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Enlightenment and Sexuality

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What does enlightenment mean for sexuality?

I mean I am still having a hard time grasping the real concept of enlightenment so I could be spilling absolute bullshit right now.
After reading this post of Leo:

I feel like Sex, Sexuality, seems something that is identified with 'you'. As if it something that arises from within an unconscious Being?
If there is no 'You' ('You' does not exist), if anything you see is a 'figment of your imagination' ,"'You' and 'the world' merge, erasing the physical distinction between self, other, and world.".

I feel like Sex is something coming from a personal desire which is connected to 'You' of some sort, so which is not 'real', but just.. I don't know, I feel that it is hard to explain.

Or am I totally wrong and enlightened people get as much pleasure from sex as people who are not enlightened?

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Indeed. When you become whole you feel complete, nothing is needed for you to feel any more complete. You can still enjoy things you used to do but they become more sacred and empowering than ever before and you do them more for a greater purpose than a personal one.

So you are more likely to experience them far less often which doesn't devalue your existence or nature of enjoyment or pleasure whatsoever as when you become whole you feel like you are in a constant state bliss anyway so nothing outside of yourself is necessarily needed to feel amazing all the time.



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