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mostly harmless

SDI Stage Violet, Coral, Teal ?

9 posts in this topic

Thoughts about stages Violet, Coral, and Teal?

The Coral, Teal and overview slides are from this presentation:

Different sequence:    

It seems, several people have their own ideas about Spiral Dynamics. Potentially confusing. Credibility unsure. Relevance, of course, relative to personal stage of development.

The first image I found does illustrate the integration of previous stages.


sdi 1.jpg


spiral_dynamics_aqal_BIG cropped.jpgBildschirmfoto 2018-07-15 um 05.03.00.jpgBildschirmfoto 2018-07-15 um 05.12.47.jpgBildschirmfoto 2018-07-15 um 05.12.58.jpg

Bildschirmfoto 2018-07-15 um 05.15.14.jpg

Edited by mostly harmless

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I think Sadhguru is white, when you really see his being he appears white like a sun. But even that is a projection of the ego he's really nothing that's why he talks so much about nohtingness, you can transcend this all at once if you embrace nothingness, black. So what comes after white is black basically, it all starts at black and ends at black, full circle.

Edited by Tetcher

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I think that anything past Turquoise, is just grasping at straws a bit. I feel like the model is getting a bit theoretical and trying to map things that don't really exist yet. I can notice and accept everything up to stage Turquoise. But Coral and beyond just seem a bit extra. 

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Don't get ahead of your skis.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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This isn’t spiral dynamics, a coral vision would be something like epigenetic eugenics - utilizing mental programming to influence gene expression in the species

Edited by 11modal11

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And there is where the magic happens. The complete dissolution of Reality ( beyond psychic ) as we know it, blooming in a transcendental fusion. 



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That's an excellent graphic.  I think the reason we can't actually see what it is, is because it's a singularity, beyond anything we know.  It might be the merging of man & his machines for instance.

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