
Electromagnetic Vibratory Frequencies

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I got some downloads last night about the electromagnetic vibratory frequencies of humans and most humans on earth vibrate at 40,000 - 60,000 Hz (cycles per second) on average although this constantly fluctuates moment to moment. Those who are more into self-actualization/realization average around 95,000 - 165,000 cycles per second and those who are more awake to their true selves vibrate on average 165,000 - 200,000 or above cycles per second.

The Buddha and Jesus had a vibrational frequency rate around 300,000 cycles per second and when one reaches 333,000 cycles per second that is when the physical becomes non-physical or the threshold between physical reality and spirit(if you will) or 5th density is at 333,000 cycles per second or a vibratory frequency of 333000 Hz.

I am guessing the more Enlightened Beings and Gurus, Monks, Sages, Yogis, Teachers ect.. today vibrate between 200 and 300 thousand as when all of humanity is at peace or the general movement of the planet is that of a peaceful and harmonious life, we will all vibrate roughly above the 200 thousand range where we will be living in 4th density thus more "quasi-physical" as we are still physical to some degree just embody more of an order of spirit/knowingness/beingness.

(if you may)

Here are also a picture explaining different vibratory frequencies. I believe 1 = 1000 cycles/hz.



Edited by pluto


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What are wonderful share :) I love this kind of information.

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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36 minutes ago, Solace said:

What are wonderful share :) I love this kind of information.

Haha! I find this information very strange and overflow. 

But we all have our ways to understand things but I can’t understand how this can be known and if it’s significant :)

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I found this video recently that explains more of the above image and how those measurements were made. My insights/downloads came upon arising and during a quasi-physical/dream-like state(if you will). I also get these insights/downloads/visions when i am in deep meditation or other similar things.




Edited by pluto


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@pluto Is it right to say that the biofield frequency of urine will be the same frequency as the human body or higher? Also are biofield frequencies and prana the same? And what is the biofield frequency/electromagnetic frequency of superfoods such as organic spirulina, flaxseed, cacao and raw honey in comparison to fruits? (i.e. "According to Gabriel Cousens, M.D., two of the highest solar-enriched foods are organic spirulina and flax seed in various forms, including flax seed oil.")

Imagine the biofield frequency of pure love if that was measurable? Sunlight would have a very high biofield frequency too, and fresh air.

Thank you, I'm interested in all this :) 

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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@Solace Probably its core-frequency would be more accurate for urine. I will hopefully get more answers for more specific questions you have asked with the intention on them to be answered but you can also do this yourself by asking and having the intention before meditation, sleep, connecting with higher-self ect.. whatever works for you.

You could say biofield is another term for prana, there are many. I believe the superfoods you mentioned are up there with the herbs so i would estimate 15 - 30+ mhz some possibly higher, it will come if it needs to.

Chemical sunlight would be far beyond our comprehension/understanding as with energy of Pure Love.

There are also pyramid structures and sonic vibratory instruments people have made to accelerate our overall vibration but that's another topic. 

Nothing will work better than what you emit yourself :)

Well said @Arkandeus




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@pluto Thanks, I'll try that in meditation (if I don't fall asleep first! My body is still adapting to the state). Sounds really fun :) 

I also feel that the more filled with the vibration of love a being is, the more this love is synergistically reflected in their water. That's it's potential.

Edited by Solace

Feel your hearts embrace of this moment of existence, and your love will awaken in everything you perceive ❤️ 

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Let it be :) Cannot be measured in "light" terms.  

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13 hours ago, Dogsbestfriend said:

@pluto  Let me guess there's no way of accurately measuring someone's frequency? 

There are some devices people made but their accuracy is in question. These downloads i got mentioned that in future we will have these devices and those who naturally vibrate higher are more connected to infinite intelligence so they can know and scan/read other peoples without devices in their own way by feeling.


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Jesus and Buddha. How would we have information about their vibrational frequency?

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1 hour ago, Tistepiste said:

Jesus and Buddha. How would we have information about their vibrational frequency?

I received this as a download from my higher-self/higher-mind(so to speak) as that is what i asked specifically. We can tap into this higher-frequency-intelligence or some also call it Akashic Records to receive this level of information. There are also people who channel higher intelligence as trance-telepathic states which tune in those higher dimensional beings/entities ect.. which can also provide this information further.



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@pluto Skeptical. Seriously why does new age spirituality need to take in this notion of frequency and vibration and butcher it.

There is no inherent connection between ”harmony”, or higher emotional state and a higher frequency wave.

I think weve just gotten used to using the word ”low frequency” to mean ”low conciousness” or someone who is generally more ignorant to reality. 

I really believe different words need to be used. Using the right word for the right thing is necessary if language is to be useful.

