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Incorrect Assessment of Spiral Dynamics

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It seems common on the form that individuals assume that the Spiral Dynamics stages evolve to the thinking common in Mystics (commonly thought of as turquoise on the form). Dr. Don Beck, co-author of Spiral Dynamics has refuted this, stating the theory is about the emergence codes to solve "real-world" problems not "out of this world mysticism." This is a common misconception of the theory he has addressed. For Example Margaret Wheatley has been labeled as a Turquoise thinker. In THIS THEORY higher levels are not intended to point to mysticism. Not that there are not other theories that do consider that, however to assume that higher levels such a turquiose imply characters such as eastern mystics not solving "real world" problems is a misapplication of the theory.



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That's right. Spiral Dynamics does not map mysticism. Mysticism is way beyond Spiral Dynamics. Spiral Dynamics is talking about trends within the evolution of human culture and value systems.

The problem with SD is that its inventors were not themselves mystics. So the model doesn't account well for mysticism.

Ken Wilber is a mystic. So he has his own models which are similar to SD but which also account a bit more for nonduality.

As I will say in the next video, once you reach Yellow, your goal should really be enlightenment, not Turquoise or SD. Break free of the entire cycle of life and death. Put all this nonsense monkey-business to rest.

As good as Don Beck may think SD is for solving world problems, in the end, all world problems are just a hallucination. SD is ultimately Maya. Of which you must break free.

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55 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Spiral Dynamics is talking about trends within the evolution of human culture and value systems.


@Leo Gura Leo, how does it also map individual development then? Should we really, as individual people, try to get to the next stage? 

I've been observing quite a bit and it doesn't seem to fit. Yeah, sometimes someone is a typical example of a set of cultural values of a stage. 

But a good theory of individual development should be valid across cultures and ages. Spiral dynamics is clearly only valid in our time. And quite a lot of people don't fit it at all, because they combine all the influences.

I thought I had my blue-orange transition at age 24, then I remembered how I've had had green values at the age of 9.  

There are no clear stages in people.

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@Elisabeth There are stages if you learn how to apply the model. It takes study and care to apply it properly.

Many people are stuck in Blue, Orange, and Green. And SD is good for showing you how to evolve up.

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@Leo Gura Agreed, another problem is that the natural development is usually contingent upon life conditions that most would likely never have, so to “evolve” one would need to condition their thinking for their best estimation of hypothetical circumstances.


*For the highest tier(s)

Edited by 11modal11

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