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enlightenment is physical and it is certain

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the more one is in the present moment the more time/space there is right now

it is magic yet very physical

for any average person it does not make sense to situate themselves a decade or 20 years ahead, this is automatic, it's natural instinct

one knows one will have evolved and gone through many changes, one will be a different being

meditation as one's own space time grows enormously 


time/space can grow so much that the next hour or the next day is exactly the same as the next decade or the next year, 


Meditate, time/space grows, nurture the present moment, hours and days and minutes will become so long one pay's more attention to what is now naturally, it only makes sense to pay attention to what is happening this month

to what is happening these 2 weeks

to what is happening this week

to what is happening this day

to what is happening this hour

to what is happening this minute

to what is happening this second





Edited by Arkandeus

Stellars interact with Terrans from ÓB (Earth’s Low Orbit).!

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Indeed, is similar to the period of growth in childhood. 

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