger of Allah.


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TITLE: A System Built on Lawlessness and Lies Cannot Last - Shunyamurti Teaching


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