There is a very, very specific definition of what frequency is. Leave it as the speed of the cycles of a wave, emotional aspects need to be left alone until theres concrete correlations between them :|

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This is not "new age spirituality", this is "simple physics".

The words i use resonate with me and others of that particular wavelength(if that serves you). If it doesn't resonate with you, absorb what does, discard what doesn't.

Consciousness > Energy and when that Energy Vibrates at a particular Frequency it creates the illusion of Physicality.

Nikola Tesla's famous quote of Everything is Energy, Frequency and Vibration didn't mysteriously come out of thin air, the man was a genius among geniuses and arguably the most intelligent human who ever lived and possibly the closest embodiment of infinite intelligence in physical form.

I do not waste energy, everything i post has value or i will not bother. I am here to assist the awakening. I simply provide what i provide and if it does not serve you that is fine, the information will remain.

It does not matter, you do you :)



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6 hours ago, pluto said:

I received this as a download from my higher-self/higher-mind(so to speak) as that is what i asked specifically. We can tap into this higher-frequency-intelligence or some also call it Akashic Records to receive this level of information. There are also people who channel higher intelligence as trance-telepathic states which tune in those higher dimensional beings/entities ect.. which can also provide this information further.


This is scary to me, I have never heard of such a thing but I am intrigued. So it came to you as a vision of some sort? Or what gave you the information? Still a lot to learn I see. 

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@pluto Energy, waves and frequency and how they relate is interesting.

And you are right, everything vibrates at a certain frequency (I forgot, sorry for that misunderstanding).

But it’s still such a complex subject with multiple layers to it, I just don’t want assumptions to be mixed in the way we understand reality, isnt that what we are trying to get away from? Seriously, its why the scientific method was introduced, so we wouldnt just assume these truths and assume that we know for sure how these systems work.

Buddha and Jesus are not people you know, if we are honest these people are symbols. All you see is there impact and they exist in ur mind, how can you know that these ”downloads” are not just information that you fabricated from your own mind, based on YOUR assumptions.

Conciousness = Energy? Are we sure, is it true? I just see too many assumptions and baseless claims to be convinced.

You are right though, this is just me, maybe in your experience theres more depth and understanding in this area that im just not getting.


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On 2018-07-12 at 1:36 AM, pluto said:

I got some downloads last night about the electromagnetic vibratory frequencies of humans and most humans on earth vibrate at 40,000 - 60,000 Hz (cycles per second) on average although this constantly fluctuates moment to moment. Those who are more into self-actualization/realization average around 95,000 - 165,000 cycles per second and those who are more awake to their true selves vibrate on average 165,000 - 200,000 or above cycles per second.

The Buddha and Jesus had a vibrational frequency rate around 300,000 cycles per second and when one reaches 333,000 cycles per second that is when the physical becomes non-physical or the threshold between physical reality and spirit(if you will) or 5th density is at 333,000 cycles per second or a vibratory frequency of 333000 Hz.

I am guessing the more Enlightened Beings and Gurus, Monks, Sages, Yogis, Teachers ect.. today vibrate between 200 and 300 thousand as when all of humanity is at peace or the general movement of the planet is that of a peaceful and harmonious life, we will all vibrate roughly above the 200 thousand range where we will be living in 4th density thus more "quasi-physical" as we are still physical to some degree just embody more of an order of spirit/knowingness/beingness.

(if you may)

Here are also a picture explaining different vibratory frequencies. I believe 1 = 1000 cycles/hz.



This makes perfect sense to me.

Makes me wanna do more kriya yoga :D

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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@MarkusR They are not assumptions, they are knowings. When you open yourself up to source you receive.

You either know or you dont, there is no in between when you are awake to the true nature of your being.




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6 hours ago, Tistepiste said:

This is scary to me, I have never heard of such a thing but I am intrigued. So it came to you as a vision of some sort? Or what gave you the information? Still a lot to learn I see. 

After you wake up to your true self, everything becomes natural. You understand what is authentic and what is not by default. You are connected so you see everything you need to when you need to. This is going with the flow, this is living in the moment. The Enlightened State resides in the pure presentness. It is being itself.

Everything comes to you naturally. The information came in form of sacred geometry while in a lucid DMT-Like state around 5am as i woke up. Its similar to reading books that are more like codes, patterns, fractals of energy containing information and it can be like downloading a whole book in a flash, everything is extremely amplified in the higher states(if you will). Higher states because you literally vibrate at a much higher frequency as the higher the frequency the faster we vibrate and the less dense we become.

In these states as you think so it becomes, instantly. Where in physical reality as a denser vibration, manifestation takes time to occur. On higher density/dimensions(frequencies) there is no time so imagine experiencing even 1 second of infinity.

Its available within all of us, tune in :)

Edited by pluto


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