Hero of Time

Jung and orange/green as anima/animus?

2 posts in this topic

Last night I was discussing spiral dynamics with a friend who is also listening through @Leo Gura's series on the topic.

I made a speculation and wanted to submit it to the group for reflection and criticism. I’m sure I’m very wrong on this, but the idea was too intriguing for me to pass up.

In Jungian self-work, an individual must first confront his shadow (the disagreeable aspects of his/her personality) and then his anima (in men) or the animus (in women) before a genuine encounter with the self can occur. When properly integrated, the shadow allows a man to properly integrate his feminine side (anima) and a woman to properly integrate her masculine side (animus).

What if
a person’s shadow is orange or green,
and his anima / her animus is the opposite color?
And in order to achieve tier two,
you have to integrate both of them?

This would mean that I’m currently trying to develop as a man so my shadow contains very warped masculinity I am trying to integrate. These are typically orange traits. Once properly integrated, I will be ready to encounter my feminine side (typically associated with green values).

For me, I was raised very blue with mostly blue values and some orange thrown in. I have not integrated a healthy orange yet, and know I need to before trying to integrate into a healthy green (as Leo’s green examples mostly piss me off, LOL)

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Interesting idea, but I feel as though it is kind of like forcing a square shape into a circular hole. The models don't fit together very elegantly. I would agree that orange has a lot more masculine trains and green being more feminine. I think that, to a lesser extent that's true for all of the individualist Vs collectivist stages. There may also be anima/animus aspects that wouldn't fall under orange or green, which could fall under the radar if you try and use the two models together. I think it may cause a narrowing of your perspective so be careful with using both. It's an interesting idea though

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