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1) What is it actually? How vital is it for a fully actualized life?

2) What drives discipline in different types of people? Different perspective of discipline for different Spiral Dynamics stages

3) Leo's personal observations on how his discipline drives and perspectives changed over a period of 10 years. What were the milestones/key shifts?

4) Is there any alternative to discipline? What happens to discipline when it's taken to full circle?

5) How to coordinate Discipline and newly discovered non dual Truths (like life is meaningless, there is no doer etc) especially for those who are on this path?

etc. and etc.

I know I should be finding these answers for myself experiencially. But I would like to look at @Leo Gura's take on it.

Edited by Preetom

''Not this...

Not this...

PLEASE...Not this...''

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