
I don't (barely) drink water, ever

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Hello all,

So I wanted to ask your opinions / knowledge / advice about the importance of drinking the right amount of water.
Since I have been a kid, I have been hooked to drinking milk, and still (now at 24), I have this habit of drinking a lot of milk, daily.
I drink it for breakfast, for lunch and for dinner. When I am at home (I am a student), I don't drink water at all. I drink 1-1.5l of milk a day, but not a drop of water.

How bad is this habit? Should I change it? I don't feel like it has negative effects on me at all. But maybe I am missing out on something?

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It is probably not optimal. If you like milk so much maybe you can try oat milk instead or some other vegan alternativ, and see how that feels/tastes.

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Fascinating !.... perhaps you are one of those naturally gifted who can just do whatever without consequences. Also genetically people in some regions such as Eastern Europe and Caucasian regions are quite tolerant to dairy since they have been drinking it for thousands of years. 

Your body needs the minimum of 500ml of water to be able to perform very basic functions. This would be surviving not thriving. 2l would be much closer to the optimum. That being said milk is still mostly water so unless you feel dizzy, nauseous or have a problem with skin and mucosal drying in eyes, tongue, throat etc...you are probably hydrated enough. 

If it was me drinking that much milk, I would spewing mucous out of every opening in the body and sneezing like crazy being allergic to every single allergen possible but seems for you it works. 

Just out of curiosity, where did you grow up?

Edited by Michael569

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1 hour ago, Michael569 said:

Fascinating !.... perhaps you are one of those naturally gifted who can just do whatever without consequences. Also genetically people in some regions such as Eastern Europe and Caucasian regions are quite tolerant to dairy since they have been drinking it for thousands of years. 

Your body needs the minimum of 500ml of water to be able to perform very basic functions. This would be surviving not thriving. 2l would be much closer to the optimum. That being said milk is still mostly water so unless you feel dizzy, nauseous or have a problem with skin and mucosal drying in eyes, tongue, throat etc...you are probably hydrated enough. 

If it was me drinking that much milk, I would spewing mucous out of every opening in the body and sneezing like crazy being allergic to every single allergen possible but seems for you it works. 

Just out of curiosity, where did you grow up?



I think I can actually do pretty much whatever without consequences now that you say that.
I have never been really been 'sick' either (apart from the occasional cold, and once I had food poisoning while travelling in Asia) (but I hope karma doesn't get me now).

Anyways, I grew up in Belgium in a bigger city, right on the outside of it, so no special region.

Edited by Tistepiste

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As long as you are getting the water in some way. The healthiest way would probably be fruits, that water is the most alive :) Coconut water is also excellent and full of minerals/electrolytes.


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I used to drink milk a lot! I used to value milk as to be better than water, and Im young enough to not feel any side-effects.

I stopped drinking milk when I really wanted to thrive... there is some bad stuff in the milk that I found out was there only when I studied the topic, but why I really stopped was because of food combining rules. Milk will screw up the digestion of anything that is not protein-based. If you would eat potatoes and drink water aside, you would have a much better digestion than with drinking milk.

Consider healthy options to milk such as soymilk, or oat milk, almond, coconut, cashew, the vegans will name it.

If you ever get digestion problems, I think its the milk.

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Water-wise you are good. Want better airways and more fluidity? Skip the dairy. I was a compulsive dairy user, even grew up with buffalo milk (better than cow's milk) from my grandparents home. I noticed in my teenage and 20's while a believer and mostly on the mind, that dairy affected a great deal my bones. Only after I've awakened the dairy won't affected me negatively. So in my experience dairy is optional for those awakened and damaging for those stuck in the mind. 

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Do you have any health problems that worry you? - if so I'd start with drinking more clean water

Because if you don't, water helps flush your body of the nasty stuff so it will keep you healthy in the future 

I drink about 3 liters of filtered water a day.  I love drinking the stuff, but I filter mine heavily. 

Maybe you're not a fan of tap water? 

I use this filter http://www.southerncrosspottery.com.au/ultra-slim-water-purifiers/black-pearl-en.html with the fluoride filter  

and have looked at getting this one https://mypurewater.com/shop/steampure-distiller/

One tip that helps me drink more water is I use a one-liter mason jar. In much the same way having a large plate will cause you to

eat more food, the same is true with your water. So I just know I have to consume three jars a day - which is super easy !!

As for milk, personally, I don't drink it. There are many arguments against/for which I'm sure you can find online.  If you're worried about it - switch some of your consumption to almond milk. Ethier way I'd be hitting up the water though 



Edited by wpw

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Sounds like you're doing fine to me.  If you're not thirsty don't drink water.  I'd recommend the highest quality milk you can find.  Full fat, grass fed, happy healthy cows.  

“Curiosity killed the cat.”


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On 7/13/2018 at 7:36 PM, Igor82 said:

I used to drink milk a lot! I used to value milk as to be better than water, and Im young enough to not feel any side-effects.

I stopped drinking milk when I really wanted to thrive... there is some bad stuff in the milk that I found out was there only when I studied the topic, but why I really stopped was because of food combining rules. Milk will screw up the digestion of anything that is not protein-based. If you would eat potatoes and drink water aside, you would have a much better digestion than with drinking milk.

Consider healthy options to milk such as soymilk, or oat milk, almond, coconut, cashew, the vegans will name it.

If you ever get digestion problems, I think its the milk.


Interesting. I always eat potatoes together with milk. Maybe I should change that!

@wpw and@InfinitePotential  Thanks for the info!

@Quanty That's crazy.. I am still stuck in the mind however, haha.

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@Tistepiste very very interesting question...I am actually the opposite of you, I barely ever have anything else other than water except milk occasionally, and I don't have any negative effects from this either. I would highly recommend drinking water as it is the ultimate cleanser for your system and whilst milk is obviously good and both are bad if you have too much, water is simply what you need to keep healthy I feel, when I have had days with little water or tried to substitute it for something else I feel extremely dehydrated and my body is crying out for it, but maybe you have a different metabolism than me? Interesting...also what @pluto says yes coconut water is great as well, may not be mineral water but it pretty much the same and has the same effects. So my advice would be, if you can, cut down on the milk a bit and try getting into water and you can have and enjoy both in moderation :)

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